• Fur coats from rabbit - affordable beauty
  • Warm fur

 rabbit fur coats warm fur

Warm fur for the cold winter

Rabbit fur - a stylish way to keep warm during the cold season. Rabbit fur is very soft to the touch, fur, short or medium length. Painting can be very different. Coat of rabbit suit and a young fashionable women and older women. For adults and serious - painted in a dark color or a knitted rabbit.

For the young, slender women - Vintage coat of rabbit unbuttoned over a white shirt and blue jeans in spring and autumn. Hollywood is considered good form to buy fur coat in a second-hand, because it helps to save the life of the new rabbits. If everything will go to vintage clothing, you need to kill rabbits and other animals just disappear. These coats possess many in the west, pride of low fur Fur - Luxury is timeless  Fur - Luxury is timeless
 And beautiful clothes which cost the lives of new animals.

 Fur coats from rabbit - accessible beauty - warm fur


Adherents of faux fur is worth recalling that the synthetic fur made from ... oil - non-renewable natural resource, the extraction of which is associated with severe environmental pollution and oil wars. Faux fur is not biodegradable. Therefore, advanced designers and fashionistas prefer natural fur as more environmentally friendly.

Fur coats made from rabbit fur winter, because in the cold season, warm fur of animals as much as possible. Cost of rabbit fur depends on many factors and can vary from several hundred to several thousand dollars. Earlier coat of fur could afford only the rich ladies. Now, thanks to online shopping, the development of livestock and light industry coat of rabbit fur - one of the most affordable. Manufacturers furs and shopkeepers does not make sense to keep the high price of rabbit fur, because then they will not withstand a large competition. Nevertheless, today the coat - a symbol of luxury and women's solvency.

Fur rabbit allows designers to show greater imagination: color, a combination of contrasting color fur, different styles and ways of finishing. So rabbit, with a special approach might look like any other fur - imitation of the more expensive furs of the rabbit with the help of popular today than ever.

 Fur coats from rabbit - accessible beauty - warm fur

From what to wear

 rabbit fur
 Rabbit fur coat you can wear with jeans and evening dresses - a fur truly universal.

Perhaps most importantly in a fur coat rabbit does not even own a beautiful soft fur and original style and fashionable silhouette. For example, rabbit fur coat from the wardrobe Jessica Simpson - contrasting alternating black and beige vertical stripes fur is perfect for bright blondes. Long flying knee-length coat emphasizes the tenderness and fragility of a young girl. Knee-length is considered ideal for coats. Too long coats quickly lose their shape, too short and not so warm. At the same time, rabbit fur is very light, so the girl wearing a rabbit fur coat, feels at ease. Jessica combines bright coat with local black slacks and a sweater, and, of course, high heels.

For many girls and women buy fur coats - this acquisition is not for one season.

When buying coats need to pay close attention to the quality of the fur: if you hold a hand against the hair growth should clearly bottled coat and undercoat. The undercoat is soft and more short than the hairs of wool. It is important that the hair coat were the same length. The length of the undercoat should also be uniform. The quality coat made Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage  Fur - Fashion nobility and charm of vintage
   the lower edge is sewn to the lining, so the purchase can be seen as a rabbit fur and skin, and joints, they must be very strong.

 Fur coats from rabbit - accessible beauty - warm fur


With proper care and storage of fur from rabbit ability to enjoy its possessor from season to season. Rabbit fur coat should be cleaned every year, and it is better to trust the professionals at the dry cleaners. Especially it is not necessary to clean the coat itself, if there are serious pollution. The same applies to damage the fur - fur professional can sew, so that it will not be noticeable.

Keep rabbit fur coat should be in a cool dark empty space. Fur must not come into contact with other clothes, it can not be stored in the bag Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe  Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe
   - All it would alter the structure of fur. Coat should be hanged on the broad strong shoulders, so she did not lose shape. Fur very absorbs odors, therefore it is necessary to avoid any aromatic agents, cigarette smoke, because the clean smell of fur will be incredibly difficult.

 Fur coats from rabbit - accessible beauty - warm fur

 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit
 Fur coats from rabbit
  • Fur coats from rabbit

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