Diet for bowel cleansing
 There are many different diets for bowel cleansing - more or less severe and prolonged. However, most people do not need a few days to sit on some fruits or vegetables to cleanse the intestines - it may be necessary only in the presence of certain health problems, and a rigid diet should start only at the recommendation of a physician. What products include diet for colon cleansing? How much to use them - you decide, but try not to go beyond the rational.



During the diet, in addition to these foods, you can eat rice, whole grain bread and cereal porridge, and drink plenty of water.

  • Greens contains a large amount of chlorophyll, which is necessary for an intensive bowel cleansing. It also promotes healing of damaged tissues of the intestine, helps the body's cells to absorb more oxygen, and actively removes toxins.
  • Fermented foods. The diet, which a lot of carbohydrates and little dietary fiber - namely so many modern people eat - reducing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, disrupting the delicate balance of microflora. This problem helps solve fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
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   or miso. They contain bifidobacteria inhabiting mainly in the colon, and lactobacilli, which are particularly large in the small intestine. They help synthesize vitamins from food residues, toxins cleave limit the proliferation of harmful bacteria, strengthen the immune system and stimulate the production of certain fatty acids.
  • Apples - one of the most widely used products for bowel cleansing. There are many diets for detoxification of the body, the main product of which are apples or apple juice. However, even if just to eat two or three apples a day, this will be enough to significantly improve the bowels.
  • Garnet. This fruit is a source of antioxidants, which prevent premature aging and reduce the likelihood of the development of many dangerous diseases. In addition, not contain substances that stimulate the removal of toxins from the body.
  • Garlic is especially useful for those who need a bowel cleansing Cleaning the bowel: raking debris  Cleaning the bowel: raking debris
   parasites, but it can also be used for the prevention of parasitic or other infections. In addition, it is tasty and fragrant spice to the dishes. To clean the bowel can eat nail garlic on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before a meal. It is recommended to do twice a day for two days in a row. Since garlic is strong smell from the mouth, from which it is difficult to get rid of, it is best to carry out this cleaning at the weekend. It can be combined with other agents for intestinal cleansing, for example, enemas or herb decoctions.
  • Lemon - a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. This fruit is often used to detoxify the body. To clean the intestines of toxins, it is advisable for one to two weeks in a row on an empty stomach every morning to drink one glass of water with the juice of half a lemon, or a quarter. Lemon juice can also be used instead of vinegar for making salad dressing. Regular use of lemon juice going soft bowel cleansing, as well as speeds up the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Cabbage is a source of glucosinolates - chemicals that when ingested are converted into substances which may derive from the intestine dangerous toxins, including potential carcinogens. In addition, the cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and one cup of cabbage contains only 11 calories.
  • Beetroot is one of the best products to eliminate toxins from the intestines. This root contains large amounts of potassium, folate, fiber and antioxidants. The composition also includes beet substances which help the liver to process fats, and protect it from damage. Those who need intensive bowel cleansing of toxins, but who do not want to resort to using drugs and enemas, are encouraged to include in your diet salad and boiled beets. You can also use pieces of beets as a garnish to various dishes, and drinking beet juice in its pure form, or mixing it with other juices.


Bowel cleansing for weight loss

Although today bowel cleansing is often used for weight loss, it is only an aid in weight loss. After purgation people on average, lose from 1.2 to 3 kg weight - this is at the expense of removing old solidified faeces. However, the main benefits of losing weight is that the bowel cleansing procedure helps to speed up metabolism, and thus the subcutaneous fat will be burned faster. However, without diet and regular exercise bowel cleansing will help to significantly reduce the weight. Dieters can use any methods of purgation; people suffering from obesity, you should consult with your doctor - he will help them to develop the most effective weight loss program, and in addition, they may have health problems, under which certain types of bowel cleansing contraindicated.

Generally, colon cleansing combined with rather strict diets that follow in a few days. During this time, the body displays the old fecal matter, toxins, and due to a diet a person loses a certain amount of body fat. The person then proceeds to a balanced diet consisting primarily of plant foods and dairy products. It is necessary to drink plenty of water because toxins will continue for several days after the procedure bowel cleansing.

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