"La Intrusa", "Televisa", Mexico, 2001, 135 series

Script writers - Ines Rodin, Carlos Romero
Directors - Beatriz Sheridan, Patricia Reyes Spindola
Song Jorge Avendano "intrusa" takes Emmanuel

Virginia Martinez - a beautiful, intelligent woman with a sweet temper. She works as a governess in the house of Rodrigo Hunkero who has six children: Carlos Alberto Junior, Raquel, Violeta, Aldo and Memo. Carlos Alberto in love with Virginia, but does not take their feelings seriously. But contrary Virginia loved him with all my heart. Rodrigo suffered a fatal disease. He believes that his children are not ready to go without the support of his father, so he decides to secretly marry Virginia, believing that it will help him deal with family problems. He is assisted by Sagrario, the maid, he devoted his life to the family Hunkero. She is ready to do anything for Rodrigo, since they share one very important secret. Later it became known that she was the mother of Junior. That, in turn seduces the maid pounding. After a night of love, poor girl discovers that his child.

Virginia is trying to fulfill the promise made to her husband, trying to cope with the problems of the family, although each time it is given to her harder and harder ... After all, consider her sworn enemy, who entered into their lives only to take away the inheritance. Although in reality the enemies are in a very different place. This family Roldan. Alirio Roldan belongs to the same high society as the family of Rodrigo, but he hates the name Hunkero. His hatred shared by his vulgar wife of Maximilian, who wants her husband to use for their own purposes. Maximilian did not even hesitate to use their children to enforce their plans.

Junior, the first-born Rodrigo, engaged in illegal business. In fact, he a bastard son of Victor and Sagrariro Rivadeneyro. Hunkero and his wife just at the time adopted Jr., but he does not know what is actually - the son of a maid. He kept trying to fight with Virginia, trying to take away from her the little legacy that she left her husband. But Carlos Alberto can not choose between his love and hatred that inspired him. Virginia also have to cope with the girls - frivolous Raquel and Violeta, who has very serious problems in the psyche. The only person who loves his stepmother, despite all the slander - is Memito, Virginia is about it cares the most.

Intrigues in a large family, of course, clashes break out on the basis of feelings and desires of its members. Raquel, eternally dissatisfied and self-confident, blindly in love with a young man, the feelings that the viewer is not so sure how carefree girl. Violeta suffers from mental illness, she turned in on itself and does not respond to the outside world. Aldo, uncommunicative and simple young man, loves Marikruz, younger daughter Roldanov. Anabella, daughter Maximiliana and Alirio Roldan tries by all means to get the handsome Carlos Alberto. Maximilian helps her to seize the heart of a young millionaire. Alirio, on the contrary, against communication daughter and son Rodrigo. Danilo Roldan, cynical and cruel man, as the son of Alirio and Maximilian fascinated Virginia, and becomes a contender Carlos Alberto, trying by all means to get the woman he loves.

Soon, the house comes Hunkero misfortune - Don Rodrigo dies. Now Virginia hate even more. Carlos Alberto has become more serious and hard, Raquel confused in his feelings, Junior stuck in dirty work, Violeta completely turned in on itself and became disabled, Memito suffers because of his father's death. Virginia tries in vain to resolve the problems between brothers and sisters Hankuerra, forgetting about their ... In the meantime, far from the bustling Mexico City, Veracruz, on the coast, live girl, Vanessa, is very similar to Virginia ...

So, in this magnificent Mexican telenovela Gabriela Spanic once again played sisters separated in childhood .  Remember how she coped brilliantly with this challenge in the famous "impostor" .  And the audience will again be able to enjoy his favorite game .  As always, one of the sisters embodies the very kindness and compassion, and we can only sympathize with the misfortunes Virginia, which can not cope with the wave of hatred that literally falls on it .  However, her twin sister Vanessa is not a typical villain .  She is living a dream that one day will be beautiful, and most importantly a rich prince who will make her happy .  Upon learning of the existence of Virginia, she decides to visit her sister, but arrives too late - alas, she died on the operating table, giving the life of his only daughter .  Now Hunkero family will have to deal with Vanessa, who is not willing to play the role of victim .  Needless to say, kill the protagonist of the telenovela in the middle of the action - a very unexpected move Scriptwriters .  Who knows whether Carlos Alberto and Vanessa love each other, would be alive if Virginia is solved family problems Hunkero not destroy any of their internal divisions and bitter enemies .  All this we learn just watching the new series of Mexican filmmakers . 


