Vivien Leigh
 Vivien Leigh is not a movie star. British actress belongs to the caste of a small cinema legends whose names do not want to trivialize the trivial label "star" because of their importance for the history of humanity is not limited to only one "stardom." These actors and actresses were symbols of some magic, sublime and yet very real life, towards which people of the first half of the last century. Strictly speaking, they are the legends, and there are movies, and Vivien Leigh among them.

 Vivien Leigh
 Vivian Mary Hartley was born on November 5, 1913 in the Indian city of Darjeeling, which at that time served as her father, an officer in the British colonial cavalry Ernest Hartley .  The girl's mother, Gertrude Robinson Yaqui, was deeply religious Catholic, Irish-born, and from an early age wanted to raise a daughter in severity .  At the same rigor combined with the promotion of education at Viviana interest in literature and art, as well as the theater, moreover, Gertrude has participated in productions of amateur theater troupe .  So Vivian first came on the scene, though unprofessional, at the tender age of three .  And since then, there has arisen a passionate dream of a theater on the stage of aktёrstve .  However, the next few years is not too accompanied translate those dreams into reality - by the decision of his mother in 1920, Vivian was sent to a girls' school in the English monastery of St. Anne .  When all the discontent and strict ascetic order at the monastery of the girl did not forget about his dream, casually learn discipline and generating a performance .  After completing his education in several schools in continental Europe in 1931, Vivian returned to her parents, who were in England, and met his first love .  However, fleeting romance and then marriage to a lawyer Herbert Leigh Holman was likely the result of a sober calculation - Lee Holman was a successful serious man mature enough (after all, 14 years difference), the ideal candidate to create a respectable family .  The family was created in 1932, soon the couple had a daughter, Suzanne .

Vivian did not leave the scene of the dream, which is heated by teaching at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. The husband did not approve of "frivolous" hobbies spouses, but not to let him. Vivian gradually made its way to the stage, getting small roles in various productions. Do not take long, and the role in the film - the debut was the picture "Things are going smoothly." Actress appeared at the agent told her gently transform your name on a billboard for the spectacular "Vivien Leigh", which she did. With the change of name has changed dramatically, and her whole life.

 Vivien Leigh
 First of all, in 1934, she became acquainted with Laurence Olivier, who was just starting to take its popularity, but which was already seen the potential of a great actor .  However, for the time, Olivier was not paying attention to her, but after 1935 came the play "The Mask of Virtue," which turned triumph Vivian, played a major role in the communication between them became tighter .  It began a whirlwind romance, which eventually led to the destruction of two families (Lawrence at the time and married) .  Divorce proceedings were difficult and Vivien Leigh with Laurence Olivier could only officially married August 30, 1940 .  And by the time Lee was already an idol if not the entire planet, then at least for the English-speaking population it certainly .  After all, in 1939, he was released on the famous movie "Gone with the Wind", which instantly became a classic of the genre, which is still considered one of the unsurpassed masterpieces of the cinema, which has collected a rich collection of statues recently instituted "Oscar" and which is erected to the rank of gods playing the main roles of Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh .  Vivian, among other things, and has received the "Oscar" for Best Actress .

The 1940s were marked by Vivien Leigh for a happy family life and play in the performances of Shakespeare's repertoire together with her husband, Laurence Olivier. But the problem, as it often happens, came suddenly and stand side from not waiting. Fatigue accumulated over the years, has become a consequence of hurricanes and merciless pace, which Vivienne has always worked in film and theater, has had an effect in 1945. By the time she was sick with tuberculosis, but it seemed that the disease has receded. Surprisingly, however, it turned out that hidden tuberculosis negative impact on her mental state - Lee became irritable, sometimes not control his emotions, scandals and even threw themselves with fists on loved ones, while later not remembering it. The situation was aggravated miscarriage Miscarriage - is more common than you think  Miscarriage - is more common than you think
 That occurred in the same 1945, which had a very profound consequences - after all the years of Vivian life together with Olivier dreamed of a joint child. In the late 1940s - early 1950s, it still worked in film and theater. At this time it was created by the second after the "Gone with the Wind" masterpiece - the first in the theater, and then in the movies she starred in a production of the play of Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named" Desire "." Released in 1951, the eponymous film was slightly smaller shock to the public and the critics, rather than be "Gone with the Wind" Vivien Leigh won the second "Oscar" and its partner on the project debutant Marlon Brando began his brilliant career.

Alas, it was the last success in the life of Vivien Leigh. Soon, her mental state was so dangerous for her and others that it was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where it was used horrible and ineffective treatments like electroshock treatments. Homecoming Lee brought some relief, but by this time Laurence Olivier was already tired from a difficult family life and began a love affair with the actress John Plowright. In 1958, the day of the 45th anniversary of the actress, Olivier told her about wanting to leave, which worsened her condition. Again followed electroshock treatment sessions, then replaced by the reception of psychotropic drugs. Vivienne recovered so that the last few years of his life continued to work in theater and occasionally in movies, but it is often tormented by terrible bouts of depression Depression  Depression
 . Great actress Vivien Leigh died July 7, 1967 by the rapidly progressing tuberculosis afflicting the lungs. Modern medical experts have found that one of the main reasons for the heavy state of health of the actress in the last 22 years of her life were due to improper treatment. In particular, the drug isoniazid, Vivienne prescribed for the treatment of tuberculosis, was not only effective, but also as a side effect led to mental disorders, usugublёnnym due to lack of proper diagnosis and subsequent personal turmoil. Life was more severe with Vivien Leigh, what with her Scarlett O'Hara ...

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