summer health
 Health in the summer, you can not only strengthen but also to undermine. The danger can lie in wait, where it does not expect, for example, by the sea, where many people come just for health promotion. Especially prone to various diseases in the summer children - intestinal infections, poisoning and overheating - this is an incomplete list of the dangers that lie in wait for them.


Summer danger number one - intestinal infections

Intestinal infections are most prevalent in the summer. Often they get sick at sea, in summer camps or brought home from a variety of activities. Intestinal infections can be both bacterial (dysentery, salmonellosis) and viral, which today received the most widespread (enterovirus infection, rotavirus infection).

Guile intestinal infections of viral origin that they are manifested in the form of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea), and symptoms of acute respiratory infection (coughs, colds, etc.).

Sometimes enterovirus infection can manifest itself in the form of a serous meningitis (that enterovirus infection was the cause of outbreaks of meningitis among kindergarten children in Rostov). This is one of the most serious (John not-so-rare) form of enterovirus infection. Signs of it are fever, severe headache, nausea, vomiting not related to eating, pain in muscles and joints. Sometimes develop impaired consciousness, delirium, in the second or third day of the disease, there are signs of meningitis, the first sign of which is impossible because of the nagging pain in the back to get his chin chest. When this symptom in a patient, especially a child it should be immediately hospitalized.

How to avoid the summer of intestinal infections? First of all, you need to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water, as well as all the vegetables and fruit purchased in the market or in the shop - all agents of intestinal infections transmitted through dirty hands and food. Enteroviral infections are transmitted also by airborne droplets, so do not be in contact with patients with acute respiratory diseases.

Most enterovirus infections spread summer swimming pools, ponds, lakes. To a lesser extent, but it is also possible to catch the sea - sea water to some extent inhibits the development of this infection. This possibility should always remember the summer.


Summer danger number two - overheating

If we are to rest, then in full, without losing a single ray of the sun - just such a tactic often leads to overheating. Overheating may occur in the form of headache Headache  Headache
   and lung ailments, and can - as a serious condition with nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness. Especially difficult is transferred overheating children and the elderly.

The summer sun is dangerous also because it can promote the development of various tumors, as well as degeneration of benign lesions into malignant. Today, therefore, not recommended for long-term stay in direct sunlight. Much more useful skew the morning and evening sun's rays - that they can improve the body, strengthen the immune system How to strengthen the immune system: a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition  How to strengthen the immune system: a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition
   and form a wonderful mild sunburn on the skin.


Summer danger number three - exotic insects and plants

In summer, many go on holiday in the south of the country. Unfortunately, not always this vacation ends of healing the body. The problems here are: the unknown insects and plants can be poisonous to infect a variety of human worm infestation, and cause allergies.

In order not to infect a variety of exotic diseases and worms on the beach, you should relax on sunbeds in a deck chair or even on the mat. Barefoot should not walk on the sand and pebbles - should buy a special beach shoes.

It is impossible to touch unknown plants, especially the children - they can be toxic or cause allergic dermatitis. A feature of atopic dermatitis is that it does not develop shear, and about a day. It appears on the skin redness, swelling, and then clear the contents of the vials, which burst, forming a first soak zone (which is very easy to associated infection), and then brown. All this is accompanied by severe burning and itching.

In order to reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis can take any antihistamine (eg, Claritin or suprastin). The surface of the skin (No soak) can lubricate any hormonal ointment (eg lorindenom).


Summer danger number four - injury

It is also quite common, especially during the holidays on the sea, lakes and other water bodies. Often in the water and on the beach you can step on broken glass, heavily injuring his leg. This wound should be immediately processed or brilliant green Iodine (alternative - baneotsin) and seal bactericidal plaster. With a large wound will have to seek medical help.

Health in the summer, you can not only strengthen but also to undermine. To avoid this, you need to rest to be ready for any eventuality.

Galina Romanenko

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