Gabriela Spanic - Virginia
Kind, gentle, noble woman, with a large open-hearted people. Powered Memito Hunkera governess in the house of Carlos Alberto, in which hopelessly in love. She has to be strong and determined to cope with all the problems that arise after the death of her husband - Rodrigo Hunkero.

Arturo Peniche - Carlos Alberto
When he studied law, but never graduated. He leads a luxurious life, not caring about the future. At the beginning of a completely irresponsible young man with the death of his father becomes stronger and more rigid. He loves and hates simultaneously Virginia. Supports affair with Annabella, but in the end, leaves her, unable to withstand the vagaries of narcissistic girls.

Guillermo García Cantú - Rodrigo Jr.
The first-born of Don Rodrigo. Ambitious and cruel, no one likes. It is very rude to everyone, especially to Virginia and Sagrario, believing that he should not talk with some maidens there. It attracts young girl Lupita working in the house, but for him it's just another prey. The whole life of Rodrigo Jr. is filled with hatred and cruelty

Carlos Alvarez - Violeta
Not a bad girl, but is full of emotional dependence on his brothers, not knowing what is bad and what is good. Dislikes Virginia. She is very beautiful, but capricious and fragile. It is vital to the constant attention to his own person, and the admiration of others. The accident causes her to reflect on their own destiny and realize that life is not so simple.

Sergio Villikana - Memito
The smallest of Hunkero. He loves and protects Virginia throughout the telenovela

Chantal Andere - Raquel
It is doing everything possible to ruin the life of Virginia. Whimsical and capricious, but her mind is very fragile. In love with a young man who meets her only for her money. When Rachel finds out the truth, hatred and anger are literally overflowed its

Jose Maria Torre - Aldo
Externally, it is completely indifferent to Virginia, obeying the dictates of the older brothers, however, it is actually tied to the stepmother. He does not dare to openly stand up to her defense and it deeply hurts his soul. After all, Aldo became the main defender of Virginia.

Laura Zapata - Maximilian
In this story, it is the main villain. It is doing everything possible to destroy the Virginia and that she has enough reasons. It is completely subdued her husband Alirio and manages life daughter Anabella, which wants to be married to Carlos Alberto. She is a good wife and a terrible mother who placed her youngest daughter to a boarding school. The only person who can manage it - is the eldest son of Danilo - the only great love of power and bad women.

Sherlyn - Marikruz
The youngest daughter of Maximilian rejected by her mother. A lovely kind girl who falls in love with one of the brothers Hunkero against the wishes of his domineering mother.

Silvia Derbez - Sagrario
All my life I worked in the house Hunkero as a maid, and the family love her like a real mother. She is proud of her work and keeps a very important secret Rodrigo older. Sagrario loves and supports Virginia. She is honest and decent, but can at the right time to step aside.

Sergio Sandel - Danilo
The eldest son Maximiliana. In love with Virginia and I am willing to do anything to get it. Hypocrisy and ambitious. By intrigue and blackmail, the company currently receives a father.

Dominika Paleta - Anabella
Daughter Maximiliana and Alirio. The real villain, but very beautiful girl. In love with Carlos Alberto and is doing everything possible to get it. It is very capricious and spoiled. Fully obeys his mother, who tells her to destroy Virginia.

Sylvia Manriquez - Elena
Sister Alirio, is seriously ill and mentally can not resist Maximilian. In moments of fleeting glimpses recalls his past, which only a few know the characters of the story

Claudio Baez - Alirio
Husband Maximiliana. Very elegant, stylish man. Not a villain, but not an angel. Fully obeys his domineering wife, but behind her, allowing himself some mischief. He has a mistress. In business, constantly competing with Rodrigo Hunkero.

Diana Golden - Zaire
Alirio lover. Hostess bars, which often go Alirio and employees of his company. Brave, has a strong character and can control your lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
 Because he knows all his secrets.

Irina Grushin

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