Treatment of osteochondrosis
 Treatment of osteoarthritis should include pain relievers, drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism in the area of ​​the spine. It is of great importance as the nature of nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Only an integrated approach to treatment can alleviate the patient's condition.


Features of the disease osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis - is an exchange-degenerative disease of the spine with the defeat of his joints, intervertebral discs and ligamentous apparatus. The disease is characterized by chronic progressive course. The disease is an imbalance between the processes of recovery and destruction of cells in the hyaline cartilage of the intervertebral discs, leading to disruption of the functioning of the spine as a whole.

The cause of osteoarthritis are age-related metabolic disorders Metabolic disease  Metabolic disease
   in the spine, combined with microtrauma resulting from increased loads on the spine in everyday life, poor diet, stress. All this leads to premature wear and flattening of the intervertebral discs and the development of inflammatory processes and complications, such as a protrusion or herniated disc.

Depending on where the greatest defeat of spinal osteochondrosis may manifest as pain in the spine, restriction of movement, sensory disturbances. When herniated disc suddenly appear pains in the spine, a significant limitation of mobility in the segments of the spine. Pain can give to a limb in the form of an electric current, an ache or burning.

Sometimes the pain is not intense or nonexistent because of the protective muscle tension in the back, which block movement in the affected segment of the spine. In this case, there is a gradual increase in weakness and muscle atrophy (reduction in the amount of muscle), leading to disability.


Basic principles of treatment of degenerative disc disease

Treatment of osteoarthritis conducted by conservative methods. Herniated disc can be treated as conservative and operative.

The composition of the conservative treatment of osteoarthritis should include analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents, which improve the metabolic processes in the cartilage of the intervertebral discs, tools to improve blood circulation in the spine, means relieves muscle spasms in the spine.

In addition, the patient must eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoiding high stress on the spine and stress.


The analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatment of degenerative disc disease

As an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs in osteochondrosis is most often used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications (NSAIDs) - diclofenac Diclofenac  Diclofenac
 , Ibuprofen, and other nize. When expressed pain these drugs are administered by injection, at moderate - in the form of dosage forms for oral administration.

With a very strong pain make novocaine blockade, introduced 50% analgin, reopirin. It enhances the effect of painkillers vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   B12 (tsiankobalomin) in high doses by subcutaneous injection.

NSAIDs and Applied topically, in the form of analgesic gels and ointments (such as Voltaren Emulgel). Topical application can be applied, which include a 50% solution Dimexidum, 0, 5% solution of novocaine and hydrocortisone. Such applications are well reduce inflammation and pain.

The analgesic effect is also drugs, relieves spasms of the muscles in the spine - miolastan, Mydocalmum.


Treatment is aimed at restoring the metabolism in the spine

When osteochondrosis of the complex treatment must include tools to improve the metabolic processes in the cartilage - chondroprotectors. The regular use of these drugs can stop the destruction of the intervertebral discs. These medications include:

  • drugs, which include glucosamine sulfate (DON, viatril, arthritis, ostemin) - make up the deficit glucosamine in the body, stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin acids - substances necessary for the proper metabolism in the cartilage;
  • drugs, which include chondroitin sulfate (hondroksid, structum) - restores the metabolism of cartilage;
  • drugs, which include hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan, sinviks, ostenil) - the substance, which gives cartilage elasticity;
  • preparations, which contain different substances strengthening cartilage and inhibitory activity of an enzyme degrading hyaluronic acid - mucopolysaccharides, peptides, amino acids, potassium, calcium (alflutop);
  • herbal drugs that stimulate the synthesis of substances essential for the normal condition of the cartilage; These include drugs avocado and soybean (piaskledin 300).

Only a comprehensive treatment of degenerative disc disease may bring relief to the patient.

Galina Romanenko

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