• Bulimia: destructive lifestyle
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Hello everybody! I am very grateful to you for your comments! Sick about 2 let.No learned only today - 01, 06, 10.Govorila acquaintances that I have bulimia - I joked. Because it is constantly hungry and think about food, but now I see - it was not a joke ..... It was very scary when I read the correspondence ... All the symptoms on the face ... Just do not induce vomiting ... Recovered 2 30kg year ... My husband bought a treadmill, but I rarely go up to him ... And the husband rarely comes up to me, or rather for a year does not fit ... stunned by these metamorphoses that occur to me ... It is necessary to ask the Lord God and quietly begin the path in the right direction ... Good luck !!! I love you!!!
You need to go to a psychologist or psychoanalyst, to cope with this is not only ........... self-awareness and self-acceptance will help overcome this! The adoption of such a life for what it is, it is not ideal, but still beautiful, in general, do not spare money - and forward to the competent spetsialtistam in psychology, bulimia is the only symptom and the disease itself, and that is, it provoked - somewhere in the depths of us .........!
Can you please tell how to save teeth? I am treated by bulimia. but the teeth stagger a bit. I am 16 years old. and I'm scared.
*** ovo it all !!! The very sick .  I am a student .  At first I did it 2 times a year, just at the session, on the night before the exam .   there nerves with *** . and even I realized that it is not for me, what I study, but parents said, to finish .   Then the photographer was fascinated by very thin, about the disease has not yet even know, and had no time to be ill .   Then go home, my mother saw me, she said that skinny and began to fatten .  When I came back, I realized that very recovered and wanted to lose weight to its former size, en there it was, sat on a diet, then a week eats from the belly and two fingers in his mouth .  Then I tightened .  I began to do it more often, almost every day, sometimes several times a day .  I realized that with me was bad, when one clear morning I was attacked by the strongest attack, and I was in a hurry eat that badly cut on the tin .  Blood was be healthy .  Here it is necessary do not love yourself, your body ?! And every day over the toilet .   again and again . Naturally I hated myself for it, and all honor for honor ceases to communicate with your friends and really interested in life .  But I think it's because of me, because of my dipressii (I still the guy threw up all this nightmare) But amazingly, I have long suspected about his illness .  And even in the disease its name is, . Bulimia . Now I see that I'm not alone, and that is the real dependence .  We addicts .  But we have to fight to try different ways .  Again and again .  And erase this stuff out yourself .  Disruptions will be! But less and less .  You can not decomposes .  I believe that it is possible to win .
is someone like .   but I better complete than permanent dependence on food and it's a stupid sense of guilt .  despite the fact that most of us - the normal weight category men .  why we ourselves do not like us After all, the ideal is not in the external frame and the internal content .  and what kind of internal content to say, when one thought only about food and how to be, at first, quietly eat and then thinking (what is it heavy) as from all this quietly and noiselessly rid .  scary all .  fed up .  Is all life and pass? I married here and has .  More I do not want to deceive anyone .  all . I know someone who can help .  and he has long been known that, but not sought help because it is always so - she can handle .  nothing like this .  Lord Jesus - God almighty .  He accepts me and loves in any state .  I will learn to look at ourselves through the eyes not "glam-silicone-rotated-on-diet-world" of the world, and his eyes .  girls, I try .  and be sure to accomplish your goal of the process .  I'm just tired so to live .  And this is not the life .  All the best to you, your favorite .
I don `t know, even if it is fair that there is such a disease as a bulemiya.Poka accident on God's providence I did not see that time thought better of it and stopped before its too late !!! Only 3 days until I started to do what you do vy.Ya vUzhase Just read all that you did for yourself pishete.Teper ODI VYVOD.Chto No thanks, I do not want to live and think only about how to lose weight and constantly consider these kalloriyami.Luchshe'll start pitatsya sports and healthy food. People think again that you delaete.Eto same TERRIBLE !!!!!!!!!
Treated for bulimia begin only when you have something very frightened and want to rapidly move on! And if you know what waits for nothing and will not wait? Neither friends nor relatives, even a fortune due to your natural bad luck? Sense then treated for bulimia? One consolation - you die so slender maiden .... And not depressive hamster ... The people are treated, do not run themselves! And I was quite still ....
