Get Rid Of Acne
 Acne - a very common problem worldwide; the study of this disorder are devoted to dozens of studies, constantly creating new remedies for acne and blackheads, but the perfect remedy to get rid of acne, which guarantees a clean skin is not found. Those who suffer from acne, remains only to try all available means until they find the ones that will be most effective for a particular person.


OTC remedies for acne

  • Soap and water. Regular, thorough but gentle cleansing - the basic rule for people suffering from acne. A person need to wash twice a day (no more!) To clear it out of the abundance of natural fats that are often associated with the appearance of pimples and acne. However, to avoid frequent use of scrubs, as well as aggressive means for cleaning the skin, which can aggravate the symptoms of acne.
  • Lotions and tonics. On sale you can see many lotions and tonics that are likely to cure acne and acne Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 . However, those who properly cleanses the skin and uses special means of acne, such agents is not recommended - they tend to desiccate the skin and only worsen her condition.
  • Benzoyl peroxide. Funds with benzoyl peroxide can be bought without a prescription. As a rule, they are well help in mild forms of acne. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria associated with the development of acne, clogged pores and prevents dead skin cells. This material is a part of a variety of ointments, lotions, gels and other means for problem skin Tools for problem skin  Tools for problem skin
 . It should be used very sparingly, because it can lead to severe dryness of the skin.
  • Salicylic Acid normalizes the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells, and gives them to block the pores. However, it does not affect the production of sebum, and not kill the bacterium. Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and the like, to maintain the desired effect should be used consistently. Skin problems are returned shortly after a person stops using cosmetics with salicylic acid - however, this applies to the majority of anti-acne.
  • Sulfur is a component of many products for problem skin, usually in combination with an alcohol, salicylic acid and resorcinol.
  • Alcohol due to its antibacterial properties, used in the manufacture of a variety of anti-acne. Until relatively recently, rubbing alcohol in pure form or ordinary colognes were widely used to treat acne. Currently, however, it means a high concentration of alcohol is not recommended to use for skin care.
  • Natural remedies for acne. Such funds - for example, medicinal plants or minerals (pharmacy daisy, blue clay) - a lot, but their effectiveness has not been proved. They can be used as additional agents for skin, to treat acne but they are apparently not suitable.
  • A healthy diet, contrary to popular belief, does not help to get rid of acne. Refusing biscuits, chocolate bars and fatty foods is for the sake of their own health, but we should not expect that because of this the skin becomes cleaner.
  • Nekomedogennaya cosmetics have to be in the purse of a woman with a skin problem. Buying moisturizers, creams, powders it is necessary to ensure that these funds do not clog the pores, and thus do not lead to deterioration of the skin.


Prescription Remedies For Acne

  • Antibiotics. In the treatment of acne are antibiotics used for oral or topical use. They remove from the skin bacteria that cause acne and acne and reduce inflammation. Systemic antibiotics cause significantly more side effects than antibiotics for topical use, so they are usually prescribed only in severe forms of acne. External antibiotic drugs are usually used in combination with other agents, for example with benzoyl peroxide to reduce the likelihood of developing antibiotic resistance.
  • The most common treatment for acne prescribed antibiotics such as tetracycline, oxytetracycline, minocycline and doxycycline. If the patient for some reason you can not take these antibiotics, the doctor may prescribe erythromycin or trimethoprim. These drugs should not be taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
 . Some antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, which increases the chance of pregnancy during treatment.
  • Azelaic acid has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and is therefore part of some prescription drugs for acne.
  • Combined oral contraceptives. Since acne can be caused by hormonal fluctuations, these drugs in some cases, significantly improve skin condition.
  • Accutane - the most potent of the currently available drugs for the treatment of acne. He is very effectively treats acne and acne, but causes serious side effects and, therefore, is assigned only to patients with severe forms of acne. Because Accutane can lead to birth defects, throughout the course of treatment, and for some time after it, you must use reliable contraception.

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