• Black eye: an alarm
  • Cosmetic decision

 bruising under the eyes cosmetic solution

Bruises under the eyes cosmetic solution

The problem of the emergence of bruises under his eyes certainly faced each. When appears around the eye dark circle - this is the right signal to the body that with him all right. Bruises under the eyes can make itself felt at almost any age, they often appear even in children. In any case, from this decoration is desirable to get rid as soon as possible.

Sometimes bruises indicate insufficient care for the skin around the eyes, but in most cases they are talking about the deterioration of health. If you correctly identify the cause of this phenomenon, to eliminate it will not be difficult. Bruises under the eyes may occur as a consequence of a stormy night, and sleep deprivation. But even if every night one tries to go to bed no later than eleven o'clock at night and sleep well, sometimes bruising is still not in a hurry to disappear. Sometimes they like puffiness under the eyes, do not come from a lack of oxygen and poor oxygen supply, in turn, may be a symptom of disorders of the cardiovascular activity. Here it is the people's means of treatment will not be enough, and is as fast as possible to visit the doctor.

Another reason for the bruising under the eyes can be a problem with the kidneys. In violation of the exchange of body fluids begin to accumulate excess water in the most unlikely places, causing not only swelling, and skin discoloration.


The bruises under his eyes as a problem of cosmetic nature

Bruises called any discoloration of the skin under the eyes, no matter what shade it gets: bluish, gray, brown, yellow. Sunken eyes with brownish color of the skin around - a sign of possible circulatory disorders. Yellowish skin may indicate problems with the liver and gallbladder. And she can get yellow or brown in color due to the pigmentation disorders. In this case you should try to remove the black eyes through a variety of bleaching creams, which include retinol.

There are recipes for home whitening facial masks Face masks - the path to health and perfection  Face masks - the path to health and perfection
 Also give a good effect, subject to regular use for a month or two. As a rule, such masks include fresh milk or pulp and juice of fresh cucumber. Has a good whitening effect, and lemon juice, but it is not recommended for use in skin care around the eyes, as if splashed in the eyes, it can cause severe irritation.

Sometimes black eyes occur because it is very close to the upper layer of the epidermis in these places are blood vessels. Masks and creams in this case does not help, it makes sense to make a laser correction procedure, or sign up for lymphatic drainage massage.


Cosmetics from bruises under his eyes: concealer

Remove dark circles under the eyes, or rather mask using special cosmetics, which are called concealers and correctors are a kind face. They are lighter and more delicate texture than creams, but not inferior to them in efficiency. Before using concealer Concealer: Learning to mask skin imperfections  Concealer: Learning to mask skin imperfections
   it is desirable to put on the skin under the eyes Cream-lifting, which smooth wrinkles and make it more elastic.

Concealer is applied to the area with dark circles only after the cream is absorbed. The fine wrinkles around the eyes can be masked by applying concentrates, containing tiny particles of powder. These particles have the ability to reflect light, making wrinkles become almost invisible. The structure of these concentrates usually includes oil and malt biogialuronovaya acid, improves skin elasticity and promotes the strengthening of its protective properties. It is advisable to use them in the morning before applying makeup, rubbing the skin pat. Good camouflage blue under the eyes creamy concealers with a reddish or yellowish tint, and in the composition of such cosmetics include ingredients that improve blood circulation and lymphatic fluid: butcher, Verdure, cola, horse chestnut, nettle and others.

Svetlana Usankova

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