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All my life I was fat, and once understood, it is wrong! I start losing weight, involved in sports, at first just did not eat after 6, abandoned sugar buns, sweets and tpA then just gave up everything ... I lost 40 kg for half a year (80kg) .All thoughts were only about losing weight, I could not have 3 days undermining nichego.Prpali month began vypodat hair broke nogti.Po morning I staggered, I could not get out of here krovati.Kakoy sport, when you go to work! And after a while I met a guy, he has set me a little brains, I said that the LRA-bone deformity, not krasota.I I believed, but from his troubles will not relieve, though, there escaped from anoreksii.No came another problem -bulimiya.Nichego can not help it, as if the monster is sitting inside me and demands is, is, is ... My health is over: the kidneys fail, and the stomach has died ... I sought a way out, but it seems that I a large pit, you know what ...
I also decide to "sick" anorexic! YES! because I want to lose weight is not due to some dogs paid attention to me, but for the sake SEBYa.odnazhdy I lost, then somewhere in a year again added 5 kg.samoe thing that is a little much: the stomach is not as flat as before, and it seems that the person was nemnozhko..polnee.ostalnye say that I do not need such zhe.i say that "plump they rule, there is something to touch" and t.d.mozhet someone is the charm, and then case they have a beautiful figure neobyazatelno.a I have the opposite - anti-oboyanie.tochnee I myself drive people away from sebya.hotya possible lifetime across solid mob tupitsy.i and then I hurt too, is when they are The girls who devour cows and remain thin, and povyebyvatsya uspevayut.aga likely I'm envious, and even negative adjusted to vsemu..NO NOT ONLY TO YOUR FIGURE!
Girls, anorexia is a terrible thing. I myself experienced this disease, but the time has come round. And I started it two years ago. With the growth of 160 I weighed 57 kg, I considered myself a colon and start going to the gym. For 5 months I have lost weight to 49kg. I eat normally, in what does not deny. I was already happy with my figure. But after 2 months I decided to lose weight again, and sat on a diet. I mocked him. I completely abandoned the sweet, fat, do not eat after 6 pm and ate only vegetables and fruits. I ate tolkl boiled chicken, and breakfast 0 100 g, 05% yogurt, and every day I ate pineapple (since it burns fat). So it lasted 5 months until I lost monthly. I went to the doctor and she diagnosed anorexia. With the growth of 160 I weighed 42kg. I started there, and gained 3 kg in the past month and just recently I started menstruating. I'm just happy that I was able to get out of this hole. Girls love themselves and do not scoff at him. We are so beautiful!
I have spent, or rather most of his life was fascinating Pukhlikov .  By the age of 14, I got sick and I lost weight .  With the growth of 170 cm, I weighed 55 kg .  In my opinion it is quite normal .  From the boys rebound he was not living a happy and fulfilling life .  She ate a little, but I have enough .  And power was rife .  And then because life was that I started to eat again, and eat sweets .  I slowly but surely tolstel .  By the second year at college, I weighed 85 kg .  And there was no strength to stop .  And continues to gain weight .  After graduation stressful job in the police .  And there is bad, hard, and I was half a year stouter 20 kg . I have stretch marks on the skin appeared .  I look just awful .  At 22 . with an increase of 170 I weigh 110 kg . And it is when you consider that I have lost weight to 10 kg .  Where is my willpower? In a mirror to look at myself can not stand .  Everyone says that I have a very beautiful face .  I have long beautiful hair, I'm always nice and neatly dressed, yoke folds of skin does not stick .  Here talked recently with a guy, and he said, . my only drawback is the weight .  Think about it .
