Not only the United States can boast many years of series like "Days of Our Lives," "Santa Barbara" and "Dallas," where only the names remain the same main characters, and everything else, including actors, updated and changed. In Argentina, for example, in seven seasons he enjoyed great success for children telenovela "Babes". Her many years already look together not only the audience, "to 16 years", but also quite adult uncles and aunts, which provides consistently high ratings of the TV series and all kinds of bonuses. Famous actors, and then appearing on the backdrop to work professionally kids, beautiful songs, dances, coupled with the adventure story line - all to blame.

Never ending Story

Each year of life "babies" traditionally ended with the release of the album with the songs of the season, the performance, as always, the child actors and their older counterparts, and there was no case to these CDs stale on the shelves.
"Babes" have made a real triumph. The format of the telenovela was sold in Brazil, where he has demonstrated an adapted version of the spot, as well as in Mexico. Out of the series on television screens 32 countries proved how successful may be similar project. We wrote about it in magazines, filming documentaries. "Phenomenal" - that's the only word that could pick up the journalists to describe this story.

The numbers do not lie - so please wait a minute attention: rate - 16 points in Argentina (more than half a million viewers per day) and 20 points in Brazil (three and a half million). CD sales - 990,000 in Argentina and Brazil, three million in just one year. Logs - 140 thousand copies sold per month in Argentina and 200,000 in Brazil. Theater - 300 thousand spectators who attended the third season of production of "babes" in Buenos Aires, and 25 thousand in Sao Paulo (one week tour).
The selection of the actors in Argentina was carried out of 1,500 girls and boys in Brazil, this figure had risen to 2,000.

- Initially, 20 children were selected, - says producer Chris Morena (in addition, it is also the creator of the wonderful music that sounds in the telenovela - in collaboration with Carlos Nilson). - Among them was ten or twelve. We were looking for a feature something different from their peers small actors. To make the right choices had to talk to thousands of teenagers. Each year, the composition of the actors changed. It was sad to lose the children, but many of those who played in the first season, are now working on other projects the television, they have matured. We taught them to do a good job. "Babes" - a kind of "source of manpower".

"Babes" became the most profitable commodity   - Stickers, badges, pictures favorite stars. Magazine "Babes" became part of the commercial success of the project. 80% of the materials of the journal devoted to the protagonists of the series. This edition of the baby quite successfully competes with the older magazines.
Based on the series were filmed three films, the latter attended a universal favorite Argentine (and Israeli) public Facundo Arana.

Feature film "Baby," Corner of the World ", which to date have looked more than a million spectators. The yield on the screens of the tape was accompanied by a mass hysteria that will impress even the battered creators masterpiece.
I hope you do not forget that all this madness is not caused by another megaproduktsiey Hollywood Studios, and Disney's famous company has appeared absolutely nothing to do with this success. "Babes" were released in light of August 14, 1995 Argentine television company "tel", which thanks to the children's TV series has gained a truly global reputation.

According to the creators, adolescents identify themselves with the characters of the series. Besides, history attracts a significant number of women worry about the poor orphans left without parents and struggling for happiness in his little world. This children's telenovela, but the high professionalism of its creators is worthy of all adults. Yes, professional worth the money - if in 1998 the series production cost its creators at 2 million pesos a year later this figure rose to 7 million. The money spent on special effects, artificial lights, construction of these ships and sewing costumes for the large number of small actors. However, the game was worth the candle - millions of young fans of the series are learning life imitating their peers on the screen. Is not that the main task of any creator?

The most surprising was the reaction to the Argentines young viewers in other countries. For example, Brazil. The name of the telenovela has not changed, and the Portuguese word "babes" (c) does not mean anything. Who could have expected that the Brazilian guys so hot perceive this show ?! Imagine, they even appeared peculiar fashion a la "Babes" - special shoes, for example. When they come to represent, they dress up as the characters of the telenovela. Ultimately, it was quite a profitable business, is not it?

