kidney stones
 "Stone disease" has been known since ancient times, evidenced by written records of ancient Egypt, Persia, China and India. Bladder stones and kidney were found in mummies with burial prescription 3500-4000 BC The first description of lithotomy operation belongs to the Roman doctor Celsus A., who lived in the I century BC

 Kidney stones - if lower back pain

Why do I get kidney stones

Kidney disease - a chronic disease in which the disturbance of metabolic processes in the body, which leads to local changes in the kidneys to form them (in their own kidney tissue in cups and pelvis) stones and salt formed from organic compounds of urine.

Kidney stones are found everywhere, but the disease is spread unevenly. Relatively low incidence observed in some parts of North Africa and elsewhere. Areas with frequent incidence located in the Middle East, India, China and Latin America. In Russia, in cold and temperate climates incidence lower, whereas in the southern regions it is higher.

The chemical composition and structure of rocks is largely dependent on the cause of their formation. So, in violation of purine metabolism can form urate stones (uric acid), in violation of the exchange of oxalic acid - oxalate. Phosphate rocks occur mainly in the breach of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the presence of a urinary tract infection, causing alkaline urine.

Violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism may occur with an increase in parathyroid function, such as prostate cancer. Under the action of parathyroid hormone in the blood there is a large amount of calcium, but reduced the amount of phosphorus. Many calcium and appears in the urine, and are formed stones.

With infections of the kidneys and urinary tract urine becomes alkaline in nature, blood circulation in the small blood vessels of the kidneys. Due to the increased viscosity of the products of inflammation urine. The viscous alkaline medium phosphates easily precipitate to form stones.

 Kidney stones - if lower back pain

Symptoms of kidney stones

Manifestations of nephrolithiasis are varied and depend on the function of the kidneys, the degree of violation of urodynamics (movement of urine on the urinary tract), number, shape and location of the stones, the presence of complications (eg, pyelonephritis).

The main feature of the disease are pain - dull, aching, constant periodic sharp due to renal colic, which can be repeated one or more times without any laws.

Colic often occurs at the location of stones in the UPJ or physiological narrowing of the ureter. Acute pain attack caused a sharp violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney, increasing vnutrilohanochnogo pressure, stretching the fibrous capsule of the kidney, violation of blood and lymph circulation in it.

Pains appear in the lumbar region and may extend to the side and lower abdomen. This may occur enteroplegia (no motor activity), which leads to bloating Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?
   and pain in it, as well as nausea and vomiting. In renal pain patients are restless, frequently changing position.

Sometimes there is asymptomatic disease that can be detected only by chance, in the investigation of urine.

Manifestations of nephrolithiasis in elderly and senile age have some features: they are less pronounced. Renal colic at this age occurs several times less than in young patients. More common painless course of the disease due to decreased ureteral tone.

Kidney stones may be complicated by the emergence of infections (pyelonephritis), renal failure due to reduced tissue accumulation in the kidneys and pelvis plenty of fluids (hydronephrosis kidney), high blood pressure due to circulatory disorders in the kidneys.

 Kidney stones - if lower back pain

Diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones

Diagnosis is based on typical symptoms (renal colic), these laboratory tests urine and blood tests, ultrasound and X-ray and X-ray examinations of the kidneys and ureters.

Treatment of kidney stones can be a conservative and operative. Conservative treatment - a special diet, medication, spa treatment, physiotherapy, physical therapy procedures.

Dietary food prescribed with regard to what kidney stones are formed. For example, when calcium oxalate stones necessary to limit the intake of foods containing oxalic acid and citric acid (lettuce, spinach, sorrel, pepper, rhubarb, beans, gooseberries, currants, strawberries, wild rose, citrus fruits, etc.). Patients with calcium oxalate stones are recommended mainly boiled meat, fish, vegetable oil, flour, cereals meals, vegetables, fruit. Since magnesium ions inhibit the crystallization of calcium oxalate, calcium stones in patients with long-prescribe drugs magnesium. Appointed vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   B6, which reduces crystallisation of salts. In order to reduce the salt concentration in urine and prevent the formation of these stones, patients should drink more water (up to 2 liters per day). Assign also drugs that dissolve the salt. Widespread special therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy to help clear stones.

If conservative treatment fails, the occasion of operation, during which the stones are removed from the kidney or ureter.

Galina Romanenko

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