how to pull double chin
 The problem of double chin is quite common, most often associated with being overweight, and particularly malnutrition, and lack of physical activity. Double chin makes you insecure, in addition, because of it, you can look thicker than it actually is, because the fat gathers around the person. By changing the diet and doing, among others, special exercises for the muscles of the jaw, you can pull up the chin and make beautiful shapes.

Eat a healthy diet. To lose weight, you need new eating habits - more healthy. This should not be a short-term diet, and changes in life. Avoid fatty and sugary food, instead eat foods rich in protein and vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 Then you will be able to lose a few kilograms, and in addition to get rid of double chin. In addition, if you want to lose weight, you should pay attention to the calories and portion sizes.

 How to pull double chin: in the fight for a beautiful outline


  • Stand up straight, tilt the head back, so that the face staring at the ceiling. Tilt your head back a little more, pull his lips forward until you feel the muscle tension anterior surface of the neck. Keep this position for five seconds, then return to starting position. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • Stand up straight, looking forward, arms and shoulders slumped. Tilt your head forward and start the rotation of the head in a clockwise direction until you return to the starting position. Then repeat the movement, but in the other direction. This exercise (in both directions) must be repeated at least five times. The rotation of the head helps to stretch the muscles of the neck and tightens the neck and jaw.
  • Stand up straight, looking forward, shoulders slumped. Right hand, pull over the head and hold the left side of the head. Gently pull your head to the right shoulder until you feel a stretch on the left side of the neck. Stay in this position for five seconds and return to starting position. Repeat with the left hand, lowering his head to the left shoulder. This exercise should be carried out fully five or ten times in order to tighten the chin.
  • Stand up straight, looking forward, shoulders slumped. Put your head down, so that his chin almost pressed to his chest. You have to look at the floor and feel the stretching of the back of the neck. Stay in this position for five seconds, then unbend neck until until you look up at the ceiling, in this position, too, stay for five seconds. Repeat the exercise five times entirely.

 How to pull double chin: in the fight for a beautiful outline

Tips & Warnings

If you plan what food is ready, it will stick to a healthy diet plan Healthy eating  Healthy eating
 . Planning times a week will help you easier and more efficient to buy the products.

For best results, try not to move other muscles during these exercises.

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  • dewlap
  • Advice on how to remove a double chin man quickly and efficiently
  • How to remove fat from a double chin: regular exercise