• Natural Soap: how much is the purity?
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 use natural soaps

The benefits of natural soaps

You know that the skin - your largest organ? It protects you from overheating, releasing sweat and blushing. It protects you from the cold, slowing down blood circulation, so that more heat remains inside the body.

The top layer of skin - the epidermis, the first line of defense of the body, it also helps keep the vital moisture for you. Sometimes the skin is called the mini-bud - it also helps to rid the body of a variety of toxic substances. If your skin is constantly exposed to chemicals in large quantities contained in the commercial soap (and harmful substances that are present in air and water), sooner or later it will cease to cope with their tasks.

 Natural Soap: how much is the purity? - Benefit

Comparative analysis

Commercial soap produced immediately in very large quantities, with the use of surfactants (compounds by which soaps well mylitsya), artificial flavors and other synthetic compounds. They are removed from the skin of natural oils to protect it is produced and designed to protect the body from bacteria and adverse weather conditions. In addition, some types of commercial soap may cause skin rashes Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
 , Dryness, desquamation strong and many other symptoms of dermatitis.

Natural soap is usually made in small batches and are used for that vegetable oils or animal fats. This soap does not wash away protective oils from the skin, on the contrary, it contained glycerin helps retain moisture in the skin, preventing it from damage and signs of aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

A frequently asked question of whether the process does not destroy the beneficial properties used in soap making oils. This depends on the specific process. Most of the oil begins to break down when their temperature exceeds 150 degrees. In the manufacture of natural soap oil temperature normally does not rise above 110 degrees, and the process itself saponification to affect the properties of oils.

The quality of the oil used also affects the quality of the resulting soap. Some manufacturers use high-quality natural soaps oil - unrefined, those that are intended for human consumption. However, many prefer the cheapest oil that are manufactured using chemicals, usually hexane. Although after the extraction of chemicals from the oil is removed, it is impossible to remove them completely. A small amount of hexane in a piece of soap, of course, will not cause much damage, but it is regular exposure to the skin may eventually become a direct or indirect cause of allergies or more serious diseases. So, if you are engaged in manufacturing natural soaps, do not skimp on quality ingredients, but if you buy it from other producers, carefully read the information on the packaging.

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