Amoxiclav is a combined broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against the majority of microorganisms that cause the most common infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs and tissues, both acute and chronic. Available in tablets for adults, suspensions, and drops for children and the powder for solution for injection.
The composition and function amoksiklava
The structure includes amoksiklava penicillin antibiotic amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin effective semisynthetic penicillin, but it has the drawback common to all penicillins - it inhibited enzyme activity of some microorganisms, causing them to become insensitive to this antibiotic. In order to remedy this, added to the amoxicillin clavulanic acid. It suppresses the activity of enzymes of microorganisms that deplete amoksiklav. Clavulanic acid itself also has a low antibacterial effect.
The combination of clavulanic acid and amoksiklava significantly expand the range of action amoksiklava on pathogens of various diseases.
It is effective in diseases caused by many species of staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, which are common pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Amoksiklav rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, from which is distributed in different tissues. Through the blood-brain barrier (blood into the central nervous system), it does not penetrate if no violations of the meninges. But he crosses the placenta to the fetus. Displayed amoksiklav mainly via the kidneys (in urine it creates a high concentration) previously partially decomposing into products of metabolism.
Application amoksiklava
Amoxiclav very effective in bacterial inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, which often occur after viral seasonal infections, including influenza. At the same time, the heavier flows viral infection (and, consequently, affects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract), the greater the risk of additional bacterial infection. Therefore amoksiklav became one of the most prescribed drugs in the outpatient setting. But do not forget that any antibiotic appoint a doctor - he will be able to distinguish between a viral disease from acceding bacterial infection. Apply amoksiklav and acute bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as an exacerbation of chronic broncho-pulmonary system.
Widespread use amoksiklav found in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract. Before the treatment of these diseases must be conducted urine culture to identify pathogens and their sensitivity to antibiotics. If the sensitivity is confirmed, amoksiklav provides quick and effective action.
Amoksiklav applied in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases infectious and inflammatory nature caused by nonspecific infection. This acute and chronic inflammatory processes of male and female sexual organs.
In surgical practice amoksiklav appoint (after preliminary laboratory examination of body fluids) in infectious and inflammatory diseases of soft tissues (abrasions, acute mastitis
Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?
, Lymphadenitis), festering wounds and burns, complicated by additional bacterial infection.
Dentists use amoksiklav purulent processes in the tissues okolozubyh stomatitis and bacterial origin. It is prescribed for gingivitis, periodontitis, suppuration of soft tissues of the oral cavity.
Contraindications and side effects when taking amoksiklava
Amoxiclav generally well tolerated and almost no contraindications. It is not recommended if you are hypersensitive, in the case before ever encountered by the human liver when used antibiotics penicillin group, with lymphocytic leukemia at the age of 12 years (tablet). In addition, amoksiklav not apply in infectious mononucleosis, because this disease develops a rash
Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
Very similar to an allergic rash
Allergic rash: manifestation
after taking amoksiklava.
Despite the good tolerability in the majority of cases, amoksiklav has side effects that include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, in rare cases - the emergence of seizures.
In addition, there may be, and changes in the blood: reducing the number of leukocytes (lowered immunity), erythrocytes (gemolitocheskaya anemia), and platelets (bleeding tendency).
Galina Romanenko
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