Carla Bruni Sarkozy
 "The female praying mantis, with a smile on the face of the terminator" - described the heroine of his novel "Nothing special" French novelist Justine Lévy. Her readers did not have long to wonder about anyone yet so poignantly expressed it: Paula in bitchiness they easily guessed model Carla Bruni. Then no one could not have imagined that someday she would become the first lady of France. Resentment Justine was quite understandable to most women: eccentric Karl destroyed her marriage to Rafael Entovenom TV presenter, who was ten years younger mistress.

Her novels are almost always accompanied by scandals. Contact Rafael Entovenom Carl wound up without breaking the civil marriage Civil marriage - it just dies?  Civil marriage - it just dies?
   with his father, a philosopher and publisher Jean-Paul Entovenom. In 2001, when her son was born eagle, the most relevant to the Parisian gossip has been directly related to the fact that the theme of fatherhood. Bruni has dispelled doubts herself, boldly stating that the boy - the fruit of her love with Rafael. She collected men with a zeal worthy of Casanova or Don Juan, and always proudly voiced their list of victories. There were listed Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Kevin Costner, Vincent Perez, Donald Trump and former French Prime Minister Laurent Fabyus. Confident in his own irresistibility star stated that she did not have to marry any of them, she just anybody did not see that man, with what she wanted to tie my life forever. This man could become only the twenty-third President of France Nicolas Sarkozy.

 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: the first in all respects

"New Jackie O."

 Carla Bruni Sarkozy
 Compatriots grown accustomed to the current status of Carla Bruni, although at first in the mass consciousness of the population, "the country of Cezanne and Parmesan 'can not understand how a woman could be the wife of the first persons of the state. But Americans imbued with sincere sympathy to her and call her "the new Jackie O.". And we have to admit, the association emerges is not the most blasphemous. Of course, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis not labored in the modeling business, and was not involved in rock music, like her compatriot Italian origin. But she was as sophisticated aristocrat, which received an excellent education, a "style icon" and a charismatic personality. As for the "forbidden" and other novels, "strawberries", the life of Jacqueline, they also have taken place, but this is a very special story.

 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: the first in all respects

Music, fashion and money

 Carla Bruni Sarkozy
 Love for music Carla inoculated literally from childhood .  Her stepfather Alberto Bruni was a self-taught composer, and his mother - a professional pianist .  But the family was quite surprised when the grown girl chose the path is not a symphonic musician and reckless rocker with a very unique style of performance .  She sang and shouted and nearly whispered lyrics of his songs under the accompaniment of a guitar .  Oddly enough, it turned out to be the reason for the success of her albums in France, and in 2004, Bruni was awarded the National Award for best vocal .  During his musical career, Carla Bruni has earned at concerts and CD sales are several times more than in the time given to modeling business .  And this despite the fact that it is one of the twenty highest-paid models in the world and its 'podium' revenues reached 7, $ 5 million per year .  Subsequently musical ability and his wife Carla appreciated US President, Michelle Obama .  It is presented in a gift Bruni-Sarkozy acoustic guitar "Gibson" .

 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: the first in all respects

Starts and wins

Carla Bruni has repeatedly confessed that he prefers to take all the initiative in their hands. No exception to its rules and with men: if the shocking last Frenchwoman would like to have a relationship with someone of the stronger sex, she did not hesitate, she made the first step forward. So it was with Nicolas Sarkozy. They met by chance in one of the private parties, and liberated Charles playfully asked policy, if he has "cars" in which he could throw it to the house. The completed this trip, already known to all.

They say she has changed a lot after marriage with the president. After all, the situation always requires: Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. The French have learned to treat her more loyal. According to a 2009 population survey, 50% of respondents were positive about its ability to cope with the responsibilities of the First Lady. The opposite opinion 28% of respondents, while the rest abstained from the evaluation. Moreover, 65% of respondents agreed that Carla Bruni is a kind of "trump card" for your spouse in authority, and 70% - that it "smooths out" his image as a politician.

Svetlana Usankova

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