• Proceeds from the cellulite in the fight for smooth lines
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 means of cellulite
 Cellulite, also known as "orange peel", is squeezed islands of fatty tissue, which looks uneven, and sometimes cool to the touch. Regardless of the extent of the disease, cellulite spoils the appearance of the skin, spoils the figure, so try to get rid of it by all possible means. Means of cellulite are publicly available, they can cook yourself or buy a ready-made cosmetic department, so the fight against "orange peel" - it is a matter of time and perseverance.

Means of cellulite are always aimed at warming up the tissues and removing excess fluid from the cells, they provide a drainage effect of stagnation, during which the skin is smoothed, restores blood circulation and local metabolism. Any means of cellulite should affect the tissue or heating them outside or providing mechanical drainage massage, preferably with the participation of large abrasive particles.


Home remedies for cellulite

Means for self cooking at home can also be used as a base for massage and as a compress. Typically, substances that they contain, can be easily adapted as one or another method of influence on the subcutaneous fat. At the basis of assets of cellulite can be fatty or oily and acidic, neutral or mud, but with abrasive, but the safest skin particles, such as sea salt.

Selection of consistency - a matter of personal taste and comfort. If the skin is thin, dry and sensitive, it is necessary to provide gentle Anti-cellulite care, better to abandon acids and mechanical "scraping" and they prefer mud, algal systems and oily texture massage.


Anti-cellulite massage oil

This means in the form of base sunflower or olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
 And active substances - essential oils. You will need 100 ml of oily bases to which we must add 5 drops of essential oil of patchouli, rosemary, cypress and juniper. Mix well and can be applied to the skin. This oil has a fairly gentle action, because it does not contain irritating ingredients. It can be applied to the field of cellulitis Cellulite  Cellulite
   special gloves and rub or brush with movable "fingers."


Acid Mask anti-cellulite body wraps

This mask has a warming effect, and due to the content of the vinegar it is suitable for healthy dense nerazdrazhennoy skin without damaging the integrity. It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the same amount of warm water and add 3-5 drops of essential oil of rosemary. Shake the mixture and can be applied to the skin, gently rubbing the liquid, and quickly cover with plastic wrap. And then wrapping a warm blanket or wearing clothing with a warming effect. Wrapping should not last more than an hour. If you experience any discomfort, burning, immediately wash off the mask. You can do it immediately after the intensive oil massage.


Mineral coffee mask

Clay wraps, masks, compresses always been considered one of the most common and effective cosmetic anti-cellulite. For them, you can use either white or blue clay. As an abrasive suitable ground coffee, and for breeding and varying thickness need mineral water without gas. Number coffee mass like clays can optionally take from one-half to one tablespoon quantity of mineral water may also be different, depending on the desired consistency. Mix all the ingredients you need to put on weight, and carefully rub the skin with circular massage movements, and then leave the mask on for fifteen minutes. Then carefully wash off the mask and put on your skin moisturizing lotion or cellulite cream to great effect.


Ready-made remedies for cellulite

Creams, gels, massage oils and lotions for cellulite you can pick up in the range of professional brands, and brands in mass market. When choosing in favor of one or another means of cellulite you need to pay attention to the content of active principles - extracts of algae, warming oils, and other ingredients that break down fats, liquid output from the cells, tighten the skin, improving its tone and elasticity.

If you have a problem with fluid retention can help cream VICHY Aqua Destock, active drainage ensure Biotherm Celluli Laser Size Code. To massage cream Activ Massage Minceur Elancyl from Galenic attached massage pen. Hydration and lipolysis promises professional Thalgomince LC24 Cream by Thalgo with caffeine Caffeine - enemy or friend?  Caffeine - enemy or friend?
 . Lovely multi-cellulite effect of algae will provide makeup Guam. Professional Salon Guinot line includes means Double Minceur Ciblée with powerful effect of fat digestion and eliminate edema.

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