Mastitis men
 In males as well as in non-breastfeeding women may begin mammary gland inflammation or mastitis. But a man mastitis occurs rarely and only if it has any disease or endocrine exchange character, which leads to changes in the mammary glands.

 Mastitis men: and not so rare

Why men can begin mastitis

Men rarely inflammation of the breast tissue, for the reason that fabrics that had not. But in some cases it appears.

There is in various diseases which are accompanied by impaired hormonal, when the number of male sex hormones (androgens, such as certain urological diseases, disorders gonadal function), or increasing the number of female sex hormones (e.g., in some adrenal tumors) that stimulate the development of breast cancer (estrogen).

Violations can result in hormonal use of large quantities of beer, drugs (for example, some funds, lowering blood pressure, tranquilizers), intake of anabolic hormones (especially their "love" in the power sports), some diseases of the digestive system. In such cases, men grow breasts due to the proliferation of the glandular tissue. This condition is called true gynecomastia.

Sometimes breast augmented by increases in the art adipose tissue and this state is called false gynecomastia. False gynecomastia may occur in obesity, diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes

In any case, breast enlargement, as with any other tissue may begin the inflammatory process. For example, after an injury in this region formed hematoma (blood clot), there can also become infected, or through the skin, the nipples (if they have abrasion), or with blood from other parts of the body where there are foci of infection (e.g., chronic tonsillitis ). Sometimes, the development of inflammation in the mammary gland simply getting infections.

Mastitis can begin in boys during puberty, when the number of female sex hormones exceeds the number of men. In most cases, this is a temporary phenomenon, which quickly enough passes from conservative treatment. Hormonal balance in adolescents usually normalized independently.

 Mastitis men: and not so rare

How is mastitis in men

Mastitis can be diffuse (spread throughout the gland) and assemblies. Like any inflammatory process, mastitis in men proceeds in several phases.

The initial phase of disease (serous) - this swelling, it manifests an increase in volume and breast tenderness. When palpation of the breast is usually marked diffuse unilateral or as a separate unit seal in the breast. After a while, increase and become painful axillary lymph nodes.

If left untreated, the process will move into the next phase - the phase of infiltration, when the rush to the site of inflammatory leukocytes and purulent process begins to take shape. In the region of the breast is visible swelling and redness. When palpation of the breast it is painful (whole or separate section), sealed, lymph nodes in the armpit are also enlarged and painful. Maybe a small temperature rise. Phase infiltration still reversible: when properly conducted conservative treatment process can go.

The emergence of purulent process begins with high fever, signs of toxicity in the form of headache Headache  Headache
 , Chills, malaise. In the field of breast pain is getting worse and there are signs of fluctuation or fluctuation: the surface with gentle effleurage breast fingers of one hand with the other hand you can feel the shake of the liquid inside the abscess.

Severe purulent mastitis among men are rare. Youth mastitis can occur easily and almost imperceptibly, and can reach up to the stage of suppuration. Thus breasts become tense in the beginning, tight, sensitive to the slightest injury, sometimes there is pain when picked up arms, nipples increases, areola becomes darker. After a few weeks in mild these effects disappear, but remains light pigmentation in the nipple area. In more severe pain may increase breast, breast and nipple turn red, inflamed, increasing in size. Axillary palpable enlarged and painful lymph nodes. But after a few weeks as the process may end. In some cases, mastitis may be complicated by the formation of abscesses.

 Mastitis men: and not so rare

Treatment of mastitis in men

Treatment of mastitis Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?  Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?
   It begins with identifying and treating the underlying disease, which led to an increase in breast cancer. Directly mastitis is treated depending on the stage of the disease. In the phase of serous inflammation and infiltration should be conservative therapy for the rest of the breast, antibiotics, physiotherapy. If, however, began festering, the abscess opened.

Galina Romanenko

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