• Breast when breast hurts
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 types of mastitis

Types of mastitis

Women's breasts are so sensitive to various external and internal factors that often there are various breast diseases. Thus, it can be said that though the breast and are second only to the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
 Are indicators of women's health and the health of the organism as a whole. One of the most common diseases of the breast is considered breast. In addition, the release also types of mastitis, which determines the tactics of further examination and treatment. And if not so long ago breast almost equated with options normal, then today mammology argue that the breast - is a disease that requires treatment.

There are two types of mastitis:

  • Nodal mastopathy

Nodes or nodular breast disease is characterized by a single seal (node) in the breast. Nodal breast fibroadenoma can be represented Fibroadenoma  Fibroadenoma
   (benign tumor) or a brush (the formation of a liquid-filled). If you have a cyst in the breast, it shows its surgical removal.

  • Diffuse breast

Diffuse breast disease is characterized by multiple nodes that affect the entire breast tissue. There are diffuse mastopathy Diffuse breast - who are exposed to?  Diffuse breast - who are exposed to?
   with a predominance of the fibrous component, diffuse mastopathy with prevalence of glandular component and diffuse mastopathy with prevalence of cystic component (multiple cysts), as well as mixed forms of mastopathy.

 Breast when breast hurts - Types

Diffuse breast

As a rule, diffuse mastopathy can be suspected in the initial stages of the disease process. Patients worried about discomfort in the breast the day before menstruation, distension and breast engorgement. Such feelings disappear with menstruation, and patients feel very good until the next month. As the disease progresses the pain intensified, and sometimes is so pronounced that it is impossible to touch his chest. The pain may spread to the axilla, shoulder, shoulder blade. The pain is so pronounced that patients disturbed sleep. Diffuse breast is typical for women who are not older than 35 years. In the mammary glands are palpated at the entire area of ​​dense nodes which become painful before menstruation. After monthly nodes soften or even disappear, the pain passes.

With further progression of the disease pain gradually taper off but may cause discharge from the nipple: a clear, yellowish, greenish, or mind-like colostrum. Painful seal in the breast and nipple discharge worse before menstruation, and after the decrease. Complete softening foci of mastitis after menstruation does not occur. The breast can be felt grainy rough lobed.

 Breast when breast hurts - Types

Nodal mastopathy

Nodal mastopathy is typical for women from 30 to 50 years. The breast can be felt seal, which, unlike seals in diffuse form more pronounced, have clear boundaries. Similar formations easily palpated in women standing position, since a horizontal position of the seal loses clarity boundaries disappear in the breast tissue. Individual nodes can appear in one or both breasts. If they are formed in the diffuse background of mastitis, it may be accompanied by discharge from the nipple.

Nodular mastitis requires a more thorough examination, since nodes can ozlokachestvlyatsya. Moreover, signs of breast cancer and mastitis similar. In addition to mammography and examine Ductography discharge from the nipples, and the blood on hormones.

 Breast when breast hurts - Types


Treatment of mastitis, as mentioned above depends on its type. In diffuse mastopathy recommended diet with restriction of salt and fat, is shown wearing a special, pitted, bra, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In some cases, appointed painkillers before menstruation, sedatives. Nodal increasingly exposed breast surgery (for example, in cases of suspected malignant tumor or the presence of cysts). All women with mastopathy subject to dispensary.

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