Alexander Fathi Kostinskaya
 Actor profession, as it is banal sounds - the profession is highly ungrateful. The main role, higher fees, portraits in magazines, the love of millions of viewers, or at least the recognition on the part of most of these viewers - because it all goes to units. In recent years, however, the number of recognizable faces increased due to utter the number of television series. But even this is only a drop in the bucket: the majority of the actors and are either little known or completely unknown. And it is not always talent and hard work, just one chance does not fall at all, the other falls once in a lifetime, while others are literally lying under their feet every day. Actress Alexandra Fathi belongs to the category of actors who know in person, but in order to remember the name, and where they have seen, the situation is more complicated.

 Alexander Fathi (Kostinskaya) fighter invisible front

Early debut still guarantees nothing

 Alexander Fathi Kostinskaya
 Alexander V. Fathi, nee Kostinskaya, was born June 13, 1973, and all his childhood and youth was held in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Named first, and then restored to its original name of St. Petersburg .  It should be noted that in the acting profession Alexander debuted very early, at the age of eight .  No, it did not belong to the category of child actors who since childhood to know all the delights the hardships and temptations profession, having to his credit several films .  But direct vociferous girl in 1981 was invited to participate in the dubbing for the Soviet viewer of the painting "For Your Eyes Only", the next film in the series about the adventures of James Bond .  Despite the fact that participation in dubbing the tape for Alexandra was short-lived, that it had a strong influence on the choice of future profession - a girl imbued with an aura of magic of cinema and in her soul had a dream about aktёrstve .  So in 1990, at the end of secondary school, Alexander Kostinskaya not hesitate long to university to do a profile, she wanted to be was an actress .  Confidently entered the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema (LGITMiK, now Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy), Alexander successfully he studied and least successfully completed this famous university in 1994 .  Alumna immediately took the service in one of the leading theaters in the northern capital, the theater named Komissarzhevskaya .  On the stage of this theater she worked without success for 9 seasons, being employed in such productions as "The Lion in Winter," "Scandal in Grand Opera, or Borrow the tenor", "Lady of the Camellias" and other .  However, the film, which in our country has always been the main way to build an acting career and acting principal means of existence, Alexander did not spoil attention .

 Alexander Fathi (Kostinskaya) fighter invisible front

Television, advertising, dubbing: not a single live theater actors

First tried his hand at cinema while still a student in 1992 in the film Paul Chuhraja "key" to the future Alexander Fathi had every reason to lament the fact that her relationship with the movies does not add up .  That did not notice it in the theater named after Komissarzhevskaya filmmakers, and that's it .  Yes, and the 90s were not the yields in the domestic film .  So by the end of most of these 90 she had to find other ways for self-expression, and for obtaining sustenance .  And she found the best options .  First and foremost, it is in 1999, he remembered his childhood experience of dubbing foreign films and decided to go this route .  Having trained in the film "Toy Story" in 2001, Alexander has performed its main "dublyazhnuyu role" by renting their voices the main character of the famous French film "Amelie" .  And the work of Alexandra was so professional and inspired that for her it was in 2002 awarded the production company "Nevafilm" in the category "Best Actress of dubbing" .  In the future, she continued to work in this field, to take part in articulating such foreign films as "Crossroads", "The Taking of Pelham 123 number," "Sherlock Holmes," directed by Guy Ritchie, and others .

But due to a dubbing was difficult to live, and since the beginning of the 2000s, Alexander Fathi actively involved in this new for our country, the sphere of activity as the advertising business .  Attractive, having sensual memorable appearance and pleasant, melodic put a woman's voice gradually make out the largest advertising agencies with which it gradually became the face of advertising campaigns such promoted in the Russian market (including, and not without her help) brands as mobile operator Beeline , mayonnaise Calve, automotive concern Toyota .  And there were not slow to come in time series: from the beginning of the new century, Alexander became increasingly getting minor, yet different role in TV projects .  Her record includes such well-known domestic TV series as "Streets of Broken Lights", "Turkish March", "Tomorrow will be tomorrow", "lawyer", "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Bast ...", "students" and others .  Soon the actress was so much work that it has even been forced in 2003 to leave the theater named after Komissarzhevskaya .  And if you remember more about the participation of Alexandra Fathi (Kostinskaya) projects in humorous television channel CTC, we can state with satisfaction that at last is an interesting and attractive female actress in demand .

Alexander Babitsky

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