Lovely girl! I also suffer very much! Here it is for 3 years, I torment myself by different diets, slimming massage, sweltering loads, drink 10 tablets bisacodyl throughout the year. My height is 187 when it weigh 64 kg. I look great! But I'm afraid of getting fat, so keep their weight in ways! I'm mentally ill! I am a dependent person! I'm scared to realize it, but it's true! I eat once a day, sweet rarely, because of this anger, fatigue, irritation! I thought that I would be happy, if not set a couple of kg., But it has brought me a terrible meal! I itself is driven into the coffin! I'm scared of the fact that even the poor state of health and the consequences associated with the stomach I can not stop! Help, help ... I am sick of anorexia nervosa ?!
Now I'm 26, height 174, weight 68, and 16 years at the same height I weigh 40kg! It all started in 14 years, the reasons for what happened, I begin to understand just now, when I went to study to be a psychologist, but what the consequences are still struggling .  From 14 to 22 years and then I lost weight, then recovering .  The first turning point when I realized it was time to stop and return to the real world, there was a 17 years old when I realized what my condition causes pain to my loved ones, my family .  Seeing the tears in the eyes mother whenever her daughter refuses to eat, pace yourself physically demanding and, at the same time, he continued to lose weight - it is very difficult .  But is such a man that I am: while I do not understand myself, I will not listen to anyone .  Well, I realized in time .  For 5 years, managed to restore the menstrual cycle, dial 15 kg (which is very difficult) .  At 22 years old I fell in love and realized that I wanted the health of children !!! Then the healing process go even faster .  Thanks to my family, who always supported me, and the man of my first love, simply for the fact that he was in my life .  But nothing goes unnoticed .   Behavioral problems remain still, especially eating disorders, hair and teeth and not recovered until the end, gastritis has been my constant companion .  I guess I got off more easily, but now its to clients (instructor working group) said: "The girls, cute, think 1000 and 1 time before you start to lose weight .  And whether or not it you? If so, contact a professional (dietitian, coach) .  Understand the most important value - it's great !!! Lose - will not return! "Let them hear my words, only a limited group of people, but at least they are, my dear women, be cool! I went to learn from a child psychologist to be able to help people, to prevent those mistakes that she once .  
"I have anorexia, I'm all about it rasskazyvayu.Navernoe my anorexia because of my ambition. When I think of something I can not get, I give up food." This phrase is a girl-director from Serbia, which is sick and recovered, and now makes films about myself and the world that surrounds it ... After all, it is beautiful, and anorexia - it's suicide, withdrawal from the world and concentration on themselves and their gram .. . itself through this proshla.Mnogie people on our planet are thinking, how would they eat so as not to die of golodu.Devushki a sick mentality, the victim think civilization, as if they were not eating a something extra ... It pains me to read it all , eyes welling with tears. How can you not love life !!!
Girls dear you are young and already crippled, what to drive into his head such nonsense, I am 37, I am now heavily involved in sports, it helps only 100 prots.Pravilne fasting is not to eat anything OT 3 to 30 days in addition to water and the correct way out of starvation juices and natur.frutami and vegetables while continuing to do gymnastics, walking and daily shower and enema choby not poison their own shit in every-an awful lot to godami.K starvation resort in diseases you thank God that no do not worry !! !!!!!!
Naturally the desire to please men women !  Wow !  We are in the company (as are some men !  ) Is not just talking about women's beauty !  And on a purely aesthetic component and the practical application (excuse the vulgarity of certain !   but the truth is needed in the matter !  ) Someone like full, someone tall or small, someone thinner someone thicker, but not once did not have (and I am still discussing this with not one dozen "men", belonging to different and social and age groups) to loved ones who are sick is not something that, and even close to the disease anorexia !  Therefore, it looks like some kind of infinite loop when the primary reason (like !  - Quite natural and understandable) is forgotten and replaced !  man just hard to stop !  as in any iterative process is difficult to find a release !  and when the lack of attention of men combined with mental perception of reality (because even in comments seen that weight loss and tears, quarrels, anger, abuse coexist almost always) and the man is difficult to estimate, it is due to this weight loss, including, but not because of the lack of due diligence, and he is trying to lose weight and lose weight, and falls farther and farther !   (difficult, of course, if, before the confluence of the disease in man had no relatives who can pull the man !  ) Of course, it is very difficult to understand that you can not objectively perceive the world, rather it is a world not that, not you !   So just need help close !  
