 Conjunctivitis is quite common, especially in children. The reason is that the conjunctiva is constantly exposed to various external influences, while responsive to the slightest changes, both in the external environment and the internal environment of the organism. Often such reactivity contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.


Causes of conjunctivitis, and its species

Conjunctivitis - an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane which covers the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of the sclera) of the eye, most infectious (bacterial, viral, fungal) origin.

Pathogens enter the eye often from external environment when in contact with a patient, with dirty hands, when using one towel, and so on. The source of infection can be not only ill conjunctivitis, but also sick of any infection of upper respiratory tract or the respiratory tract (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, etc.).

Most often conjunctivitis begins after microtraumas conjunctiva (eye contact dust, insects, etc.), hypothermia or overheating, swimming in different water bodies (mostly stagnant fresh water), against any infection of upper respiratory tract or the respiratory tract.

Conjunctivitis divided into acute, subacute and chronic. Acute conjunctivitis begins abruptly, with pain in his eyes, and last from one to three weeks. Subacute conjunctivitis do not start so suddenly and occur over a long time. Chronic conjunctivitis develops slowly, it is prolonged, with relapses.

In addition, allergic conjunctivitis and divided into infectious (bacterial, viral, chlamydial, fungal). By the nature of the inflammatory process is divided into catarrhal conjunctivitis, purulent, filmy and follicular.


The symptoms of acute conjunctivitis

Despite the different causes of the disease, conjunctivitis begin in most cases the same with redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, foreign body sensation in the eye, photophobia, lacrimation. Catarrh in infectious conjunctivitis quickly becomes purulent. In allergic conjunctivitis in the allergic process is often associated infection - it easily penetrates through inflamed mucosa, causing purulent process.

When purulent inflammation appears copious purulent discharge, and in the surface layers of the cornea appear places inflammatory seal. Bacterial infections often occur in the form of membranous conjunctivitis. At the same time the conjunctiva appear mucopurulent film is easy to remove with a cotton swab. Purulent conjunctivitis are especially dangerous in children's groups - infection instantly transmitted from child to child.

Acute viral conjunctivitis is most often caused by adenoviruses or other viruses that cause acute respiratory diseases. At the same time there are signs of conjunctivitis or simultaneously with the defeat of the upper respiratory tract, or a little earlier. Initially, one eye is affected, and in a few days - the second. The process may be involved the cornea - the transparent outer shell on the front surface of the eye, and shows the small seal inflammatory cornea slightly cloudy. Abnormalities in the cornea can be kept long enough.

Sometimes acute conjunctivitis is hemorrhagic in nature - the conjunctiva appear hemorrhage. This often occurs during viral and allergic conjunctivitis.

Fungal conjunctivitis often the yeast of the genus Candida, and manifested by redness, swelling and the appearance of cheesy raids on the conjunctiva.


Symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis

Chronic conjunctivitis begins gradually, different persistent and prolonged course with frequent exacerbations of the inflammatory process. Patients are constantly worried about foreign body sensation in the eye, redness of the conjunctiva, its surface is uneven grainy appearance.

Often in the form of chronic allergic conjunctivitis takes shape (spring catarrh) - a disease exacerbated mainly in spring and summer. At the same time patients have increased sensitivity to the ultraviolet part of the spectrum of sunlight.

Conjunctivitis can be complicated by inflammation of the cornea, which can cause a more or less stable decrease of view.



Treatment of conjunctivitis is mainly local: depending on the type of conjunctivitis are appointed by eye drops with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-allergic effect. For the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis commonly used medications that strengthen the immune system.

Galina Romanenko

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Article Tags:
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  • ophthalmology
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