• Kanefron H - effective drug cystitis
  • Application

 kanefron H
 Kanefron - this OTC drug active ingredients which are the ingredients of plant origin. Kanefron can be used as the primary and secondary treatments.



Active components kanefron:

  • Dried centaury (Centaurium urnbellatum, Gentianaceae) - 18 mg per tablet;
  • Lovage root powder (Levisticum officinale, Apiaceae) - 18 mg per tablet;
  • The leaves of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinale, Lamiaceae) - 18 mg per tablet.

Additional ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, povidone, red iron oxide E 101, riboflavin, calcium carbonate, dextrose, mineral wax, castor oil, sucrose, talc, titanium dioxide.

Description: orange, round tablet with a smooth surface.

Kanefron is also available in the form of drops, intended for ingestion.


The properties of the drug

Kanefron has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic (diuretic) properties. It improves kidney reduces the permeability of small blood vessels, and also, presumably, increases the effectiveness of antibiotics.



Kanefron recommended to take in chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis, chronic interstitial nephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis. It is also used for the prevention of kidney stones Stones in the kidneys  Stones in the kidneys


Contraindications and precautions

Despite the fact that this drug is sold without a prescription, before you start taking it, it is strongly recommended to consult with your doctor. This is especially important to those who currently have any chronic or acute diseases, as well as those who are already taking any medications - both prescription and non-prescription. If you are prescribed any medication you are already taking kanefron, be sure to tell your doctor - some medications should not take at the same time kanefron.

Kanefron contraindicated in people who are allergic to any of its components.

Patients with diabetes mellitus Diabetes  Diabetes
   be aware that in the kanefron includes carbohydrates - their concentration is not very high, but they can still lead to some increase in blood sugar levels.

Drops kanefron oral contain 16-19.5% ethanol, so they should not be taken by patients who have been treated for alcohol dependence. If the patient needs this drug, it is best to take it in pill form.

Information about what the consequences may cause an overdose kanefron currently available, but in order to avoid possible complications, do not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions to the drug.


Side effects kanefron

Most patients tolerate very welcome kanefron - it rarely causes any adverse reactions. The only currently known side effects kanefron are allergic to its components, and the temporary disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the main features of which are - nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. If you have previously been allergic to any medications or other substances, you need to carefully monitor their well-being in the first days after the start of kanefron. If you notice symptoms such as skin rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 , An itch, a slight reddening of the skin, consult a doctor. Strong allergic reactions to kanefron still not been reported, however, if shortly after receiving you will have swelling (especially of the face or throat), severe itching and / or trouble breathing, seek immediate medical attention.


Drug Interactions

Kanefron can increase the effectiveness of some antibiotics. If you are simultaneously taking kanefron and antibiotics may require adjustment of doses of medications to avoid the potential side effects. Reliable data on the interaction with other medications kanefron not.


Mode of application

Pills. Adult patients are advised to take two tablets three times a day kanefron and children over five years - one tablet three times a day. Pregnant and lactating women take kanefron (in any form) can only be prescribed by a doctor. Infants also should not be given kanefron without first consulting your doctor.

Drops for oral administration. Adult patients are usually recommended to take fifty drops three times a day for children older than five years - 25 drops three times a day. Drops can be both soluble in water, and drink water.



Packaging with kanefron should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature not higher than 25C. The shelf life is three years. Open containers should not be stored longer than six months.

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