Congenital inguinal hernia
 Despite the common perception is widely mass opinion that the hernia, especially the groin, can only appear in young boys - this is a huge mistake. Congenital inguinal hernias develop in girls and boys. The only difference is the frequency of symptoms of surgical disease. As a rule, congenital inguinal hernias occur in 3-5% of all children. Of these, 35% of congenital inguinal hernia is diagnosed before the age of six months. Typically sided inguinal hernia (60% of cases) but it is rarely localized on the left side of the groin (30% of cases). It should be noted that 10-15% of inguinal hernia, it has the character of bilateral. And, of course, a congenital inguinal hernia is more common in boys.

 Congenital inguinal hernia - how to recognize it in the early stages


Inguinal hernia is a way out of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity in the region of the inguinal canal. The most common hernial sac fall bowel loops and omentum site, although it is possible and getting him a testicle or ovary, bladder, round ligament of the uterus and other organs. There are congenital and acquired inguinal hernia.

 Congenital inguinal hernia - how to recognize it in the early stages

Congenital inguinal hernia

As noted above, a congenital inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - why is it dangerous?  Inguinal hernia - why is it dangerous?
   more common in boys, due to anatomical features. First of all it is worth noting the role of the processus vaginalis of the peritoneum in the genesis of inguinal hernia Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?  Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?
 . Processus vaginalis is a peritoneal diverticulum of parietal peritoneum as a blind sac. This process falls into the scrotum, and the purpose of it is to move eggs from the lumbar region into the scrotum. All these processes take place at the stage of fetal development. Since the process of moving (migration) fully exposed to testicular hormonal phenomena, in the case of any violation of processus vaginalis does not grow and the egg remains in the inguinal canal. As a result, the boys formed an inguinal hernia, hydrocele, or cyst of the spermatic cord.

Congenital inguinal hernia in girls is much rarer. This is due to the fact that the female fetus inguinal canal is much narrower and it already has the round ligament of the uterus. But in some cases, the processus vaginalis does not close, and can remain open after the birth of a girl. Thus, a so-called Nukk channel which can hit the ovary.

It should be noted that the incidence of congenital inguinal hernias larger preterm infants (about one and a half to two times).

 Congenital inguinal hernia - how to recognize it in the early stages


First of all, what to pay attention to parents - is unknown formation in the groin. Herniation has myagkoelastichnuyu consistency and virtually painless. At rest or horizontally inguinal hernia "disappear", that is independently reduce a. As a rule, hernial protrusion is particularly noticeable during physical activity of the child, which leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (laughing, crying, prolonged walking, attempts during defecation).

 Congenital inguinal hernia - how to recognize it in the early stages


Diagnosis of congenital inguinal hernia includes medical history and complaints (usually from parents). Physical examination is determined by the hernial protrusion in the groin, which disappear on their own in the child lying position. Inguinal hernia, scrotal boys observed deformation of the scrotum, and the girls changing the shape and size of the labia. In addition, the determined positive symptom cough shock.

 Congenital inguinal hernia - how to recognize it in the early stages

Differential diagnosis

The differential diagnosis must be done with hydrocele or inguinal lymphadenitis Lymphadenitis  Lymphadenitis
 . When hydrocele patient has been a sharp increase in the affected side of the scrotum, a symptom cough shock is negative. Increasing the size of the scrotum occurs in the daytime, while at rest, during sleep, it return to normal size.

Lymphadenitis is characterized by enlarged inguinal lymph nodes and painful lymph nodes, their seal and the temperature increase. In the lymph nodes, skin redness, and increased local temperature.

Anna Sozinova

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