"Unforgettable" - romantic telenovela about the life of Venezuelans in the 30 years of the twentieth century, during the dictatorship of General Gomez. "It's a beautiful story, full of adventure, mystery and romance," - says Humberto Kiko Olivieri, the author of the novel of the same name, as well as the script of the telenovela. It begins with the fact that Colonel Maximilian Montero (Eduardo Serrano) comes to woo the representative of a wealthy family Kalkan - Francisco de Paula (Felix Loreto). He is no longer young, but eager to marry a 17-year-old beauty Maria Teresa (Christian Guth), the beloved youngest daughter of Colonel. Instead, the banker and the owner of the oil fields offers future tests to become companions. Links one another and money will allow them to succeed.
La Inolvidable ", RCTV, Venezuela, 1996, 120 series
Scriptwriter - Kiko Oliveri, Nybro Sonja de Melo, Manuel Mendoza, Carlos Gonzalez Vega
Director - Tony Rodriguez
Felix Valentino song "Amores de provincia" takes the author

The killers and victims

However, Montero is not eager to connect with native Kalkan. Many years ago, he married a young beauty Mercedes Concepcion Sanchez (Herminia Martinez) knowing full well that she is in love with Oscar Enrique (Rafael Romero), the older brother of Francisco de Paula, a universal favorite, a very attractive young man who was too intelligent and principled for the time in which he happened to be born and live. All my life Maximillian mocked his wife, insulted and beat her, to settle scores.

She eventually found happiness with three children, gave birth to her aggressive husband, but he had always suspected that the eldest daughter, Sagrario (Indira Leal), not from him but from the Oscars. That is why this little girl has never been loved by his father, he is now at every opportunity, tries to humiliate her. That marriage gave unloved - Astolfo Aristisabal (Alberto Alif), Mayor Labaranki, causing his wife insurmountable aversion.

Francisco de Paula reminds Maximillian of the mystery, which they store 25 years: autumn night in 1910 the two were involved in the murder of Oscar Enrique and his pregnant wife. Colonel, reflect, bargains for the best conditions, resigned to the fact that he would have to give my daughter to this man. But the future son-in is ready to sign all the papers only after the marriage with Maria Teresa.
Mercedes upset that her husband, without consulting her, promised to give his daughter are not so suitable to their daughter to the groom. She does not want Maria Teresa such a fate like hers, but arguing with Colonel Montero - it zryashnoe. He demands unquestioning obedience: the engagement will take place tomorrow.

In the house of the groom are not noted jubilation. His mother, Leonor Kalkan (Amalia Perez Diaz), hates Colonel Montero, believing that this uncouth lout did not try to find the killers of her son and his wife. Francisco de Paula, wanting to get rid of the parent control conspires with Dr. Perret Sutil (Arhenis Perez) to declare her incompetent.

The third son of Leonor (receiving his master conceived of their laundress), Celso (John Francis), took to drink. He doted on Oscar Enrique hard and survived his death. And besides - his wife left with her daughter, and now Celso rips his anger at the poor thing Eugenia (Daniel Alvarado), beats her, and she regrets her father and tries to hide from the rest of the regular fact of fanaticism. Eugenia love with Juan Vicente Montero (Juan Carlos Alarcon), he answers her affection, but they have to hide their feelings from others.

The mystery of the birth of Simon

Neither Montero nor Kalkan do not know that in that terrible night of the dying mother's womb a baby, who is just 25 years old. He secretly took from the scene one of the participants of bloodshed - Gumersindo Paiva (Fernando Flores). Pangs of conscience drove him to a distant village, where he gave the kid a strange young woman, and he went off to live in the mountains and live there in seclusion for years. Jacinta Leal (Flor Nunez) raised the boy, who was named Simon, as his son. Very young still, he left the house, saying, foster mother that he was going to study in France. Year after year, he wrote tender letters to her, and she is unaware that Simon has become a famous magician (she thinks that her son is about to become a lawyer!).

Once upon a time, too, Jacinta lived in Labaranke, hometown family Kalkan, but left there after the death of parents. She had a passionate affair with Maximilian Montero, which she still remembers with anguish. Dr. Montilla (Freddy Salazar) informs her that Gumersindo death and calling her all the time with Simon. Before his death an unfortunate time to say that Jacinta has to see the movie, which he handed to her Montilla, because the life of Simon in danger. After the funeral, she learns of the circumstances of the death of the film Simon and his parents' birth.