You will never catch the eye photos of prisoners of Buchenwald? .   Seek out, look, make sure that losing weight - stupid .  Thinness - a measure of low economic development, war and other social disasters .  Famine .  Since my childhood I was a chubby .  At one period I thought to be more than I am, it is already impossible, because all of those stopped sldit how much and what I eat .  As a result, at fifteen I weighed 95 with an increase in 170 .  I was surprisingly comfortable, I went to the beach, sunbathing, swimming, I had friends - the good, the true and moreover boys and girls .  I loved myself and this .  I bought with his mother expensive clothes, and then enjoyed the different sweets .   I was good at this weight .  But I have a headache .  Doctors write it off on the weight .  I have written some pills .  And unbeknownst to me, I decreased appetite, and after about six months, the weight began to decline .  Now I'm sixteen (two months and seventeen), I weigh 65 with an increase in 175 .  The head does not hurt to walk on his heels - it is easier .  I eat whatever I want, but do not get better . 
My story has been going on for a long time .  With 13 years .  Even before .  In 10 flying realized that thick .  I was just a chubby rebёnokm .  Then I started doing yoga, running .  My mother also always lost weight as I remember it .  With varying degrees of success I got to the beginning of the ripening *** .  At 13 I was itself beginning hudet- nerves, probably, parents parted, the scandals were kazhy day .  By itself, started to grow thin .  In 5th grade I with an increase in 134 cm weighed 35 .  8 And with the growth of 160 began to weigh 38 .  And off I was obsessed .  Bulimia, counting calories, hungry days, exhausting sport: running around the 6 km, yoga, stretching, skipping rope, everything was in motion .  I was unhappy .  I lost weight to 34 kg .  Now I look at your pictures and think, what I was terrible . And I still thought I was fat, though all were simply horrified by my appearance .  I wanted to lose weight up to 30 kg .  And lost weight would be if suddenly something let go . I started to eat normally . To gain weight to 42 kg, I was 15 .  But still it was thin, as it turns out the pics .  Then I was 16 .  I all the same involved in sports . But the weight crept up: 42, 43, then 44-45 .  And still I was skinny and beautiful, is now vyyasnyatesya .  But it seemed to me that I'm fat .  And then there was a monstrous 11-th class: the last Olympic Games, I am ready for Russia .   and suddenly I was cut off by his own-not just delivered 10 points, then opelyatsiyu filed, but it was too late .   I was depressed .  Finals on the nose, gold medal, entrance, exam .   I still stood, did everything but .   I have weighed 52-53 kg .  With the growth of 162 cm .  Basically ok .  But I hated myself .  At the end of freshman year I weighed 58 .  At the end of the second 57- .  I hated myself in quietly, but continued to live, play sports .  But I could not lose weight .  Revell, hysteria, almost did not go anywhere .  And then at the end of the second course I was ill with angina and she lost a couple of kilos .  And then there was my life my friend .  She told me I was very pretty, that people like me are very few that I really skinny .   Then I fell in love with a poor and thin even before the 53-kg .  Then another in love and this time successfully .  He said I was beautiful, he arranged a photo shoot me .  And I slowly lost appetite, but now the cause of all was love .  I just was so happy that I did not need to overeat .  And pulling on dates were the reason chtoya slimmed down to 51-kg .  Do I still had never felt more beautiful .  All of my systems and of intimacy and *** dissolved .  After all, I really beautiful body, so I coached him there for a long time do not have the baby belly, and thanks to yoga, I became very flexible .  And my face is very beautiful, somewhere I like Natalie Portman .  And then he was gone in my life . I was 20 years old .  Now I'm 21 .  All last year I loved him hopelessly .  I left him then she could not stand the fact that his ex-girlfriend something else means to him .  Then I realized that destroyed their own hands real feelings .  But to me he did not come over .  Do not just .  Or he does not love God-knows .  Now a year has passed .  Fans of my traditional bunch .  But I do not need them .  