diffuse changes of the pancreas
 It is not all diffuse changes of the pancreas Diffuse changes of the pancreas - is not a disease, and the data diagnostiches  Diffuse changes of the pancreas - is not a disease, and the data diagnostiches
   to be treated. Most often it is small changes that do not require any additional testing or treatment. In order to proceed with the treatment of such changes, you must first put the patient diagnosis.

 Diffuse changes of the pancreas - the necessary treatment

Whom to treat and who is not

Diffuse changes of the pancreas - it is not a diagnosis, and the conclusion of one of the types of examination - ultrasound. This conclusion is in itself nothing says it is intended for the doctor, who flock to the data of diagnostic tests. But somehow the conclusion of US patients are very frightened, and instead ask your doctor what it means, they ask about one another on the Internet.

How dangerous and whether the treatment, the doctor decides. If such diffuse changes of the pancreas reveal a man who no matter what does not complain, no additional tests and treatments he was not appointed. In this case, more important is the presence of diffuse or complications, and the lack of focal, i.e. tumors, cysts and stones.

But if detected diffuse changes in the patient have a complaint on the part of the digestive system, it examined further and identify the causes of this phenomenon. After establishing the final diagnosis of the patient being treated.

Finally, sometimes diffuse changes in the pancreas are a sign of acute pancreatitis, which is confirmed by laboratory tests and the patient's condition. Such patients require immediate hospitalization.

 Diffuse changes of the pancreas - the necessary treatment

Treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis, pancreatic juice stasis occurs in the pancreas, its swelling and then self-digestion. All this is accompanied by severe pain, vomiting and severe general condition of the patient.

First aid in acute pancreatitis - a pain relief, the maximum relaxation of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and suppression of the function of the pancreas.

For pain relief used NSAIDs (e.g., diclofenac), as well as narcotic drugs (promedol, morphine). To relax the smooth muscles of the pancreatic ducts, removing spasms and improve the outflow of pancreatic juice prescribe antispasmodics (eg, no-silos). To suppress the secretion of pancreatic juice atropine and applied to the stomach cold. Intravenously administered various solutions, because the patient can not drink because of the pain and vomiting.

As long as a patient held in pain, he did not eat and only then begin to improve it in small portions to give yogurt. Expanding diet slowly, taking into account the patient's general condition

 Diffuse changes of the pancreas - the necessary treatment

Treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis

Diffuse changes in the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis Chronic pancreatitis  Chronic pancreatitis
   It can be both in the acute phase (this shows edema cancer) and in remission, a sign diffuse proliferation of pancreatic connective tissue.

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis occurs almost the same as acute pancreatitis, but is considerably easier and requires similar treatment.

The remission to the fore diet and correction of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The diet of the patient eliminates the use of fatty, fried, spicy, canned food, sweets, baking, and carbonated beverages. Meals should be frequent and fractional.

The method of correction in this case is chosen individually for each patient. Appointed by the enzyme preparations (mezim, Creon, festal). Under the influence of these drugs in patients are nausea, bloating, diarrhea.

If patients have a significant decrease in pancreatic function and the absence of enzymes for digestion of protein foods, they are administered intravenously a mixture of amino acids. For better absorption of protein administered vit amines of group B, C, and anabolic hormones (eg retabolil).

Used drugs to increase the secretion of the pancreas, a vitamin.

Since chronic pancreatitis in almost all patients with impaired insulin secretion, and develop secondary diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 , Are assigned to a diet with restriction of carbohydrates and glucose-lowering drugs.

Treatment of diffuse changes of the pancreas can be conducted in various ways - all depends on the diagnosis of the disease. Sometimes the changes identified in the US do not require treatment.

Galina Romanenko

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