Shamil Khamatov
 A young, attractive and not devoid of talent actor can not stand if it begin to compare with her older sister: that the brightest star Chulpan lit the way to the stage and in film and Shamil Khamatova. Indeed, in such cases it is difficult to get rid of the temptation to draw analogies, because even acting training Shamil tried to get in the HOST - the very institution, which once finished his famous sister. What is it - a habit to imitate the habit to keep up the habit or to listen to the advice of the senior?

Of course, in some ways an example for the older sister of Shamil Hamatova proved terribly contagious .  When the current Honored Artist of Russia Chulpan Khamatova had time to make his debut in the "Land of the Deaf" Valeri Todorovski, her younger brother, barely thirteen .  But for some reason he had at the time I was firmly convinced from Chulpan he would not leave you alone .  Although the front of the young man opens a lot of opportunities for self-realization, after some hesitation, he nevertheless chose the art of transformation .  The journalists, begging him for an interview, Shamil often fails .  And if they agree, with only one condition: everything connected with Chulpan - Locked Thread .  No, between brother and sister have no personal animosity, they have a great relationship .  Just Shamil from the beginning has set a goal: to get people to see themselves not as "relative Stars" and as an individual .  "I was too early to talk about the overall relationship with the actress, which reached heights in their profession .  I want to make my personal name, "- he says he tries not to change this credo .

 Shamil Khamatov: on the way to his own name

To love "crocodile"

 Shamil Khamatov
 Almost all of the romantically-minded Russian ladies "sunk" Shamil Hamatova after he starred in Elyor Ishmuhamedova "Bride" in 2006 - a beautiful and kind fairy tale ending with the unreal. In this film he plays the role of a young man named Sasha, almost died in Chechnya, but surviving for the sake of the happiness of the beloved. "Bride" brought Khamatova real popularity, and after the next show on any channel fans of the actor left hundreds of thousands of emotional posts on the forums on the Internet.

Shamil Hamatova have a girlfriend. Her name he prefers not to be identified, but gently hints that she, too, an actress. The couple lived in a civil marriage Civil marriage - it just dies?  Civil marriage - it just dies?
 And Khamatov not exclude the possibility to play in the future with his chosen real wedding. He says that already "grown" from the age when most attractive seem to be "model" beauty. "But at some point I realized that the outer shell is rarely corresponds to the inner content. I think I could love "crocodile", because it is already realized that the most important thing in a person - the soul ", - says the actor.

A similar discovery makes for himself and his hero Ruslan comedy Felix Gerchikova "Pickup. Eat without rules ", filmed in 2009. After all his adventures with the most cynical, seemingly unapproachable beauties, he falls in love with an ordinary "gray" appearance, appreciating its spiritual qualities.

 Shamil Khamatov: on the way to his own name

Call indifference

 Shamil Khamatov
 What Shamil Khamatov absolutely not trying to "copy" the sister, so it is in charities .  Chulpan Khamatova, as you know, the organization pioneered the charity fund "Give Life", through which get a chance at good health, many children with severe cancer .  Shamil, in contrast, is not prone to such humanistic shares .  He says several times tried to financially help people and at the same time became a godsend for all sorts of scams .  According to him, the growth of the lack of spirituality among compatriots is not conducive to good initiative .  To deal with the moral degradation of society Shamil Khamatov decided in his own way, he wants to play the role of Lermontov's Pechorin and show the futility of the "heroes of our time" .  The actor characters, and that kind of self-pity and a feeling of hostility at the same time, but from a professional point of view, they are interesting to him as a psychological type and symbol of the cynicism and indifference .

But the director, seems to be inclined to see Shamil Hamatova not Pechorin, and a much more positive image - if the programmer Andrew of "M8". This romantic and adventurous story of director Alexander Grabar plans to release in theaters until the end of 2010. In addition, around the same time, the audience will see Shamil Hamatova in the film Alexander Gornovsky "The fifth group of blood."

Svetlana Usankova

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