• Beeswax and its use in cosmetology - actual topic of all time
  • Composition and Properties

 The healing properties of honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   and propolis are legendary, and the range of their application has no limits: cooking, medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology ... Wax is not so popular, however, and a substance that bees give to mankind, are in high demand. The use of beeswax in cosmetics has been known since ancient times. It contains a variety of skin benefit ingredients, and masks and creams to its content can not only buy in the stores, but also to cook at home alone.

 Beeswax and its use in cosmetology - actual topic of all time

The main properties of beeswax

Beeswax - is one of those natural natural remedies, all properties are not fully understood, although the scope of their extremely wide. Bees Wax wax recovered from special glands located in the lower part of bryushek. Active young bees produce wax. At the age of twenty days, this ability is being lost. Bees use the product for the construction and preservation of hundreds of other essential substances that they produce. The substance has a very complex composition. For the cosmetics industry, it is important that it is rich in vitamin A, indispensable for nourishing and healing skin.

For thousands of years of its existence, humanity has not yet found a way to artificial synthetic wax. Today we can only clean the wax from honey and other impurities industrial way. Even this purified wax used in cosmetics.

According to the chemical composition relates to solid wax lipids and contains in its composition more than thirty chemicals, including hydrocarbons and esters. Even at a temperature of thirty-five degrees wax becomes pliable. It is insoluble in water, poorly soluble in alcohol. It is readily soluble in essential oils, fats, ether and turpentine.

 Beeswax and its use in cosmetology - actual topic of all time

The wax in cosmetics

The use of wax in cosmetics based on its anti-inflammatory, soothing and antibacterial properties. Wherein the wax is neutral and does not react with other ingredients, so it is actively used as a preservative viscous stable bases for ointments and creams. This product has a life of bees is very rare and useful property: forming a protective layer on the skin that protects it from drying out, it at the same time does not clog pores. After applying the wax skin becomes smooth and elastic, it becomes fresh and healthy look. Products that contain this ingredient, well heals minor skin damage: scratches, burns, abrasions, inflammation

In cosmetology used yellow wax because it is richer in vitamin A, which is destroyed by bleaching. All wax-based makeup or its contents can be divided into the following groups:

  • Creams for face and body for various purposes, which plays the role of beeswax foundation.
  • Cleansing cosmetic lotions.
  • Creams that protect against UV radiation.
  • Creams for the face and body.
  • Means for nails of hands and feet.
  • Ointments to remove calluses and corns Corns: Causes and Treatment  Corns: Causes and Treatment
  • Lipsticks and lip balms.
  • Means for hair removal.

 Beeswax and its use in cosmetology - actual topic of all time

How to make creams and masks made of wax with your hands

On the basis of beeswax can be prepared by means of skin care products on their own. It is necessary to remember a few simple rules:

  • One can not melt the wax in a metal container, because the fatty acids contained in the wax are reacted with certain metals to form salts harmful. Therefore it is recommended to use an enamel, glass or wooden utensils.
  • For added convenience, the wax Grate or turn the knife in small chips.
  • Wax can be kept for a long time even at room temperature.
  • The components that you add to the wax, too, needs to be heated, the wax in contact with them began to stiffen.

To prepare the cream-mask for aging skin that is easily smooth out fine wrinkles, it is necessary to melt in a water bath of one teaspoon of wax, honey, wheat germ oil and one tablespoon of rosehip oil. The mixture was then connected to two tablespoons of juice onions. Ingredients mixed directly in a water bath, and then beat with a mixer. Still warm, but not hot cream should be applied to the face and leave for half an hour. Then, all that is not absorbed into the skin, remove with a paper towel. If skin is oily, then instead of onion juice you want to use lemon.

For dry chapped skin are recommended gentle mask with wax. Place in a water bath one teaspoon of wax, one tablespoon of softened butter, one tablespoon of carrot juice or cucumber. Composition withstand bath until melted butter, then beat with a mixer. Keep on the face for about twenty minutes. This mask is very good and chapped hands.

Refreshing Nourishing and toning mask useful for aging skin. For this recipe requires lanolin. First you need to prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , A tablespoon of carrot juice, a tablespoon of raw potato juice and the same amount of lemon juice. Melt in a water bath, and a teaspoon of wax directly on the bath, add the same amount of lanolin and one tablespoon of wheat germ oil. With continuous stirring hold in a bath one more minute, then remove, combine with cooked sour cream and stir Sokov composition. The resulting mask on his face to keep about half an hour, then rinse with warm and rinse with cool water.

Read more Composition and Properties

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