lymphatic drainage
 Lymphatic drainage - a type of massage, whose main purpose - stimulation of outflow of interstitial fluid (lymph) and the normalization of metabolism in the body fluid. Elimination of fluid retention entails many benefits for health, and for the exterior: lymphatic drainage helps to fight against cellulite, varicose veins Varicose veins - when to consult a surgeon?  Varicose veins - when to consult a surgeon?
 , Swelling.

 Lymphatic drainage: for the good and beauty

How did the lymphatic drainage

Many inventions in the field of cosmetology appeared, in general, by chance - it is worth recalling at least the dentist accidentally became an inventor stackable acrylic nails. Similarly, lymphatic drainage, today considered one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for correction, was originally developed for completely different purposes.

"The author of" lymphatic drainage techniques as a form of "manual" massage was Dr. Emil Vodder, developed a special massage for the treatment of chronic sinusitis and other disorders of the immune system in their patients with chronic colds. Four years took Vodderu Emil and his wife, Dr. Estrid Vodder, out to develop an effective method of lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate lymph flow, and finally presented in 1936 in Paris, lymphatic drainage procedure instantly start enjoying popularity.

 Lymphatic drainage: for the good and beauty

How does

Lymph - intercellular fluid, is performed in the human body is very important function: it is circulating lymph removed from the body toxins, toxins, products of cell activity .  The stagnation of the liquid is harmful to the human body and of itself - it is stagnant lymph provokes swelling of extremities, the appearance of bags and puffiness under the eyes, skin, cellulite, varicose veins .  In addition, a very unpleasant consequence of violations of interstitial fluid circulation in the body can be a delay of toxins in the body, which in turn provokes problems with blood pressure and hormone levels, a variety of inflammatory processes .  For this reason, many doctors recommend to start to treat, for example, swelling from the use of diuretics - an adequate amount of fluid consumed daily and diuretics normalize the lymph circulation, eliminating the effects of the stagnation of interstitial fluid .  The same effect is different, by and large, and lymphatic drainage .

 Lymphatic drainage: for the good and beauty


Almost safe, with a minimum of contraindications, lymph drainage massage has many far more significant advantages. In fact, lymphatic drainage - a complex procedure, which allows to solve simultaneously several different health problems and figure. The main benefits of lymphatic drainage are:

  • Normalization of blood and lymph circulation in the body
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in the tissues and internal organs
  • Eliminating swelling due to the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues
  • Improving the condition of the skin (lymph drainage helps to effectively fight cellulite Cellulite  Cellulite
   and support the youth and elasticity of the skin)
  • Weight normalization (with excess fluid from the body "leaves" and some of the extra kilos)

Contraindications of lymphatic drainage is very small: it is impossible to do a massage with some skin diseases, diseases of the heart Heart disease - symptoms of heart disease  Heart disease - symptoms of heart disease
 , Kidney and thyroid, as well as in inflammatory diseases. In addition, the lymphatic drainage is not recommended to do during pregnancy.

 Lymphatic drainage: for the good and beauty

Manual and mechanical lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage - a whole range of cosmetic procedures to eliminate stagnant lymph using a variety of methods. All variety of these procedures can be divided into two main categories: manual and mechanical lymphatic drainage. "Manual" lymphatic drainage - a type of massage: lymphatic drainage effect, ie normalization of intercellular liquid circulation, is achieved through the special circular movements with a press. But the so-called mechanical lymphatic drainage - a few very different in terms of the methods of influence on body treatments. Eliminating stagnant lymph and achieved through the action of a weak current (myostimulation), and by alternating positive and negative pressure (vacuum massage, pressotherapy).

Tatiana Smirnova

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