3 years sick of this plague .   nachilos all that I lost, and began to like myself . And there are always wanted, but I held back, control your appetite . Then he used brains were in first place, the emotions and feelings suppressed . Well, in short as a once chatted with a guy on the subject as it is, so do not get better . I told him his subjects, and he his .   I'm stupid and naive beztolkovaya decided to try . So to have, but do not spoil yourself . A complete shit happen .   Shit, suffering is now 3 years . Bottom line: all striving for, collapsed like a house of cards . Damn, I want to live, I want to look good, like a normal girl . This broke my bulimia . Restore is possible and necessary . But forces will have to collect more than double .   but recovered, the track will stay for life is a constant monitoring .   but better izbavtes from bulimia than depend on the fucking disease . It is necessary to find the target (pancake which I exchanged . ) I hate myself from what is weak and so easily give up . Yes bulimia is a psychological disease . And all of it is different . It is necessary to search his soul layer interior . I think everyone knows my problem, but does not speak and does not ask for help, because ashamed . For example, my problem is that I was not a child straight so beautiful, because at me boys did not pay vnimnie, and was a coward . In short, I became involved in dance and choreography knocked out of me this crap . But again, there was another bulimia . Now it is my goal .   not to give up on the rest of my life . It will be hard, I know, but the result will be my INDEPENDENCE .  Good luck to you all! each of us builds his church in which we ourselves live . important not to hurt yourself . R . S . : development of the theory is this: you do not staish on the spot or you climb up or katishsya . And you do not scram . down
Yes, I do not blyuyu, and I hope I will not, but also guzzle, and then blame myself . during the week I stay, I eat healthy food, etc. . d, but once there come the weekend, my husband and I go out to meet friends and all tusy, and since I'm thin, I'm always all take out the chtoya I supposedly nicho do not eat (and I did it, but the good zdorouyu food, but they do not understand) and now, every time I take out all about my weight and I have in front of them there are all sorts of things, and moreover in a huge . amount, I pushed into itself everything for the evening can eat half a kilo of potato chips, various chocolates, cakes, etc. . d, and when we psole partying going home, I can not otsanovitsya - and be sure to call in in makavto or to the store and buy it all sorts of different salads, pancakes, pasties, but finally everything in the eyes fall - and coming home I overeat like a beast , seizing it all again, chocolate, ice cream and cake, then with a terrible stomach pains and go to bed and waking up - I hate myself and fast for a few days, and then again at the weekend the same thing . bulimia do not know it or not, but I am living 1, 5 years old, I was already tired of everything, I scold myself - and I want to go back to a past life, but I can not - I am constantly thinking about food .  I'm 24, my height 161, weight 36 .  I want to live as before, but I can not - always thinking that I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, develop a daily menu, which includes only healthy foods in general, 18 hours a day, I think about food .   heck! how to get out of this, I'm afraid to get better - though I know that it is necessary, but after obzhiralok not move away from the mirror, all I think where I went to these chips, chocolate, and so McDuck . d .   tin !!!!!!!!!!!!
I read a lot of comments, he is now analyzing all knew that, too sick, year and a half I spent time on binge eating and vomiting, even when she became pregnant, but unfortunately for 3 month miscarriage, I was very worried, but determined to be enough. I paused, then gave birth to a healthy baby, but I decree appeared despondent I started again a couple of months really. I think it is necessary to cut at the roots and do something else until it tightened now full stomach vomit does not go a hundred to do next will think tomorrow.)))
I am all of the above is also very close and familiar . I suffer from bulimia for about 8 months .  It all began with the fact that one friend told me that they have a neighbor - a young woman, so does that to lose weight and look good . Well I have this information in your head stuck .   and one day I, too, decided to try .   once, twice, three .   really began to lose weight, I was able to eat more - osobenoo sweet .  but after 5-6 months began to emerge remorse, because the whole procedure has become systematic, and have to give it up it was hard .  though when I worked and lived at the same time with your friends and there is calm .  Then I moved back to my grandmother and then began !! - The fact that, like all grandmothers MY also has the property VNUKOskarmlivaniya !! I was forced to eat just cunningly tempting goodies !! I refused in the beginning, but when this pressure is constant .   fight it hard . and there comes a time when you zdaeshsya ((only for the sake of what would no longer hear the accusations, grievances and complaints in the party !! so I start eating up all that I will give, and in such amount - it is fraught with weight gain . and therefore it had to again resort to cleanse the stomach from all the grandmother's evident! to all my requests and explanations of the reaction I was as follows - "I do not care .  I do not know what it is .   okay .   If you do not want - you do not eat . "But the food was left in plain view while continued long touted grandmother . simply did not have the will (((Now, realizing that their own well-being much more important than my grandmother's problems, I decided to move out of it again . To friends .  and let me be the cost of the apartment, despite the fact that I have in this city a proper place to live besplattno (2 grandmothers) . but maybe I can recover from bulimia .
Kaaaaaaaaaaapets !!! A couple of months blyuyu.Travmirovalas-not able to play sports and began to depression ... no! (But after prochitanogo -poyavlyaetsya everything) Gradually I begin to understand that it is pulling narkomanka.Menya! I read here implications -zhut.Strashno stalo.Ne could understand what teeth poleteli.Mne 24.Vse find beauty. And I'm a fake slips. Begin voynu.U we all will do horosho.Davayte sposobom.Sportom yourself to others, such as
SW .  Natasha, I agree with you that we must try to get the most out of life in a positive and hide it from bulimia .  But if not then squeeze out the positive? Now I have one, 5goda ago my mother died, my father away, calling once a month .   Friends needed fun, and pull me out of the loneliness and turned out to anyone interested dipressii .  So I live alone, even in the company feel lonely, eager to hurry home, but at home too, no one is waiting, and all tormented memories that a person who was needed and was not understood until he was gone .   I catch myself thinking that I do not consider myself worthy of happiness, because it did not protect a loved one .  And to me it is only 19yo, ravesnikov I do not understand the children more .  I so want to spend the most kid came to my mother and wished .   But in my apartment, entered the budget to pay the pensions have not stopped, you need to keep, and the higher will never get, if not now .  Aid no-off of any moral or material .   So it turns out: the day I was strong-willed, independent, I solve all problemmy, and I come home and relax, whether that .  Thanks though not alcohol and drugs - it's even worse food .  So it's all individually, and to give good advice in this matter is very difficult .  And shame that bulimikov believe slabokami .  This is not true! Fight with your head every minute, so much so that no one noticed - very difficult!
