Cream matting
 Clean, well-groomed person without a drop of gloss - the ultimate wish for many women. But in the summer, and often in the winter, there is a surge of activity of skin glands, and the person begins to shine even the owners of dry skin type. What did not come up woman, to save themselves from this scourge: the special tonics and powders and matting cream. Of these the most versatile cream and easy to use.

 Matting cream: oily shine - no!

The principle of matting creams

Matting agents (from the French «matt» - matte) appeared in the cosmetic market relatively recently, but has already won the love of millions of women. The principle of action of these drugs is quite simple: the surface of the skin to deliver powerful adsorbent, which is absorbing the excess sebum, leaving on the surface of a thin film of face powder, designed for a short time to fix the result. These properties are included in the clay, cornstarch, polymeric particles and microfibers. Of all the products produced by matting - a lotion, gel, powder and cream - the latter recognized as the most functional.

 Matting cream: oily shine - no!

Advantages and disadvantages of matting cream

The advantages include:

  • The cream is added to the ingredients (salicylic acid, zinc and herbal extracts), which not only take away the shine, but for a long time and slow down the sebaceous glands.
  • Easy to use: on the shelves can be seen matting night face creams, day, make-up and emergency care.
  • Versatility: except matting (direct assignment) of the added moisturizing, nourishing, microbicides and other additives that improve overall skin condition.


  • When misused can dry up the skin.
  • The effect is achieved only at the expense of regular use.
  • Poor quality cream can make the problem worse, because clog pores. As a result, black dots may appear and inflammation.
  • Not to remove the problem completely, but requires additional integrated use of various drugs, including exfoliating, nourishing and moisturizing.

 Matting cream: oily shine - no!

Nuances of using matting cream

As a rule, beauticians are advised to use matting creams in the morning, as a base for make-up .  They are capable for two to four hours to keep narrowing the pores and partly due to this block sebum .  The latest innovation from the manufacturers - daily cream matting .  This group of drugs can be applied at any time of the day - even makeup .  This possibility is pleasant, but difficult to implement, especially if we take into account that due to cosmetic procedures at the workplace may be some difficulty with the leadership .  It therefore took a number of studies that have confirmed the assumption of some physiologists of the increased biological activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin, depending on the time of day .  Thus, it was found that the peak of activity have eleven to twelve hours of the day .  Thus, knowing the nuance you can prepare for the meeting, and matting agent deal in time .  Good lasting effect, according to buyers, achieved through the use of complex creams with matting functions just before bedtime .  Such drugs are more viscous and concentrated on the structure and have a number of additional features that improve overall skin condition .

 Matting cream: oily shine - no!

Selection Rules matting cream

Ideally choose a good cream will help cosmetologist, but if there was a desire to choose a means, it is necessary to take into account several features:

  • Cream is selected according to the type of skin and parallel to emerging needs (dry require moistening, pale skin and pigmentizirovannaya - power).
  • Buying matting cream T-zone, it should not be applied to the entire face in order to avoid the appearance of hypersensitivity to the drug in the drier areas.
  • Matting cream never used skin care Skin Care as a habit  Skin Care as a habit
   around the eyes.
  • It is worth while you use to listen to the reactions of the skin: dryness and tightness - signs that the cream has not approached.

 Matting cream: oily shine - no!

Top matting creams

The three leaders led the three drugs from a completely different price categories, but, according to marketers, the most demanded in women:

  • Clinique Moisture In-Control Oil-Free Lotion - praised for its excellent matting and moisturizing qualities.
  • Nivea Visage - moisturizing day cream with extracts of lotus and sustainable matte effect pleased shoppers an affordable price and excellent quality.
  • Creams for oily skin with a matte effect of the Russian company "Bark" perfectly ground dull and moisturize the skin. This potrebitelnits indicate this tool as an ideal base for make-up A foundation: the basic principles of beauty  A foundation: the basic principles of beauty

Galina Yampol'skaya

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