Measuring basal body temperature is one of the relatively simple methods of examination used in obstetric practice. Despite the wide variety of additional methods of research, the measurement of basal body temperature during pregnancy has not lost its relevance. On the basis of indicators of basal body temperature can suspect a pregnancy, to reveal the threat of an interruption and to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. Measurement of basal temperature is particularly convenient to carry in small hospitals where there is no sophisticated diagnostic equipment. But still, the measurement of basal body temperature during pregnancy is not the main method of its diagnosis and need further examination: determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, or a pregnancy test
Pregnancy tests - early diagnosis
, Gynecological examination and ultrasound.
Basal Temperature
Basal temperature - a temperature, which is measured in the mouth, rectum or vagina in resting (after six hours of sleep). The most reliable method is considered to be the measurement of basal body temperature in the rectum. The measurement should be carried out with the same thermometer, at one and the same time (in the morning). Based on the data plotted basal body temperature, normally it looks like a two-phase line, which is due to fluctuations in sex hormones in the different phases of the menstrual cycle.
During pregnancy
The definition of pregnancy based on basal body temperature is only possible subject to the availability of ovulation in the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
. That is, the two-phase schedule with a sharp jump in temperature during the second phase of the cycle indicates ovulation occurring. But for some diseases basal temperature can be increased continuously and menstruation are not available, but it's still not talking about pregnancy. For example, one such disease is hyperprolactinemia, in which an increased synthesis of the hormone prolactin. Normally, the high content of prolactin occurs only during pregnancy and lactation. When hyperprolactinemia is not characteristic of a sharp rise in the temperature of the second phase of the menstrual cycle
The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
That indicates the absence of ovulation.
In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is less than 37 degrees and kept at 36, 5-36, 8 degrees. The day before ovulation there is a slight decline in her, and immediately after the release of an egg from the follicle observed temperature jump at 0, 2-0, 4 degrees. Fever (over 37 degrees) keeps the entire second phase of the menstrual cycle (12-14 days). If menstruation has not come, and the fever persists for a long time - this is evidence of pregnancy. Thus, it becomes clear that the basal temperature during pregnancy must be less than 37 degrees.
After fertilization occurred, around the tenth day of the seventh-egg implants in the lining of the uterus (implanted). Schedule basal body temperature does not clearly define the implantation of the embryo, but there are a few signs. There are slight spotting that last no more than one or two days and are not accompanied by pain. This is called implantation bleeding. In addition, there is a sharp decrease in basal body temperature for one day (implantation retraction). Implantation retraction temperature due to a decrease in progesterone production by the corpus luteum, and increased synthesis of estrogen.
What is measured basal temperature during pregnancy
It should be noted that the basal temperature is measured only up to 16 weeks of pregnancy, after its data is uninformative. Cases where necessary to monitor basal body temperature:
- definition ensuing pregnancy;
- the presence of a history of spontaneous abortion;
- identification of threats to abortion;
- control of the treatment with the threat of interruption.
Anna Sozinova
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