Alexander Abdulov
 Alexander Abdulov lived on the set more thirty years. He's one of those actors whose fascination with time only enhanced, and people's love which grows regardless of the rate of replenishment filmography.

Alexander Abdulov was born in Ferghana. His father was a director local theater, and his mother - make-up artist. Of course, the childhood of these children extends beyond scenes, including makeup and theatrical costumes, thus, after some time, theater they start or hate, or lift up to unprecedented heights. To Alexandra Theatre has become a shrine.

In his youth, the future People's Artist of different rebellious temper and a penchant for inspiring hooliganism, and thanks to a rare charisma, he He got away with it. Of course, no one was surprised that the boy from acting family, besides the person with extraordinary appearance, went enroll in college theater. The School Shchepkin Alexander did not accept. He He returned home and studied at Teachers College. But it's worth noting that this study was a mere formality for him - most of the time Alexander She held in the theater of his father. The following year Abdulov successfully passed exams in GITIS the course Rajewski.

It so happened that laid down in early childhood love the theater is preserved for life, it is also the life and determined. In the middle seventies Alexander Abdulov was in Lenk, who once and for all to become the actor's second home. Mark Zakharov immediately entrusted young talent the title role ("The list does not mean "), which was soon awarded the prize" Theatre Spring ". At the same time he is an actor made his film debut in the movie "About Vitya, Masha and the Marines. "

Popularity came in the late seventies, after the role of the Bear in the famous film "Ordinary Miracle". It seemed it was a reward for persistence: in a few not entirely successful attempt at writing for a number of episodic roles for hard student life, when an unknown aspiring actor from Fergana unloading wagons at night and during the day trying to make themselves known inhospitable city.

The further fate of the actor known to all. A year after "Ordinary Miracle" on the screens out one of the most successful Soviet melodrama the movie "Do not part with your beloved" which starring the couple Abdul Alferov. Since then, each work has added popular young actor. He did manage roles perfectly pampered boys For measurement not a morality ("Carnival", "The Most charming and attractive "), one of the best roles were in the films of Mark Zakharova ("That Munchhausen", "Formula of Love", "Kill the Dragon").

In the eighties Abdulov was the most popular actor of the Russian cinema. Released in several films with his participation, sometimes their number reaches ten. Komsomol and Soviet critics have accused in his "unhealthy popularity" and Abdulov still proud of this reproach. Afterward the actor says in the interview, he did not remember how many movies he starred, and it It is not ostentatious negligence.

I stay afloat actor and the most difficult for our cinema time - in the nineties. Moreover, as already recognized Classics he could afford to choose. At a time when many of our actors solely for earning starred in terrible comedies and detective Abdulov managed to "save face." At the same time actively developing its own offspring actor - Entreprise Alexander Abdulov.

One of the latest to date, of the actor - the main role in the movie "Valdai triangle". The idea of ​​the film belongs to Abdulov, he also participated in the creation of the script. After a few months premiere to take place on the First Channel.

But now fans of the actor cares more. For several months the whole country watching over the health of the idol. Alexander Abdulov He was taken to hospital in Sevastopol, on the night of August 18, during the filming of a new film in Balaklava. A few days later the actor was taken to Moscow, and later - To Israel. In early September, he was diagnosed with lung cancer fourth stage. For several eminent doctors have refused such an important operation, but He gave its consent to the personal physician of the US President and Nobel Laureate world famous microbiologist Richard Klausner.

Daria Petchorin

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