rashes on the hands
 The rash on the hands is very common, because the skin on the hands is constantly exposed to various kinds of stress. Therefore, most rashes Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   It is the result of skin irritation or allergy to a variety of substances. But the process may be, and infectious character.

 The rash on the hands - not uncommon

The most common cause of a rash on the hands - dermatitis

Dermatitis called cutaneous processes caused by direct contact with a particular substance. Dermatitis may result from irritating substances (household chemicals, plants and so on - a simple dermatitis), as well as by repeated exposure to the skin of the hands of substances that cause allergic reactions. In the latter case, the "leaders" in addition to household products are cosmetic products, such as hand creams with different additives.

In a simple dermatitis approximately one hour after the exposure to a new substance on the skin of the hands appear redness and swelling, followed by swelling of tissues appear bubbles with clear content. After a while, the bubbles burst, and in their place are formed erosion (this is a dangerous time, because the skin can get infected). Gradually, the skin is covered with crusts, which then disappear without changing the appearance of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis occurs in the same way as the simple, they differ only the beginning of the disease: in allergic dermatitis rash begins one day after repeated contact with the substance that caused the allergy. The risk of atopic dermatitis that the skin rash may be caused by the most harmless substance (cream, soap, some plants, and so on), and the woman did not immediately realize it. But the severity of allergic reactions after subsequent exposure to allergens is always growing and this can lead to the formation of true eczema Eczema  Eczema
 Especially if she has other premises in the form of disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, metabolism, constant stress and so on.

 The rash on the hands - not uncommon

The rash on the hands as an expression of a fungal infection

This rash is usually the result of a fungal disease - rubrofitii. The causative agent of the infection is often lives on the skin of hands, without causing disease. But it overcomes lowered immunity skin barrier and is introduced into the surface layers of the skin, causing the disease. Therefore rubrofitii often develops during treatment with antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones and other drugs that help to reduce immunity. You can get infected and rubrofitii - in this case, the infection can occur by direct contact or through the hands of the items, which touched the patient. Contribute to the development rubrofitii dry your skin and the presence on it cracks and abrasions.

When rubrofitii the skin of the hands in the first interdigital folds become dry, red, and shows a clear skin pattern and abundant fine peeling. The process is often extended to the rear of the brush, but can not proceed too aggressively as hands, unlike stop frequently washed.

The process may involve and nails This affects the availability or the side portions of the nail plate to form strips on them white. The nail plate at the same time or thickens, or vice versa, decreases in volume (atrophy). Nails become brittle, crumble. When lowered immunity, this fungal infection can take generalized, that is applied to the skin of the whole body.

 The rash on the hands - not uncommon

The rash on the hands as a manifestation of scabies

Scabies - a highly contagious disease that is caused by scabies. You can get scabies both in direct contact with patients (most often it occurs during sexual intercourse), and through all sorts of things and objects, which he touched. Sarcoptes scabiei can exist in the environment up to three days, he just can not tolerate freezing. You can kill the mites as boiling and steaming hot.

The incubation period (time from infection until the first signs of the disease) of scabies from one to six weeks. During this time, the fertilized female mite penetrates the surface layers of the skin, moving within them, and lays eggs. It evokes a feeling of severe itching, especially at night. This itch is not caused by the movements of the tick and the development of allergies to the products of its life. This is evidenced by the fact that if a person for the first time faced with scabies, itching had started only a few weeks, whereas during the second disease, he begins a week.

Scabies often begins in the skin of hands. In the interdigital spaces, where the skin is very thin, there is severe itching. If we consider the skin, you can see small (up to 0, 5 cm) linear pink or grayish moves under the skin, which are located on both sides of the elements of a fine rash.

The rash on the hands can be different, so it is best to treat it under the supervision of a physician and dermatologist.

Galina Romanenko

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