late pregnancy
 Over the past fifteen years the number of women giving birth for the first time at the age of 30 - 39 years old, has more than doubled. During the same period the number of women giving birth for the first time at the age of 40 increased by 50%. Ten years ago, a woman's biological clock randomly start ringing as soon as it passed thirty. Today is the first bell is heard only in the 35, sometimes even 40 years.

While doctors continue to be considered the best of reproductive age between 20 - 24 years old, many women at this age do not yet feel ready to take on the responsibility of motherhood. Some women, whose childhood was spent in the 1950-1960's, at this age still feel clumsy teenagers rather than full-fledged adult women. This shift in consciousness means that women reach emotional maturity of ten years after reaching a peak of sexual maturity. Today, however, a woman who became pregnant for the first time in 35 years, no longer belongs to the group of risk.

And in fact, if a woman in 35 years has maintained physical health is not sterile, has no experience of miscarriage and unsuccessful pregnancies in the past, the probability of her normal, healthy child is almost the same as that of a woman twenty years.

How to assess the degree of risk?

Of course, pregnancy at age 35 can not be completely safe and perfect place, but the risk is not as great as is commonly thought, but in many cases it can be reduced to a minimum. However, in women older than 35 years higher likelihood of problems due to endometriosis and fibroids.

However, today all possible risks can be minimized if the woman carefully plan their own pregnancy, in advance physically prepare for the ordeal.

Organs of the fetus are formed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. According to doctors, during this period the fetus is most vulnerable, so if at that time the expectant mother will eat right and take vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 , Refrain from smoking and alcohol will start to play sports, it thereby significantly increase their chances of a healthy baby bear and avoid possible problems and complications. However, doctors often recommend that pregnant women start to play sports. For childbirth and pregnancy should be physically ready before conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
 Because this training will help to cope with the problems as they arise.

Proper assessment of the real level of risk to help a pregnant woman coming of age to reduce stress, which often leads to complications during childbirth. All our emotions (especially strong) are accompanied by biochemical changes in the body. If you feel unwell, and expect from the body's own trick, then soon you can get sick really.

If a woman is preparing to leave for the first time at the age of 40 years or older at the first sign of a health problem or threat to health of the fetus should immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes it solves several hours. Unfortunately, we can not fully trust the previous studies the health of older women of childbearing age. Because objects of these investigations became a woman - the mother of several children with health problem or a woman, tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant for a long time - maybe for 15 years, but all of their pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Meanwhile, recent studies focus on women, whose position is more in line with current demographic situation: as a rule, objects of study belong to the middle class, have university education, and recently gave birth to the first and not the tenth child. If you do not take into account the factor of infertility, the probability of which increases with age, mature women are not much different from the young girls.

The main thing - to choose the right time

As is obvious to any sensible person, later motherhood has several advantages. Women who are in no hurry with the birth of a child are the most prepared for bearing and raising children. Scientific evidence shows that mature women are not susceptible to mental ambivalence during pregnancy and rarely faced with internal conflicts. In forty years, women are pregnant as a gift and blessing, not only because they could not get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
   at a younger age. Just a life experience for them come to understand their power and awareness of their desires.

In forty years, women are more disciplined and live in harmony with each other. Moreover, their life more streamlined.

In forty years, women understand from what they would have to give up in the name of the child and after that they have to go.

Late pregnancy usually comes at a time of deep reflection on the meaning of life and his place in it. The decision to take a child two mature person with great experience. Some couples see in late pregnancy, your "last chance" and grateful for this precious gift.

According to the research, late child is especially dear mother; a woman over 30 is less prone to stress, more open to new experiences and interested in everything new, than young mothers occupied his personal life and career.

Late baby comes into the world, where he is very loving and waiting for my mother, who knows exactly what he wants. In one of the clinics in the US study was conducted comparing the feelings of nulliparous women of different ages. It was found that older women are less susceptible to stress during pregnancy than the very young women, although more likely the first child is born with birth defects, and because of the child they have to radically change their lives the adjusted measured. Mature women who tend to marry late, more self-confident, independent, with a positive impact on their condition and improves mood during pregnancy. However, as we approach the date of birth, even they may feel depressed (though not as strong as in young women).

Moreover, older women who have dedicated young career include pregnancy as a new exciting adventure. In contrast to young women who have not yet managed to find and win a place under the sun, women 30-40 years eat fewer illusions about the future of the child and do not think that he will become the embodiment of their dreams. Also at this age, women do not tend to consider the child's burden, which "constrains development" and interfere with his career. Most women experience the joy of late motherhood, we have already achieved professional success and held as a person.

But on the other hand

No doubt, later motherhood has a negative side. Senior woman of childbearing age is more difficult to recover after delivery than for young mothers.

Some women find hard to get used to the regime of baby care - because before that they only care about themselves. Organized woman accustomed to control the situation, often uncomfortable, because the course of pregnancy, childbirth and child care can not be scheduled. Furthermore, when the late pregnancy should be taken into account and some other considerations. Although the maximum age of childbearing is increasingly shifting, yet it is sometimes too late to give birth. Parents have to be limited to one child or give birth in a very short period. Some opponents of late childbirth believe that parents are too pampered children later (precious baby syndrome), especially if the child is the only one. However, in fairness it should be noted that this syndrome occurs in couples of any age.

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