- Diana Gurtskaya through the looking glass
- Behind the glass
October has come, in the words of a classic. And let our grove otryahaet sheets are not as central Russia - but we in Israel, "the court," "Song of the Year 2002". With the indispensable Angelina Vovk and Evgeny Menshov with her. The songs, melodies vary, replace one other performers come, and enjoy while watching a certain constancy in leading. However, Alla Pugacheva at the time of removal of the communist guardianship also appointed for life. And thank God that she no longer have to listen to advice, orders of high-ranking party kulturoznavtsev always had the opportunity to snap, "do not let go!". Today that the "Song of the Year" no prima donna?
By the old familiar - Alexander Malinin, Alena Apina, Boris Moiseyev - joined more fresh forces, "zazvezdilsya" in recent years, many of us are not found there, but liked (or did not like) HERE: Maxim Galkin, Diana Gurtskaya Anna Reznikov "Prime Minister", "brilliant", "Cream". And next quite fresh shoots Israeli breakthrough - Eddie Butler, "T7", "Maxi Boom." The team assembled, ready in early November to go to the Israeli audience with their revelations. We wait-with.
Even in the twilight you can easily look for a picture of Diana on the Billboard Gurtskaya. Dark glasses are not close-as if obscured her face. They say other Russian journalists suggested Diana a lot of money for the right to take pictures of her without glasses. Not for sale...
- Why give an occasion to examine sightless eyes? I take off my glasses only when a number of the closest people - is responsible in such cases, the singer. She learned how to take a punch, show business - not for the weak. And she can not go to the scene, in any case impossible. Because the scene - the thread that connects it with the world. The place where it is given to see through the "magic glass". The air it needs to breathe in order to live.
- To paraphrase Mayakovsky, I say: I sing, and then - I live - says Diana. - Song - not a whim, it's my life, a way of existence. On stage I feel this energy coming from the room .... But I'm different and I am not able - just sing.
From the Files
Diana Gurtskaya. Zodiac sign - Cancer. She was born on July 2 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia), the son of the former miner and former teacher. The youngest daughter. He has two brothers and a sister. Older brother Robert - her director. Blind from birth. Medicine has not reached the level to give her vision. Singing since childhood. She graduated from the school for the blind. Musical education: musical school in piano, Moscow School. Gnesin.
Up to sixteen years, she suffered much because of his blindness, cried, complained of their fate. And then came the turning point - Diana not only resigned to the fact that will always live in such a world, but it has found many reasons to rejoice. The family has always surrounded it and surrounds love. Not so long ago left the life of her mother that Diana calls "unique."
- She never thought of myself, protect us, know how to forgive, - says Diana. - It was, as I said, very beautiful ... and calm. My mother was loved by all. I would like to become a mother, which she was. Strange, but the more time passes from the day of her departure, the more close people say that I look like her, that at some point in their suddenly struck by the similarity of my with it - smile, an oval face.
Recently released my second album, I was very glad I put his heart and soul into it. There is very dear to me the song that gave the name to the whole album - "You know, Mom ...". This song has turned much of my life - I feel that I can talk through it with his mother.
That's it, when I was still very little, I realized that I was attracted to the sound of music, singing, and gave the toy piano. On it I began to pick up all of the tunes that are heard. And my first concert took place, of course, at home, the first applause ...
And on the "big" scene Diana came for the first time in ten years - in the Tbilisi Philharmonic. And she sang a duet with anyone else, but with the Irma Sokhadze. Remember this? "Orange orange Mom kids orange orange sing songs ...". Following the presentation, we remember it and even started to learn on the streets. But the main thing - from that moment Diana Gurtskaya realized that her life is just there on the stage, from where the people in the room raised a wave of love, wherever possible and her happiness.
- Our family almost all singing - says Diana. - And my mother sang, and her grandmother. But it was the only profession for me. When we were little, and I started to sing, my brother Robert has always wanted to join, sing along with me. I stopped him and reassured that you do - there is no hearing. But now I can say that it was Robert largely "made" singer Diana Gurtskaya. He's very smart, Robert, very sensitive and caring.
The same on the early childhood Robert was almost drowned sister at sea. Over time she learned to swim, but the fear remained, she was still afraid of the water and ... birds. In giving the award "Ovation" she gave the live parrot, which led to the horror of the singer. Large cache size settled in her house "with serious intentions" - had Diana, overcoming your fear to get used to the feathered neighbor.
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Behind the glass
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