Makeup Beauty Hair
 Today, many women find cosmetics, particularly decorative, means able to solve almost all the problems with appearance. Indeed, properly applied makeup can change the image of man, to correct deficiencies appearance, emphasize its advantages. With makeup, you can emphasize the natural complexion, giving skin a fresh radiant tone and emphasize the dignity of styling and hair color.

 Make-up that will emphasize the beauty of your hair

When you create the desired image you can not do without certain tools and equipment.

  • Liquid foundation make-up and face powder - the main tools for creating a uniform natural skin tones. When choosing a makeup base pay attention to the tone of funds, it should be two shades lighter than your natural complexion. It is also very important to determine your skin type, so the basics are divided on the properties of the means for dry, oily and normal skin.
  • Matting basis establishes the tone and prevents the appearance of facial fat shine throughout the day.
  • The basis under eyeshadow allows shadows to stay longer, do not roll when driving age not spread, if the skin zhirneet during the day.
  • Brushes for makeup. It is better to spend some money, but to buy a brush of natural cloth of good quality.

 Make-up that will emphasize the beauty of your hair

Makeup for blondes - everyday makeup

  • Apply to upper eyelid shade of soft golden color or any shade of skin color with a slight sheen. Thus, you emphasize your hair color Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and make the complexion more vivid and expressive. Blondes are not recommended shade tones, too contrasting with the color of the hair, especially if you have light eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Draw a light brown eyebrow pencil. Brush with beveled bristle gently blend color, make sure the color went smoothly, and you did not go beyond the line of the eyebrows.
  • Dark brown eyeliner Draw a line on the upper eyelid at the lash line and then do the same on the ground.
  • Curl lashes tweezers for twisting eyelashes. Apply a thick layer of mascara, make sure that the ink lay down an even layer, and does not crumble.
  • On the projecting parts of the cheeks, apply a thin layer of bronzer.
  • On the lips, apply lipstick plum color, top, apply the appropriate tone shine.
 Makeup Beauty Hair
  Makeup Beauty Hair

 Make-up that will emphasize the beauty of your hair

Makeup for brunettes - evening makeup

  • On the eyelids, apply a base for eye shadow. Wait a few seconds to completely dry means.
  • Then apply a matte shadow, color and tone depends on your personal preferences.
  • Shadow of a similar shade, but midtone apply on the crease of the upper eyelid and a good shade shades to uniform mixing with the basis for the shadow.
  • In the outer corners of the eyes, apply a darker shade of color. Brush to blend the shadow of the disappearance of clear boundaries between colors.
  • Emphasize the lash line on the upper and lower eyelid dark eyeliner color that you like. Brush with beveled bristle blend line.
  • On the upper and lower lashes, apply a coat of mascara volume to create the effect of visual volume.
  • Apply bronzer on the cheeks Bronzer - a skilled sculptor makeup  Bronzer - a skilled sculptor makeup
  • On the lips, apply lipstick neutral shade, and then cover with lip gloss to create a flicker effect and volume.
 Makeup Beauty Hair
  Makeup Beauty Hair

 Make-up that will emphasize the beauty of your hair

Make-up on red-haired girl - the creation of a gentle refined image

  • For red suit virtually all shades of shadow, with the exception of orange and brick colors.
  • Red-haired fit pinkish blush tones, gently blend them with a soft brush.
  • For lips, you can choose a lipstick shade of plum, mocha tones and classic red lipstick What color goes red: beware  What color goes red: beware
  • If you prefer a more easy and natural way, cover the lips bright lipstick and put on top of lip gloss.
 Makeup Beauty Hair
  Makeup Beauty Hair

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Article Tags:
  • foundation makeup
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