Mom for all

Six years in the title role - educators Belen Fraga - the audience saw the actress Romina Yan. Her real surname Yankelevich, sounding familiar to the Israeli ear. She got Romin from his father, producer Gustavo Yankelevich. And her mother - the same producer Chris Moreno, as discussed above. Do not think that the parents took the opportunity propihnul their child the main role - the first time Romina came to television in the age of ten - she quickly became a star in the children's program "Play with me", which was a lot of dancing and singing. Baby went on trial in secret from their parents - even then she did not want to play "to pull". All the same, many years a young actress had to prove that it achieves all thanks to his ability, rather than the influence of the well-known in the body, film and radio world family.

Santa Romina was among the first employees of the Argentine television, radio created uncle, parents - already heard, that is all they are in this world where talented heiress glorious name accounts often unsweetened.

With "Dollar Baby" everything was honest, at first took the daughter, and after about a year into the project entered its mother. On its "conscience" is not only all the remaining seasons of the series, but also film and theater productions, and in general, almost all of which is the phenomenon of "babes".

- At first it was hard, - says the actress - many said that I helped my father. Do not eased my situation and that I myself was not quite sure that the game - it is the meaning of my life. By understanding this, I came later. Gradually it became clear that the telenovela failed, and on the stage, too, was a success. In the end, everyone stopped talking about his father. Or am I just stopped to hear such talk.

Partner-lovers Romina Yan in the "Dollar Baby" were alternately Gabriel Corrado, Fernando Miras and Facundo Arana. Every time it seemed that the best duo and there can not be, but the time passed, a series of a series, and eventually the audience to accept new characters and again objected to the replacement.
Romina managed to find common ground with everyone, but her closest friend was Facundo Arana, famous throughout the world for his role as Alejo / Manuel in "Dollar Baby" (as opposed to Ivo in "Wild Angel" as we thought). With him she then played in the film, his first feature-length tape.

- I love him very much, - she says. - We meet almost every day in the corridors of the studio, and it's very nice.
Facundo acted in the telenovela "Iago", the shooting of which are adjacent to the pavilion where Romina Yan removed in the new series "Discover Me" with singer hopes and Araceli Gonzalez ("Nano") starring. The actress is not very similar to herself in the role of Belen. Four years ago, she lost weight, and in his 26 years looks excellent. I must say, the extra weight does not bother her, "Dollar Baby" dance beautifully and even walking the wheel (in the truest sense of the word!)
She has a beautiful voice, she was on the show a lot of singing, solo albums but is not going to record. Her singing career does not appeal, where there is no acting, Romin get bored.

About her character she describes as follows: "I think it is too good, too clean, there is no drop of anger, which is present in all of us. It's the perfect woman, and its existence is difficult to imagine real life.

Yang managed to establish an excellent contact with children, to shoot with it. During the filming of "babes," she kept watch over their "wards", the next time that they ate, so as not to jump out into the street without warm clothes.

- I have a very developed maternal instinct, - says Romina - I love working with children. Producers were able to see me mom before trial. With children, I like back to my childhood, came into their lives, giving them advice ... It was beautiful ...

Eighteen months ago, she became the mother - the father of her son Franco was one of the producers of the series. Crucial meeting took place seven years ago, three years lasted a novel that they both initially perceived simply as a friendship. But once Romina called Dario, and within two months after this conversation they were not met because of the employment stick to telephones in every spare moment. After such rapid phone novel meeting of two friends have not turned out - both of them were unable to hide their feelings.

When it was announced that Romina Yan leaves "Chiquititas", no one could have imagined that the 5th season of the show will have the same success as the previous ones. The audience felt cheated! But thanks to the talent of well-known actress Grecia Colmenares this year was such that it was not necessary to grieve about the past. But this - the next time.

Irina Grushin

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Article Tags:
  • Argentine TV series
  • Isabelle Heron: "My character has become an obsession for me"
  • Facundo Arana. "Wild Angel"