 Shurpa - one of the most famous oriental soup, which is prepared in Central Asia, Turkey, Syria, the Caucasus, Egypt, Lebanon and even in the Balkans. Today it is difficult to establish what people invented Shurpa, and what - a recipe borrowed from the neighbors. Despite regional differences, shurpa has characteristics that do not allow the dish to mix with any other.


Features dishes

 Translated from the Turkish "shurpa" means simply "soup". Filling soups with similar names are common not only in the East, but also in all countries where the culture was influenced by the eastern states, such as Turkey. For example, in the Balkans, in Romania and in Moldova like soup called chorba and preparation technology is virtually identical to the Middle East shurpa. In addition, this soup is sometimes called Charpy Charpy, ARPA and similar names.

Interestingly, under the same name may hide different soups. Cooked on the classic oriental recipe shurpa - greasy soup of meat, fish or poultry with vegetables and herbs. As a rule, used for cooking broth mutton soup often seasoned chickpea or rice. Tatar shurpa - quite another lamb soup, to which is added the potatoes, noodles and a very large number of raw onions.

Shurpa has a number of striking features that set it apart from other first dish soups. For example, for cooking fried previously used ingredients. For this reason Shurpa often referred to as "fried soup." Of course, this technology is reflected in the preparation of calories: shurpa significantly fatter many other soups.

 Preparing shurpa long as the soup is cooked, as languishing on low heat, absorbing the aroma of spices. Thanks to this method of preparation shurpa turns fragrant and richness.

Like many other oriental dishes prepared with shurpa adding a large number of spices and herbs. Selection of spices depends primarily on the region, where he is preparing soup. For example, in the Tajik and Uzbek cuisine in Shurpa often add basil or cumin, and Moldovan and Romanian soup seasoned with red pepper. And in addition to vegetables in the soup is usually included also fruit - coarsely chopped apples, plums, apricots and quinces.

Shurpa served at the table is not as usual soup: strong fragrant broth is served separately and cooked in the broth, vegetables and meat is served on a separate plate. If you submit Shurpa in one container, it may not seem like a soup and the main course - a dish made very thick.


Selection of raw materials

 Traditionally Shurpa cooked lamb. Of course, you can use other types of meat, poultry and even fish (for example, the Turkmen sorpa aces), but it was with lamb Lamb - guide on meat  Lamb - guide on meat
   soup turns out especially tasty. Pork Pork - meat guide  Pork - meat guide
   dish is not prepared ever: at home shurpa, in Muslim countries, do not eat pork.

Lamb should be required to take the young and the pair: shurpa of frozen meat will already not so tasty. As a rule, use of lamb shoulder, neck or back. Experts advise to prefer meat of sheep and not the sheep - the meat is usually lighter and with less fat. Mutton soup should be plenty. Some chefs chop the meat with bones into small pieces, while others prefer to lay the meat in one piece, pre obzharivaya it until golden brown.

Tuck Shurpa differently. Iran is unthinkable without the kind of soup of rice, while the Uzbek Shurpa, for example, no cereals are not added, but often put chickpeas. In some species shurpa also added to noodles.

Other recipes include adding Shurpa different vegetables, but without onion soup does not do this ever. He put a lot of two to three times more than in the traditional European soups. As a general rule, except for Luke uses carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper, sometimes - potatoes. Cut vegetables should be large. In the old days they are generally put in the soup entirely, but since this form is not very convenient for food, vegetable ingredients soup today still cut into pieces. The choice of spices is unusually wide, to the obligatory spices include bay leaf and black pepper, as well as a variety of greens.



 Before cooking the ingredients necessary to fry in a cauldron with thick walls on high heat. Meat fried until half, and then poured boiling water. Ground fruit and vegetables are placed in Shurpa without prior roasting, roasted root vegetables is sure. This is due to the fact that in the old days in Uzbekistan, it was believed that the roots that were in the land, not clean enough, and they need the cleansing fire. It is difficult to say how effective grilling in the fight against dirt, but the fact that this procedure gives the soup a special flavor, challenge does not.

Interestingly, there is another, less well-known method of cooking shurpa - without pre-frying foods. Of course, the taste shurpa prepared in a manner different from the taste "fried soup." Yet such shurpa also has a right to exist. This kind of soup less calories, and therefore better suited for those who are dieting and trying to limit fats in their diets.

You can make Shurpa even less high-calorie, if the soup to cook lean beef Beef - Meat Guide  Beef - Meat Guide
 Instead of lamb. And yet to get a real taste of the rich eastern soup, it is desirable to use the same products that are used at home this dish.

Brewed soup for a long time - from three to six hours. During this time, the meat time to seethe so that it becomes soft, melting in the mouth, and the broth takes on strength and flavor.

Maria Bykov

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