both without pills to get rid of the headache
 Headache - is one of the most common ailments. Sometimes it is very strong and can cause nausea. Often we experience headache during stress as a state of mind are closely linked to the health. Other causes of headache include lack of sleep, anxiety, migraine and dehydration. There are ways to get rid of the pills without a headache.



If a headache for no apparent reason, may you drink enough water. In this case, you just need to drink plenty of water Why do you need to drink a lot of water - the rationale for  Why do you need to drink a lot of water - the rationale for
 , But not immediately. Drink a glass of water at the first sign of a headache, and then during the day to do several sips. When the body gets enough water, headache gradually disappears.



Ice compress often quickly relieves headache. Put on the forehead and temples ice pack or towel soaked in cold water for 10 minutes. Repeat until you experience complete relief. Ice reduces blood vessels, improving circulation. It can be used for this purpose, the packaging of frozen vegetables.


Hot water

Warmer with hot water can also relieve headaches. Put a heating pad bearable temperature on the neck. Heat relaxes muscles and relieve the headache caused by stress. You can also take a hot shower or a hot tub make for hands for 10-15 minutes. In chronic headaches each time before going to bed, take a hot foot bath for 10-15 minutes.



Add a glass of warm water a few drops of lemon juice, mix well and drink. Headache decrease. This is a good remedy for headaches associated with gas formation in the stomach. You can also apply on the forehead lemon pasta. Drink lemon tea 3-4 times a day.


Betel leaf

If you want to get rid of a headache for a few seconds, try the betel leaves. Take 3-4 leaves and chop them. Apply this paste on the temples for half an hour. Or chew 1-2 leaves. You very quickly get rid of the headache.



Anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help to get rid of a headache. By relaxing the blood vessels, ginger helps relieve the pain. During the day, drink 3-4 cups of ginger tea Ginger tea: healing healer  Ginger tea: healing healer
 . Drink ginger tea at the first sign of headache, so you quickly get rid of it.


An Apple

If the day starts with a headache, take a slice of apple, a little salt it and eat. Drink too little water. Alternatively, fill a bowl with hot water, add 3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Soak this water clean towel and put it on the forehead, inhale the steam 10-15 minutes. 3-4 times a day, drink water with apple cider vinegar.



The soothing properties of peppermint can greatly relieve the headache. Prepare a tea from 1-2 teaspoons of dried peppermint, filled a glass of hot water. Allow to cool, add a little honey. Besides tea, try a massage with peppermint oil. Massage the temples, jaw, forehead and neck. Inhaling vapors peppermint, you also get rid of a headache.


Eucalyptus oil

This oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Massage with eucalyptus oil will quickly get rid of the headache. Massage the forehead and temples for 10-15 minutes. This massage relaxes the muscles in the head. You can add a little coconut eucalyptus oil and almond oil.



Prepare powdered cinnamon sticks. Add a little water and make a paste. Apply this paste on the temples and on both sides of the forehead. Lie and lie quietly for half an hour. Soon you will feel relief. Rinse pasta with cold water.

This is a very good remedy for headaches caused by exposure to cold.


Black coffee and lemon

When you feel a headache, make a cup of black coffee and squeeze half a lemon into it. Headache should go away within 30 minutes.

Coffee has vasoconstrictor activity. Essential oil composition lemon eliminate problems with digestion. By increasing the concentration of oxygen molecules, this tool eliminates the migraine. However, do not drink too much coffee as it can cause other health problems.



Temporary relief of headache will massage the head, neck and shoulders. If the headache is caused by stress or tension, massage ease pain, relax muscles and improve sleep.


Lie in the Dark

Try to lie down in a dark room for 10 minutes, it can relieve a headache.



Meditation helps to focus and calm the mind. Hindu meditation method called Vipassana can relieve a headache. Regular yoga and meditation help less often experience headaches.



Lavender calms the nerves. When the headache use sachet with dried lavender flowers. Boil 1 teaspoon of lavender flowers in a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Slowly drink.


Cayenne pepper

Mix ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper 50 ml of warm water. Moisten a piece of cotton with this solution. Gently lubricate the nostrils until you feel a burning sensation. When burning will take place, the headache disappears.



Regular headaches may gradually disappear if the daily use almonds. In addition to the substances, relieves pain, almonds contains magnesium. This mineral helps to calm the nerves and relax the muscles. Almonds are also contains a lot of vitamin E, manganese, potassium and riboflavin, zinc, copper and phosphorus. It is recommended to consume 10-12 almonds a day.


Foods cause headaches

Some products may increase the headache: chocolate, cola, caffeine, citrus fruits, gluten, eggs, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, milk, corn, grains, red wine, sugar (lack or overabundance), soy sauce, salami, sauerkraut, vanilla Vanilla: sweet tenderness  Vanilla: sweet tenderness
 , Raspberries, black walnut.


Herbal tea

Prepare tea from the following ingredients:

  • Dried prunes - 5 pcs.
  • Green tea - 1 tablespoon
  • Mint - 2 tablespoons
  • Water - 3-5 cups

Boil the ingredients in water for 15 minutes. Drink this tea for headaches, no more than 3 cups a day.

If you often suffer from headaches, it could be a sign of serious illness. Consult your doctor to find out why.

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