Skin, hair and nails - the mirror of health of our body. Any cracks on the mirror eloquently tell about problems inside. As part of our image, curls can tell a lot about its owner. Not only hair color and length can tell you about the woman, but their condition.
Strengthen hair - this is the fundamental problem, without which have beautiful healthy hair in principle. Today, this problem is very serious, because the hair is weakened by many factors: stress, unbalanced diet, incorrectly picked up cosmetics, mechanical damage during combing, atmospheric pollution. Exclude these evil influence on the hair is difficult, but possible, so work to strengthen the hair must be enormous and multilaterally.
The most affordable and the inexpensive way to strengthen the hair follicles - scalp massage. Slow circular movements of the fingers need to massage the scalp, causing a rush of blood. Even more effective it will be, if the pre-applied to the scalp special lotion. You can massage your head at every opportunity - for example, when washing. For combing is better to buy a brush that is not scratching, and delicate acting on the skin, will also aide in improving blood circulation and strengthening the hair
Strengthen hair - on what to look for
Correct cosmetics
Poor or incorrectly picked up cosmetics may also provoke the weakening of the roots and subsequent hair loss. Shampoo, conditioner, mask, lotion - this should not save, picking up a series according to their type of hair. In cosmetics, hair loss today are active ingredients such as menthol, capsicum, arnica. Be careful: if your hair is thin and weakened, and the scalp is very sensitive, strong substances can have the opposite effect - is not curative, but annoying. In this case, you have to give up these funds in favor of softer or turn to traditional medicine.
Gifts of Nature
If there are so many natural natural remedies that can help cope with the problems of hair - why not use them? Concentrated blend and decoctions of herbs can be harmful for ingestion, but externally - just right! It has long been used to strengthen hair onion, garlic, aloe, burdock, nettle, buckthorn and castor oil. A decoction of its branches can be rubbed into the scalp, and can be taken orally as yagody.-
An Inside Look
No external healing does not help if you do not treat the body from the inside, taking the necessary vitamins and minerals for the particular problem. Diet may also help get rid of excess fat on the thighs, but with it one day may be gone ... and hair. Balanced nutrition - the key to beautiful and shiny curls. Flexibility gives them vitamin A (found in carrots, dried apricots, onions, red pepper, asparagus, spinach), with the luster meet the B vitamins (found in various grains), opposed the destruction of bulbs vitamin C (available in citrus, apples, pickled cabbage
Sauerkraut - the main source of vitamin C
, Cherries, black currants). Eliminates the hair from breaking the right amount of iron (look for it in the liver, apples, egg yolk), and for the beauty of hair in general is responsible sulfur (it is found in large quantities in garlic). Calcium-containing products are vital to hair strong, but the desired effect is necessary to take them in the evening. Carried away by vitamin complexes, do not forget that many vitamins are fat soluble, and will not work without the fat content in the diet.
In addition to these important measures to prevent hair loss and brittle hair, and remember the elementary precepts of daily treatment with hair
Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
. Wash - only warm, not hot water. Combing - only dried up hair quality massage brush with occasional (not metal) teeth. On the beach and in the city do not forget about sun protection, while an additional load on the hair in the form of sea salt, hot tongs, painting - immediately podlechivat of neutralizing the damage. Then the hair will respond with gratitude, which expresses power and gloss.
Eugene Zhirkina
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