exercises for the face
 The appearance of a woman's face can be corrected in different ways - make-up, cosmetics, surgery. The modern woman can get rid of wrinkles with the help of lifting. Wrinkles around the mouth can be removed by injection and the other injection will make the lips fuller. Dear cream will smooth forehead. Eye makeup, peels, hair - all of which can make a person really beautiful. But it is impossible to pull double chin surgically or cosmetically. Usually it is neck and chin give the woman's age. But there is a natural way to get rid of a double chin and neck to make a beautiful, free and effective. It exercises for the face.

 Exercises for the face - get rid of a double chin

Exercises of double chin

Anyone can correct the shape and size of the chin through exercise for the face. The secret of these exercises is that they strengthen the muscles, tighten the skin and reduce fat. If you practice regularly (once or twice a day), you will feel the first results within two weeks.

 Exercises for the face - get rid of a double chin


Sit up straight. Zaprokinte head back. Press the skin at the neck and hold his hand during the exercise. Lift the jaw forward and your lips. Stay in this position for two seconds. Then relax for two seconds and repeat. Take thirty repetitions a day. You will feel the stretch the muscles and skin of the neck.

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, arms, push your hips. Press the chin to your chest and hold for two seconds. Slowly tilt your head back, then slowly press your chin to your chest. Make twenty-five repetitions.

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, pull out and put his hands on the floor. Lift your head so that the chin appeared at the top. Stay in this position for two seconds, then relax and lower your head. Make thirty repetitions. You feel like skin stretched neck.

 Exercises for the face - get rid of a double chin

Breathing during exercise

When you do these exercises, breathe in the same rhythm in which the move.

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