age Menu
 At every age its own characteristics and its own needs. This applies, of course, the diet: food that enters the body in twenty years, must be different from that needed fifty. This is normal, correct, and it is desirable to know what food is suitable for every age.

 Age-menu: the diet for each stage of life

20 years

The recommended caloric intake : Up to 2000 calories.

In this age people tend to have a good time, drinking alcohol, which violates the metabolism, leading to weight problems. Alcoholic beverages should not get carried away, like fast food, which is better to choose simple dishes, giving energy - complex carbohydrates.

Useful Products: five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, oily fish as a source of omega-3 (herring, sardines, salmon).

 Age-menu: the diet for each stage of life

30 years

The recommended caloric intake : 1940 calories.

At this age, usually decreases muscle activity, so by all means you should try to eat foods with a low calorie but high in fiber. For example, it is necessary to include in the diet of a significant amount of whole grains and vegetables. Sunflower and sesame added to salads, will be good sources of valuable magnesium required for the hematopoietic system, and in particular, to eliminate the symptoms of PMS.

 Age-menu: the diet for each stage of life

40 years

The recommended calorie 1920 calories.

At this age, women tend to gain weight since become inactive, lose muscle strength. Portions of food must be reduced - it seems not too important rule, but it works.

A good addition to the diet will be soybeans, soy milk, tofu, soy texturate as a source of vegetable protein. Handful of berries on a daily basis - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries are good antioxidants, opposing aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . A handful of nuts every day can help the intestines, the brain takes polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pay attention is vitamin E, which, in addition to the antioxidant properties help to avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease.

 Age-menu: the diet for each stage of life

50 years

The recommended calorie : 1800-1900 calories.

Hormonal changes during this period necessitate very carefully monitor the weight. The most important thing - to remove from the diet all "fast" carbohydrates, which are found in sweets and pastries.

Well, if in the daily diet will include one or two servings of yogurt, which is rich in calcium, necessary to prevent osteoporosis. Further, in fermented milk products containing lactic acid bacteria that are useful for strengthening the immune system and normal bowel function, with age than this may also cause problems. Vitamins D, B12, iron, calcium needs to prevent iron deficiency, and to strengthen bone and muscle tissue.

 Age-menu: the diet for each stage of life


The recommended diet 1900 calories.

Normally, at this age, even the most slender gain weight - even just a little. For good skin condition to be included in the daily menu nuts and oil products containing folic acid, selenium Selenium in food - in small doses is useful  Selenium in food - in small doses is useful
 , B vitamins and can be found in broccoli, green vegetables, asparagus.

 Age-menu: the diet for each stage of life


The recommended calorie 1800 calories.

At this age, physical activity declines as the appetite and daily calorie needs to conform to this fact. During this period it is necessary to consume red meat, seafood rich in zinc. Once a week you can eat liver - it is low in calories, rich in protein, vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   D and B12. Wheat germ (once a day for a teaspoon) to help the body to vitamin E.

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Article Tags:
  • proper nutrition
  • Proper nutrition for a healthy heart
  • Energy diet