hair restoration domestic conditions
 Often, in the pursuit of beauty and fashion woman forgets the most important thing - that gave Mother Nature. Healthy hair from birth - the wealth that keeps not every: after multiple staining zavivok, and just hot hair dryer hair dryers turn into a lifeless tow. To solve this problem will help the restoration of hair at home.

All funds for the restoration of hair can be divided into cosmetics and traditional medicines.

 Hair Restoration at home: simple enough matter in the correct approach

Cosmetic hair restoration at home

This includes masks, shampoos, conditioners, creams and other medications that the woman can be purchased at pharmacies and supermarket chains.


  • Speed ​​of use
  • The promise of excellent results in the shortest time
  • Does not require additional measures to restore


  • The high cost, in terms of quality products (from 600 rubles per 50 ml balm)
  • Buying a "pig in a poke" as advertising, it is unfortunately not always the case
  • Allergic reactions

Of the entire group stand out:

  • Shampoos

According to market research, leading brands L`Oreal with an innovative product for brittle and damaged hair «Elseve», as well as shampoo Panrene Pro-V «intensive care and recovery." They have established themselves as one of the best products in the fight for the health of hair. This series has recently joined the new product from Schwarzkopf - «Total-Recovery 19". Its advantage lies in the fact that the recovery process does not take more time: everything happens during shampooing. The disadvantages include the fact that not one hundred percent of shoppers rated these products as quality - some shampoos have not brought the desired effect. Experts recommend a comprehensive course in hair restoration Hair Restoration - return vitality  Hair Restoration - return vitality
   Rather than use a dedicated and nourishing shampoo, as often, the problem of hair loss or dimness lies deep in the body, and shampoos have only a superficial effect.

  • Balms

In this category the best choice women customers think of the effect of firming balm Redken - «Extreme deep fuel Redken», which is a leader in the group. Also, according to buyers, in the category of proven products is attributed balm-conditioner «Balm Conditioner» from Keune and nourishing balm by L'Oreal Professionnel. Advantages: ease of use, an optional feature in mind ease of combing. Disadvantage: high cost, because not every woman willing to spend from 150 to 600 rubles for additional care products.

  • Masks

Use them to recommend a maximum of twice a week. The most popular include: Londacare «Hair Rebuilder Jojoba & Almond», «Biolage Fortetherapie» by Matrix and Garnier. Advantages: does not require frequent use, easy operation. Disadvantages: the procedure is necessary to take a few minutes, the high cost. Use all of the tools to achieve the effect of regularly, causing the composition to clean and wet hair.

 Hair Restoration at home: simple enough matter in the correct approach

Traditional recipes

The people preserved a lot of recipes that are time tested, and several generations of people. Today, thanks to innovative technologies and advanced research institutes may explain why a particular product is rehabilitation and restoration of hair. So, rich in vitamins, natural fatty acids and wax mask of the fish oil, honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   aloe juice, and a mask of a ripe figs will help restore natural shine and strength. For dry damaged hair in the best way the mask of nutmeg oil. Applied to the comb a small amount, it perfectly moisturizes and strengthens dry, damaged hair.

In addition, it copes with the problems of hair atypical for the Russian latitudes mango butter, which is now also available over the counter. It restores and nourishes the hair, smoothing the scales and preserves the integrity of the lipid film. Other vegetable oils - palm, coconut, apricot - form on the scalp protective film, moisturizing hair. Apply them to be as well - putting a small amount on a comb.

The importance of a diet to restore. Experts recommend to pay attention to the foods that contain vitamins as part of the "A" (egg yolk, carrots, butter, sea buckthorn, dairy products, vegetable oils). To restore the brightness of the color and gloss are often colored hair needs vitamins "B" (cereals, poultry, dairy products, dark green vegetables, liver), which prevent the flushing of color and serve as protection from the effects of negative factors. Universal antioxidant that gives elasticity and shine to hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   It is a vitamin "E" (oil, nuts, spinach, liver, sunflower oil, and sunflower seeds, salmon, whole grain, oats).

Nuances of recovery operations:

  • You must completely at least temporarily give up everything that has destroyed the root bulb (painting, chemical and biological perms, highlighting, etc.)
  • Revise the food, often eating foods that contain calcium (hard cheese, cottage cheese, milk, etc.)
  • Make lightweight folding, preferably without the use of special varnishes and hot air from a hair dryer.
  • Not recommended for drying towel and squeeze strongly deformed hair

Continuous and competent care, and reducing the use of cosmetics, nutrition, reception of vitamins, a healthy lifestyle can do wonders, restoring the healthy condition of the hair.

Galina Yampol'skaya

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