• Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical
  • Properties

 properties of soap

The properties of soap

An impressive piece of soap - a symbol of the deficit of Soviet times. Perhaps that is why many housewives prefer it modern detergents. They forget that no powder can not help in the disinfection treatment and even cosmetology as unsightly soap bar with large embossed figures 72%. The most important advantages of soap - its natural composition and high disinfectant properties.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical - Properties

Where did soap

Historians seriously claim that the predecessor of the modern soap was known to the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia, dating back to 2200 BC, contains a detailed description of the process of preparation of soap. Ancient Rome, Egypt knew effective detergent recipes for body care.

The word "soap" is derived from the Latin «sapo», the mountain Sapo name in ancient Rome at which the ritual sacrifice to the gods. Animal fat that accumulates after burning sacrifices mingled with fire ash, washed away by rain into the river Tiber. Mistress, erasing linen in the water, pay attention that the washing process is greatly facilitated, things became clear much faster.

However, its modern composition piece of soap was only in 1808, thanks to the French chemist Michel Eugène Chevreul. It was he who brought the soap formula at the request of the owners of the textile factory. It turned out that the soap nothing else, as the sodium salt of a carboxylic acid.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical - Properties

What is soap

Soap - one of the varieties of detergents containing in its composition of fatty acids up to 72%, and a large number of bases. As a result of its pH value, that is a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions in solution, abbreviated as PH, is very high and is 11-12.

Soap is divided into three categories according to the content of fatty acids: the first contains at least 70, 5% in the second - 69%, in the third - 64%. Prepared bar of soap in the soap during the cooling of the adhesive. As raw material for soap stock used animal and vegetable fats, which is important for its use: this product does not cause allergies, as environmentally friendly.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical - Properties

As an antiseptic soap

Laundry soap is a safe antiseptic, used for sanitary cleaning in hospitals and maternity wards. Doctors recommend using this soap at home. This soap was used once as a "surgical gloves" soaping thick foam hands and waiting for natural drying. Such protection is ensured relative sterility.

If your toothbrush after each use to lather soap, it will be protected from bacteria and will last much longer. Dishes washed up with a piece of soap, shiny clean, no divorce, and films, as in the application of gels and facilities for washing, remains. Washed with soapy water silver cutlery, cloth and then wiped with tooth powder and ammonia, it will shine like new again.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical - Properties

Soap as a home doctor

At a cold enough to wet a cotton swab with soapy water and grease inside the nasal passages. Acne, boils, burns, cuts efficiently deliver soap, lather you just a sore spot and leave to dry a dense crust. No redness and marks on the skin after the treatment will not.

Save the soap from corns Corns: Causes and Treatment  Corns: Causes and Treatment
   and cracked heels, just need to regularly apply a warm foot bath. Recipe formulation of these ailments: two liters of hot water, a tablespoon planed soap, a teaspoon of baking soda. Reception hours trays - from 20 to 30 minutes daily until complete healing.

Gynecologists recommend the use of soap for personal hygiene: easy to get rid of yeast infection, from prickly heat. Carved from a large thin piece of soap, "candle" is used as an effective laxative for the elderly, pregnant women.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical - Properties

Soap in cosmetics

No other, even the most expensive cosmetic products as quickly and painlessly get rid of acne and pimples, as the solution of soap. A small piece of soap grate, add hot water and whisk in stable foam. Add a teaspoon of salt and apply on face, keep the mask for half an hour, rinse with warm, then cold water. Repeat the procedure three times a week for a month.

Old way to wash your hair soap test of time. The first time hair shampoo to lather, washing away the dirt, the second - with soap, rinse with a solution of citric acid. No dandruff, hair loss Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   not a few months of the regime of washing, hair is restored, hair will be fluffy hair - thick.

Bath broom soaked in water with soap, expels all the ailments of the body: the skin after such a procedure younger and glows health. For oily skin are recommended daily washing with soap and water, so the excess shine disappears, the person becomes a smooth, satiny skin.

 Laundry soap: cosmetic and medical - Properties

On a note

For washing clothes made of wool, silk Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor  Silk - a legacy of the Yellow Emperor
   and baby clothes, there are special varieties of soap, do not leave traces on clothes washing, which can irritate the skin. The farm has a large bar of soap will be able to solve many domestic problems: they smeared the jammed slider zippers on clothing will be like new again, and washed with soapy water to disinfect parts of the car engine, extending its operation.

Economically, the soap has only one drawback - the rough smell that, however, indicates the absence of synthetic fragrances. Natural soap, unjustly forgotten by his contemporaries - the best helper in the home, in the treatment and cosmetology.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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