I'm sick of 8 years, I do not know kikim miracle child endured has given birth, but the child has diathesis and asthma, in the clinic is not money itself does not work, because the husband and the child must be prepared to eat, gout have tortured, joints, teeth, kidneys, dizziness, nausea, and a bunch of all, I feel my grandmother.
I do not know, bulimia or not .   Today read a bunch of articles and first thought .  A year ago I deliberately lost weight at 10kg, I dreamed about it all my life (though now I understand that it is necessary to lose the same amount ideally) .  After weight loss failures and panic began to *** that kg back - I do not induce vomiting, laxatives do not drink, I understand that it is all artificial and inefficient, I was just a few days almost nothing eat & gt; breakdown & gt; Week of suffering and gluttony & gt; hunger .   At first I thought it was a natural - sorry for their labors, the desire not to lose the form, but for some reason I can not hog it (otherwise it will not name horse-portions), and just eat your fill? This "fill" I did not exist, only when the stomach is stuffed to the brim, and I feel a little bit more and the food goes out, then I stop .  These periods of gluttony I consciously linked with the possibility of complete privacy (holiday, sick) .   I want to communicate with people in times of famine only .   I think it's bulimia .  Well, if she does not, then exactly schizophrenia .  Is that all? Vobscheto I willed person, able to deprive ourselves in something, and then I did not inspire myself to fight, just as a job, go and eat! I do not know your character .  I vpanike of helplessness! From a *** and that things can get worse, and I'm not going to deal with it .
Dear bulimiki! and one thread tried to start "self" to raise self-esteem ?! I realized, after reading all the comments, that the only thing that helped people: dancing, hair, skirts, cilia - it's all to raise women's self-esteem, mood rises, suppressing dipressiya which tend to obscure the nature - unfounded, chronic I would say .  When the likes currently -Do you like others, comes the harmony of the individual with the world and fading emptiness that we used to jam .  All clear .   but, damn it, such as the hard to please myself, when 8 years zhraniya blevaniya and I evolved from a cute girl in a decrepit old woman ever padavlennym mood and hatred of his impotence in the face grub .  How many opportunities I missed spending time on this crappy mania .  I can not work in the last hour quietly see out -I need more in boutiques and home .   glut oneself and puke .  6 years have been a mockery for health harmless (if interrupted every 1-3 days), but the last 2 years is rapidly beginning to deteriorate health .  I've never read comments bulimikom .   hell, it was unreal scary! P . S .  All study book as a clever love yourself, to forgive yourself offense, tune in to a positive, and so on . d .  CAN NOT do this with - and thus of the love and respect yourself !!!
and if you do not "lady" doubly ashamed, then at least you can tell her friends, and I even think about it ... what a shame I do not know ..
Dear ... I myself bulimik, pechalno..Chitayu all this and in every letter I find sebya.Zanimayus sports, good at pitanii..U bulimia me started with the fact that two years ago I was very thin on a diet, the doctor told me recover, otherwise there will be physical development. It was in a terrible state. And all my "recovery" has become even more prablematichnuyu reality ... in bulimiyu..Ya can keep yourself a week, two ... The main thing to make yourself and Accepted tablets, contributing to the rapid absorption of food, it removes the sense of "oppression", the desire to vomit Stay waning ... ladies. We are strong
It seems I'm too blna bulimia .   On anorexia I heard before, but about bulimia accidentally learned today from a magazine .   I read almost all the comments on this site .   fearfully .   Sick little less than a year, about the consequences of not thought, sight and so not really, it was only to hurt his throat .   everything else is fine, but very scary .   I am now 20 years old, whole life ahead .   From 12-13 years become plump, appeared cellulite, stretch marks on the leg, there was no folds .   But complexes on the ears, and even more .  Trying to deal with the weight exercise, diet, sport quickly get bored, no one diet did not survive .   She asked my mother to help, but its sole purpose to stuff me with food, so help from her, I could not get .   friends are thin .   which increased even more my no confidence .   somewhere in September 2008, she stuffed, and before that looked Clip Pink Stupid Girl, remembered the girl with vomiting .   I thought, even though they are Stupid, but they are thin, very poprobyvala first was disgusting, vile and for that lie, and what blyuyu, and for that money down the drain .   Now ostalalsya *** with only that one of the family learns and disappointed in me .   From September to March, she lost 15 kg from 75 to 60 kg at growth of 174 weight I think is normal, but the way it was received scares me .   I learn, work, communicate with friends, play sports, like a full life .   but once I crossed the threshold of the house .   It picks up a piece, there ITAM, and then another slice of .   and .   .   .   .   .   . .   .   .   .   .  .  
Well, everything.
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