The film was shot two brothers Frenchman - Maurice (Luis Alberto de Mosos) and Jean-Paul (Guillermo Ferran). They came generally in the neighborhood of Labaranki shoot birds, and when they saw two mounted officers rushed to hide: the military not to be trifled with, and permission to shoot at them was not. Hiding, Maurice continued to shoot, and eventually turned on his tape sealed not only the murder of a married couple, and the subsequent birth of a child agonizing mother. Maurice fled the country and now travels with a circus troupe Simon Leal, and his brother remained in jail. Now the circus arrived in the same city, in the dungeons of which is sharpened by Jean-Paul, and plan to release him. Nothing does not know their manager - Aldo Podzholi (Freddie Galavis), who hopes only that they can at the local fair to improve their welfare.

Jacinta wants to find the family of Simon. But how do you know the name of his parents? It is known that one to shoot this film, he is in jail. But whether he is alive and how she can meet him? The nun offer the services of the mysterious "woman in the veil" from time to time see in prison, arguing that it is not a legend, and a lady actually exists. Contact with it can be through there the nuns who agree to recommend Jacinta Mother Superior. Meanwhile, Colonel Astolfo swears that no "women in veils" do not exist.

"Great Simon," gives an idea in the port, shows the focus in the style of Houdini - liberation from the shackles. Unfortunately, at the critical moment seized the castle at the handcuffs, and the maestro have to just disappear. The soldiers on the beach, saw a man in handcuffs, decided that it is a fugitive, and chased Simon. Miraculously, he managed to escape from his pursuers, but in the end Simon is away from his fellow circus, which could help him get rid of the handcuffs.

Chained ...

Everything in the house Montero suppressed news of the impending engagement but Sagrario who hates his sister. Wanting to push Maria Teresa to the act that would restore her against Maximilian, Sagrario alludes to escape from his father's house, which she allegedly some time before the wedding even think. Sister grabs this idea like a drowning man at a straw. She dresses up in a costume appropriate to some variety of the canary in the midnight horse saddles. For doing this it finds brother, Juan Vicente. He invites her to spend the night in their hut, and in the morning, and promises to come with her to discuss further plans.
Sagrario barely sister left, denounced her father. He equips the chase.

Heard suspicious noises, Maria Teresa is hiding in the closet and stumbles upon Simon, who a little earlier had found refuge there. He thinks they are looking for it, but not this strange dressed girl. And she does not know who is more afraid of: the people sent to look for her father, and this offender. Man in handcuffs - whom it may still be, if not a criminal? The pursuers are prowling around the house, and a couple in the closet already unable to bear immobility. Simon with a small pin manages to undo the handcuffs on one hand, and Maria Teresa, not just jerking, slams him on his delicate hands. Now they are chained. Unable to open the cabinet, Macabeo orders to throw him into the sea. It is not easy sitting in a couple of falls, but in the end, they are still on the beach. The girl seems to actress Lola Variety Anaconda, and the guy - a mercenary.

Colonel Montero Macabeo orders to arrest her son, Juan Vicente and beat him until he says where to send sister. Maximilian know that these two are very close, and if Maria Teresa shared with someone your plans - because it is only with him, loved his brother. Macabeo nothing does not deny - he beat the guy that he can no longer stand up. Juan Vicente, so he said nothing to his tormentor, wakes up on the floor of a prison cell.

Freed from its chains, Simon goes to the circus, and Maria Teresa was soon denied the parents' house. From the overheard conversation parents, she learns that their family is on the verge of bankruptcy, and only her marriage to Kalkan will help save the day. The girl is ready to sacrifice himself. Just as once her mother married Montero, to save his family from prison. Intermarry with her clan, Maximilian, in turn, got a chance to get a promotion and make a great career.

Montero received a telegram from which learns that Gumersindo Paiva, he was looking for all these years, has died. Colonel sends Macabeo search the house of the deceased to find film. With the same request to send his man and Francisco de Paula, the same happened to read a telegram. His messenger - Arhimiro Briceno - as the fire scared Indian Macabeo, considering it the devil. At the station, the military searched anyone who seemed suspicious to them. These came and Jacinta arrived. But then, seeing the approaching Macabeo, Arhimiro panicked and began firing at Indian pistol.

While all attention shifted to him, Jacinta tried to escape. She pulls out a suitcase tape and puts it into the hands of the girl first got on the street - it turns out to be Maria Teresa. At home she and her brother looks captured footage, they are shocked with violence against defenseless people and conceive a film, the plot of which put the story ...

Maria Teresa is forced to marry a man she does not love, and to believe that all this has lost the love of his life. She could not imagine that her love will turn into hate when Simon returns to the appearance of another person, ruthless and cold, ready to go through to achieve their goals. He reincarnated so skillfully that no one in the city does not know it the old Simon. Only time and fate are able to put everything in its place. Passion will be stronger than hatred and deception ...

Irina Grushin

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