 Every time I come to India, I outlined the program of his stay in the country: where to go, what to see, what to buy. One of the first places in this list is Movies, do you want to see the new Indian cinema on the big screen to enjoy the riot of colors, action and magic of great music.

Do not go unnoticed this point and at this time, although due to the month of Ramadan, movies came too little, all promising releases have been delayed for a month, even a holiday of Diwali has not forced filmmakers, superstitious and believing in all kinds of signs, change your mind and please the fans new movies.

But one of the prime minister, so long expected, and has long been rocking the cinematic world, after all, it took place. October 26 screens in India and around the world was a film directed by Santosh Sivan «ASOKA».

After the acclaimed film "terrorists" that brought him worldwide fame, Santosh Sivan again stormed the hearts of the people of his epic drama, the plot of which put the biography of the great emperor of ancient India.

Producers of the film are the Shah Rukh Khan, who played a major role, and Juhi Chawla Juhi Chawla - thriving around  Juhi Chawla - thriving around
 . After «Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani», adopted by the Indian audience several cool, this is the second attempt to Shah Rukh Khan to create a film of high-end, and probably his dream finally failed.

Despite his chosen historical moment, Santosh Sivan does not pretend to be realistic. This is a great costume drama that shows a few fragments of life of Emperor Ashoka - its maturity and development as a person; his love for the princess Kaurvaki, its transformation from a complete romance in Prince embittered betrayals ruthless conqueror, his repentance and coming to the path of faith and creativity.

Throwing heavy sword into the waters of the raging waterfall, Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka's grandson explains frustrated that we should get rid of it a symbol of destruction and violence, to put an end to the senseless and brutal war. So do not heeding his instructions, clever boy looking in the cold waters of the forged blade and for the first time shed the blood of innocent victims.

Among the family conflicts and intrigues, Ashoka grows arrogant young prince, firmly believe that it is the rightful heir to the throne of the kingdom of Magadha, not his half-brother, a senior Susima. Having gained fame as a fearless warrior, love and veneration of the people, Ashoka incites hatred on the part of stepbrothers. Having miraculously escaped death at the hands of an assassin, the young prince is solved in a duel with his brother to defend their right to the throne. Fearing for the life of his son, his mother convinces Dharma Asoka give up their ambitions and leave. Having lunch silence, she convinces through blackmail Wayward Prince went to the unwarranted expulsion.

Removing the princely clothes and cut hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 Ashoka named Pawan starts life of an ordinary man, traveling along the roads of the kingdom and communicating with ordinary people. So he met with Virat, later became his faithful friend and companion. In one of the villages on the border with the Principality of Kalinga, he meets a beautiful girl Kaurvaki her ten-brother Arya and Bheema - the soldier guarding them. Saving Kaurvaki and Aria from the bandits, the prince accidentally discovers that they are children of the King of Kalinga assassinated.

At the heart of the young prince awakens love, and soon Kaurvaki loves it. The soul sings of happiness in love, they make plans about their future. Pawan oath promises to help bring her beloved younger brother lost the throne of Kalinga. Angered by the scandalous behavior Kaurvaki, Bhim trying to persuade the girl to break up with Pavan, in his opinion, has a very dubious origin. But he can not prevent the wedding: and without revealing his incognito, Ashoka colors parting Kaurvaki red. During the wedding ceremony takes place unpleasant incident: one of the two burning lamps go out, blow out the wind, thus predicting rapid changes in the life of lovers.

After receiving a message about his mother's illness, Ashoka forced to leave his wife immediately after the wedding, promising to return soon. Arriving in Magadha, the Prince discovers that was deceived by his mother, invented his illness as an excuse to return the prodigal son at home.

For the love of Kaurvaki, Ashoka renounces his claim to the throne of the kingdom, implying Susimu that he would no longer mend his obstacles. Inspired by hope, Asoka returns to where recently parted with his beloved, but instead of a happy meeting him will be disappointed and hurt. In his absence, the enemies of heirs to the throne of Kalinga to make another attempt to remove the unnecessary and dangerous contenders. Miraculously escaped Kaurvaki and Aria, hiding in the village, and weeping over the ashes of Bhim convince Ashok, his beloved dead.

