• Intimate piercing - piercing piquant
  • Risks

 intimate piercing
 Female and male intimate body piercing is very popular today. Why is that? It looks sexy. In addition, certain types of intimate piercing enhance sexual pleasure. But what? And who benefits from this more men or women? How many kinds of intimate body piercing? How to care for him after the puncture procedure? How long should I wait to be able to have sex again after the procedure? Questions very much.


Who will benefit from the intimate piercing, men or women?

The woman will almost always get more physical stimulation of the intimate body piercing, both on their own and the piercing of their partner. Piercing in the clitoris can be quite challenging during foreplay and intercourse itself. Male piercing stimulates point G, can help a woman to experience the best sex of her life.

The man, whose appearance excites metal ornament partner between her thighs, and the idea that his piercing please her, could get no less pleasure than a woman.


Male piercing

  • Piercing Prince Albert. This piercing through the bottom part of the head of the penis into the urethra, and out through the external opening of the urethra. Some men like to wear jewelery such as the Rod of Prince Albert, but most prefer a smooth ring or circular barbell curved bar.
  • Reaction to the Prince Albert piercing can be totally different - from love to hate. Before deciding on this piercing, consider the sexual positions that you prefer to determine whether you do a traditional or inverted Prince Albert piercing, or some other.
  • Piercing bridle. This surface piercing runs along the bottom of the shaft of the penis. (It is called the dorsal frenulum piercings, if make it along the top of the penis).
  • Usually piercing bridle decorated with straight barbell, but if piercing bridle made near the head of the penis, the ring-shaped D may give pleasure to both partners.
  • Piercing Jacob's Ladder - when punctures bridles are in the middle of the seam and along its entire length. Generally this piercing is done along the top or bottom of the penis, but some male straight bars are inserted on the sides of the penis.
  • Stair piercing can affect your ability to have an orgasm, both in a positive and negative sense. It is better to start with a single puncture, gradually adding the following, if a man and his partner will love it.
  • Piercing Apadravia. This piercing passes through the head of the penis from the top to the bottom. It is ideal for women because during vaginal intercourse stimulates the point G. This piercing can be very painful for a man as completely passes through the urethra, but severe pain should pass quickly.
  • Piercing ampallang - passes through the penis horizontally. It can also be very painful. For partner it may be challenging in some positions, but in other uncomfortable.
  • Piercing Dydoe. This multiple punctures around the upper edge of the head of the penis, in which lie on top of the decoration the penis on one side and go to the head of the penis with the other hand.
  • Piercing Guiche - it punctures the area between the testicles and anus, which is an erogenous zone for many men, so this piercing can be more challenging than others.
  • Piercing Hafada - is superficial punctures in any part of the scrotum. They are often made in the form of a ladder, i.e. multiple punctures one under the other. When a piercing is completely healed, the ring or round bar can be suspended weights, which can prolong the orgasm.

There are other, less well-known types of male intimate body piercing: piercing Kuno (puncture of the foreskin in uncircumcised men), piercing lorum (low puncture bridle) and pubic piercing.


The most popular types of female body piercing

  • Clitoral hood piercing

There are two types of clitoral hood piercing: vertical and horizontal. Vertical clitoral hood piercing passes downwards through the clitoral hood, and the decoration is on the clitoris. Horizontal piercing passes over the top of the clitoris.

Before making a clitoral hood piercing, pirsingist should do the test with a cotton swab to see if there is enough deep your clitoral hood to make vertical piercing without risking damage to the clitoris.

For horizontal piercing Piercing  Piercing
   best fit rings with beads or round rods. For vertical piercing fit curved rod, but some wear rings.

  • Christina Piercing

This superficial puncture, which makes pubic vertically above the clitoral hood. This piercing is healing for a long time, and more often rejected than other forms of female intimate piercing.

  • Clitoral piercings

These types of piercings are performed less often than other. The clitoris can be pierced, but this is rarely done because the consequences can be negative: can damage the nerves of the clitoris that violate the sensitivity of temporarily or permanently; piercing can cause such excessive constant stimulation that will be a constant irritant.

Porsing clitoral hood stimulates the clitoris is much more reasonable than the clitoral piercing.

  • Pierced labia

There are two types of such piercing: piercing labia minora and labia majora piercings. Some women do piercings on one side only, but most prefer to do the piercing labia on both sides, or make two rows of punctures with 3-5 rings or tunnels.

Pierced labia simulates more visually than physically. Pierced labia minora heal much faster.

Other, less common types of female intimate piercing include:

  • Triangle piercing (done behind the clitoris)
  • Fourchette Piercing (puncture of the skin from the buttocks at the edge of the vulva, is only some women)
  • Piercing Princess Diana - two clitoral hood piercing is made on the side. Alternative triangular piercing for women who have irregular anatomy.


How to care for intimate piercing during healing?

Care after the procedure is vital for both men and women to intimate piercings properly healed. Follow the special instructions that will give your professional piercer.

  • Do not engage in sexual relationships, and do not touch the jewelery before the piercing is completely healed! Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging nerves in that area, to tear the delicate skin, or introduce bacteria that can cause infection.
  • Observe the rules of hygiene, eat well, get plenty of rest, drink alcoholic beverages, do not smoke. For a while, do not take aspirin.
  • 3-6 times a day, or as directed pirsingistom, wash the puncture, but no soap. There are special organic compounds such as H2Ocean or Recovery Aftercare, it is best to handle piercing them.
  • During the healing process at the puncture site will be allocated lymph, which dries to form crust. It can be mitigated by a cotton swab dipped in a solution of sea salt and gently wiping the wound. But do not move the dressing.
  • Do not change your jewelry too early. It is better if the first time it will change specialist.
  • Immediately contact your pirsingistu if you experience unusual swelling or signs of allergic reactions such as itching and redness. Maybe you need a different length decoration, or other material. If the skin around the puncture site blushed, has become a hot or pus from the wound, most likely, it is an infection, and you need to see a doctor. You may appoint an antibiotic.

Healing time intimate piercings can take anywhere from several weeks to 4-6 months or longer. While the piercing is completely healed, would have to abstain from sexual activity.

Read more Risks

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