If they had seen me with my eyes, they would have ran away from me at breakneck speed .  Because of the shock rid of broken relationships, I realized that I hate myself .  And of course, anorexia immediately returned to my life .  Now I veshё 48 kg, it is for the short term, that losing weight .  I do not eat nothing but fresh buckwheat, washed down with green tea . Sometimes replaced by bland rice .  Today, only the first day that I was losing weight .  I want to lose weight up to 40 kg .  But I do not know if it will stop .  Like a clever girl, the future of human physiology . I know that if I loved someone I love, I would not be so cruel with them .  But I did hate myself .  I hate for a long time .  I realize that the beautiful .  But at the same Exact time I hate this fat .  I want my bones sticking out, as before .  I want to again be thin teenager who wants to remain forever a boy .  I remember I hated any sign of their femininity .   I'll starve yourself until I feel that I want to be schastlivooy and is not thrown out the window Scales .  Someday, but not now .  Now I have to prove to myself that I have the willpower . And more hair cut like a boy, as always dreamed of .  Let me not love one whom I love, I'll try to love yourself .  And may the Lord forgive me for my stubbornness .
Hi .  I read all the comments to one .  Well I can tell .  I am 20 years old .  All my life I was a chubby girl .  But that did not prevent me to lead an active life .  At the end of high school, I got bit volleyball .  Coach Handball said: "You do not think to go to sport? You have all the data!" .  Somewhere in the middle school, I became aware that overweight for their age and growth .  There were of course, the girls and me tightly .   but I did not care .  I would love to wear short skirts, I really wanted to wear what I like, but alas, these things I could not afford .  But despite all this, a release from the boys did not have .  I like a lot .  I have a lot of friends .  Now I'm on the 4 year student, employed .  There is a young man .  Everything in life is going well .  There were thoughts about losing weight .   I tried .   but less than 60 kg weight falls .  Apparently this is the norm .  The young man against every weight loss, he liked me, I like my breasts the shape and size 3 .  I Dress deep neckline . so every second I look okinet . And if you look at Anfisa Chekhov for example .  She's a very, very large lady .  But all this did not prevent her shine on TV, to have a crowd of admirers and envious .  As my friends say, is for what ;-) Draw conclusions .  Now thinness is not in vogue .
I first came to this sayt.ischu those with whom obschatsya.nikto can not understand me. and then suddenly you each as my first story! I am 23 years old. height 173cm weight 43 kg. always weighed about 54.i vot.uzhe hurt already treated, briefly passed all the full programme.schas married, had 2 vykidysha.sizhu home. I melt in her eyes and because I want more! I want to find friends, those who will not look askance, with whom I can address this pogovorit.moy *** and number aski472908912.mne very odinoko.muzh psyche wants to hospital zapihnut.a there not so long pipe.
Dear girls! One thing is obesity and the terrible sagging shape, another is a perfectly normal form, even if your weight does not, and the waist is not compliant! In the end, each person is different, we are people not robots! Of course there is no need to drain that is a violation of metabolism and you have not seen for revives knees! but if you have anything extra, studios do not really so sorry, it is necessary to engage in sports and not eat for 2 oranges a day! After all, you know, we have only one life, and from the need to obtain uodvolstvie and not to torture themselves and others nonsense! And believe me, guys do not need current hdorovye beautiful but especially women who want to meet with psihopadkoy that is afraid to make an extra drink of water, and faints at every step, to say nothing of the *** s! Himself lyuit is necessary first of all and not hate! Though of course this is a personal right of every . Only on how you are feeling - and will take you around .
No mozhnt cause a person to go to this or that way .  Everyone chooses, there is always a choice . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . .  .  .  . . . .  .  . . d . . .  .
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