Moral destruction Ashoka loses interest in life. Returning to Magadha, he declares war on neighboring kingdom, defeating them one by one.

Tormented by being separated from loved ones, trying to find Kaurvaki Pavan, but her efforts are in vain. Bhim insists on returning to the Kalinga, because its goal - to return to the principality's legal ruler. He takes with him the little prince and Kaurvaki not to part with his brother, is forced to follow a bodyguard, without knowing the fate of a loved one.

Wounded in one of the battles, Ashoka restores power in one of the Buddhist monasteries. There he meets Devi, a young admirer of religion Buddha who hates death and violence. As terrible coincidence, on the day of her wedding, she kills a man sent Susimoy to poison Ashok. In horror, the groom from the bride refuses, their hands stained with the blood, and in gratitude takes Ashoka Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   wives which saved his girlfriend.

Finally, restoring power, the prince returned to Magadha, where he continued a bloody path of war and conquest. With each victory, it is becoming more violent in their actions, alienating themselves from the Devi, who was unable to help him prevail over his past life. Even faithful Virat asks Ashok come to their senses, seeing the suffering of the innocent victims of the bloody war.

The news of the pregnancy of the wife of Ashoka makes Susima again use the services of a hired killer, but this time his victim to become frail wife's half-brother. Trying to protect a daughter, killed Dharma. Filled with rage Ashoka to avenge the death of his mother, he kills all his stepbrothers, thus becoming the sole legitimate emperor of Magadha.

Now his last goal - the kingdom of Kalinga .  But victory in the bloody battle, Ashoka was horrified to realize that he had lost .  Devi leaves him, returning to the monastery .  Overhearing the conversation, that his lyubimayao Kaurvaki alive and led an army of Kalinga, the emperor makes arrogant howl of despair .  Horrified, he rushes across the battlefield strewn with dead bodies, including women weeping, mourning their husbands and fathers, in search of his beloved .  The bloody spectacle turns his soul inside out condemnation and hatred in the eyes of a dying soldier who refused to take from his hands a bowl of water, sounds dumb sentenced him triumph .  A curse words from the lips of his beloved complete metamorphosis of the soul morally defeated Emperor .  Delighted by his appearance a little aria asks Pavan, mate their long wanderings, to protect them from the terrible killer of Ashoka, but struck by an arrow, dies at the hands can not change anything of the Emperor .

Heavy forged blade falls into the water bubbling waterfall, completing a circle begun a long time ago, symbolizing the coming of the time of creation, like a torch, illuminating the path from war to peace, from ambition to sacrifice, from hatred to love.

In general, the film makes an indelible impression. Visual effects and battle scenes are stunning and breathtaking. The greatness of the ancient temples of Orissa immerses the viewer in the distant past, further increasing the perception of history, born in the mists of time.

The game cast is impressive, Shah Rukh Khan looks fantastic in the role of Ashoka. His view is amazing, and full of emotional scenes, no actor could not play this role with such enthusiasm and charm. Kareena Kapoor, who played Kaurvaki brilliantly coped with the role, making the image of the fire of passion and sensuality. Song was written by Anu Malik and the theme music that accompanies the film, written by Sandeep Choate. This touching and exciting melody beautifully enhances the dramatic moments, adding poignancy storyline.

"Ashok" has already captured the hearts of Europeans. This film searing soul stunner, can be called a winner. It is filmed in the style, mesmerizing the audience and makes the viewer to follow the story with bated breath. I hope that soon we will also be able to view it.

And yet, I have decided that the next trip to India, I will go to Orissa to witness the ancient temples, so much struck me on the cinema screen.


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Article Tags:
  • Indian cinema
  • Devdas - the new Indian cinema
  • Rekha - Timeless