• Handmade soap: instructions for making
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 handmade soap recipes

Recipes olive, tea, liquid soap

One of the creative hobby in recent years - an independent, at home, making soap. The fascinating process, unrestricted flight of fancy, an infinite number of options. The result - an aesthetic pleasure, creative self-realization and practical use - usually handmade soap is much better for the skin than industrial.

 Handmade soap: instructions for making - Recipes

Olive Soap

There are several methods of making such soaps as ingredients of his choice more. One of the options - a soap based on olive oil.

This recipe is designed for production of approximately 450 grams of soap. To make a more or less soap, respectively, increase or decrease the amount of all ingredients.


  • 360 g of olive oil;
  • 90 g of palm oil;
  • 62 g of sodium hydroxide.

To determine how much water you need, multiply the amount of sodium hydroxide for 2, 2.

Prepare an alkaline solution, adding sodium hydroxide to water. Melt palm oil on the stove or in a microwave oven Microwave - irreplaceable assistant modern housewife  Microwave - irreplaceable assistant modern housewife
 . Mix it with olive and wait until the temperature of the mixture drops to at least 30C. Now add the oil alkaline solution and stir until the mixture is thick enough (indicator of sufficient density is a stage of the track when the soap mixture remains on the walls of the cookware). After this soap mixture can be poured into a mold.

This - the basic recipe for soap made from olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
 . You can change it to your liking by adding different coloring and flavoring.

 Handmade soap: instructions for making - Recipes

Tea Soap

 handmade soap recipes
 Making handmade soap, for all its attractiveness deters many people need to work with an alkaline solution. A small breach of safety regulations, one wrong move - and the consequences of careless handling of a hazardous substance can be very sad. For those who are afraid of it, but still want to try to make soap with their hands, there are simple recipes, one of the ingredients which is the soap base. For example, the preparation of tea soap does not take a lot of time and is unlikely to end burns and resuscitation - to deal with the alkali is not necessary.

You will need glycerin soap base and tea bags - excellent black tea with orange flavor, as well as Earl Grey. If desired, additional flavorings can be used (e.g., ethereal oils), and coloring agents.

Melt the soap base in the microwave or in a water bath. Do not allow it to too high a temperature and stir regularly - proceed the same way as when you melt the chocolate. When soap base there will be no solid pieces, add the butter (if you use them), and poured out the tea bag - two regular-sized bar of soap only one bag. Once again all mix and pour the soap mixture into molds. Typically, the soap base solidifies in a few hours, after which soap is ready for use.

 Handmade soap: instructions for making - Recipes

Recipe Soap handmade

 handmade soap recipes

  • Grate or finely chop a piece of soap (about 115 g).
  • Boil in a pot four cups of water.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, add the water, soap and stir until soap is melted. Continue stirring, the mixture became homogeneous. At this stage it is very liquid.
  • Allow the resulting mixture to cool, at least, within fifteen minutes, then stir. Now the soap should be thicker.
  • Leave the soap still for several hours or overnight.
  • Once again, stir to ensure consistency. If soap seems too liquid, heat it again and add more grated soap. If it is too thick, heat and add water.
  • Once you get the soap right consistency, add some essential oils and dyes - on request.
  • Pour the liquid soap in a dispenser bottle and enjoy.

You will need: a bar of soap, a knife or trowel, water, pot saucers or essential oil (optional), coloring (optional), empty bottles with dispensers.


 Handmade soap: instructions for making - Recipes

Some tips

  • Want to do more liquid soap? Just add one cup of water for every 30 g of grated soap.
  • Liquid Soap handmade stored for a long time, so you can cook at once in large chunks, two or three times a year.
  • The final result may differ depending on whether you are using soap. You can modify the recipe as long as it does not satisfy you completely.
  • For consistency of the soap was completely homogeneous, before pouring it into bottles, mix it in a blender.
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