swollen lymph nodes
 Inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) is rarely independent disease. It usually develops in the presence of an inflammatory focus elsewhere. At the same time the symptoms of lymphadenitis can be expressed, whereas the underlying disease that caused it can not manifest itself in any way.


What is the lymphatic system

Lymphatic System - a system of lymph vessels and lymph nodes (they are located along the blood vessels), by means of which the internal organs and tissues removed, excess fluid and waste products (often toxic).

Lymph nodes are clusters of loose connective tissue permeated cellular elements at different stages of maturation. From the lymph nodes surrounding tissue demarcated connective capsule. The lymph nodes are formed lymphocytes and immunoglobulins that act as antibodies. That is produced in the lymph nodes of immune cells and antibodies that participate in cellular and humoral immunity.


The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) usually develops when a infectious-inflammatory process in a nearby organ or tissue. This happens because when ingested infection immune cells are the first to stand up to fight the infection. The lymph nodes accumulate a large number of immune cells, which leads to the development of the inflammatory process.

Lymphadenitis can be acute or chronic. Features of the disease depend on the virulence of the pathogen infection (virulence), immune status and adequacy of treatment.

Lymphadenitis may cause a variety of infectious agents (bacterial, viral, fungal), which fall within the lymph node from the primary infectious-inflammatory focus (eg, abscess) through the lymphatic vessels.


Symptoms of acute inflammation of the lymph nodes

Starts disease with lymph node enlargement and tenderness. At the same time there are general signs of intoxication: malaise, headache Headache  Headache
 , Weakness, fever. Sometimes, swollen lymph nodes is accompanied by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels - lymphangitis.

Current lymphadenitis depends on the course of the inflammatory process in the primary focus: the greater it expresses, the harder it will proceed lymphadenitis. However, when calming inflammation in the primary foci of inflammation in the lymph nodes sometimes continues.

Lymphadenitis are catarrhal, purulent and hemorrhagic (inflammatory fluid has an admixture of blood). Catarrhal lymphadenitis is mild, general suffers a little, affected lymph nodes are enlarged, painful, not soldered to the surrounding tissue, the skin over them is not changed. If an abscess lymph nodes, once the temperature rises, the signs of intoxication, the skin over the lymph nodes red and inflamed lymph nodes become immobile. After purulent process all lymphatic tissue site can be replaced by connective tissue, ie lymph node stops functioning. This will cause a violation of lymphatic drainage and swelling in some parts of the body.

Inflammation can also spread to other organs and tissues (eg, in the veins - thrombophlebitis) and become chronic. But in most cases with proper adequate treatment lymphadenitis ends without any complications.


Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes

Chronic lymphadenitis is often a consequence of undertreated acute lymphadenitis. But in some cases, the process can proceed chronically from the start at low-intensity inflammatory diseases (eg, chronic tonsillitis). The main feature of chronic inflammation in the lymph nodes is a proliferation of its tissues. This inflammation is rarely accompanied by suppuration.

Lymph nodes are enlarged in chronic inflammation, dense, painless, not soldered to surrounding tissues. Over time, these lymph nodes grows connective tissue, and they are reduced in size. This can lead to disruption of lymph drainage and occurrence of edema.


How to treat swollen lymph nodes

In acute lymphadenitis Lymphadenitis  Lymphadenitis
   is assigned to bed rest, anti-bacterial treatment, treatment of the primary site of infection. After the acute inflammatory events will prescribe physiotherapy. If the lymph node fester, ulcer opened and treat open sores.

Chronic lymphadenitis during exacerbations treated in the same way as acute. At the same time a lot of attention is paid to the identification and treatment of foci of infection in nearby organs.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes require timely detection and treatment.

Galina Romanenko

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