Inability to become a mother - a real tragedy for a woman who dreams of a child. Fortunately, modern medicine knows many ways to fix problems with conception
Conception - as the emerging life
. But to conceive a child - that's half the battle, you also need to keep the pregnancy, that in certain pathologies can be difficult. Djufaston during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage.
Saving pregnancy
Spontaneous abortion - serious physical and psychological trauma for a woman who dreams of becoming a mother. Especially scary when abortions are familiar: the conception takes place without any problems, the pregnancy is developing normally and then suddenly interrupted. Often the cause of spontaneous abortion may be a lack of the hormone progesterone.
Progesterone is often called the "pregnancy hormone": namely progesterone creates ideal conditions for the gestation and provides a relaxation of smooth muscles of the uterus. Normally progesterone should be produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary in a sufficient amount, but in some situations, for example, ovarian dysfunction, a hormone that is produced too little. In this case we speak about the lack of progesterone.
In the case of deficiency of progesterone in the body of the mother is disturbed development of the baby and the pregnancy may spontaneously abort. Most often this occurs at the stage of formation of the placenta, that is, in the first trimester of pregnancy.
If the early stages of pregnancy is diagnosed progesterone deficiency, it must make up. To this end, a woman prescribed hormone therapy - drug djufaston. This means comprises an analogue progesterone - synthetic hormone dydrogesterone, which ensures the normal development of the pregnancy. Unlike natural progesterone, which can be administered only intramuscularly, djufaston comes in tablet form - it greatly facilitates the use of the drug outside of a hospital.
Djufaston virtually has no contraindications and has no adverse effect on the mother's body, and the body of the child. Therefore, during pregnancy can safely drink the medicine according to the scheme recommended by the doctor.
When abortion
If a woman has been pregnant in the past that resulted in miscarriage, often administered prophylactically djufaston daily should drink two tablets of the drug until the twentieth week. From this period the dose is gradually reduced, as the risk of miscarriage decreases. Under the same scheme to take the drug and in the case before the pregnancy was diagnosed infertility due to luteal insufficiency.
Djufaston allows compensate for a deficiency of progesterone and maintain pregnancy in the most difficult period - the period of the formation of the placenta. When the placenta is fully formed (it is usually the end of the first trimester of pregnancy), it will begin to produce progesterone alone. This means that the dose can be gradually reduce duphaston. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause miscarriage.
It must be remembered that the decision on the admission of the drug and its cancellation has to take the doctor on the basis of these analyzes. Although djufaston has very few contraindications and side effects, the drug self-administration "just in case" in any case inadmissible.
When not delay
Threat of abortion - a phenomenon often enough, with him facing almost half of the women. Such a threat - not a sentence, and if you act quickly, the abortion can be avoided. Timely treatment almost always allows you to keep the pregnancy at risk of miscarriage, and even begin to abortion (if there was a detachment of the ovum in a small area).
One of the main signs of incipient miscarriage - pulling or cramping pain in the abdomen. Typically, these localized pain in the lower abdomen at the center. Even mild pain or just unpleasant heaviness in this area - an occasion consult a doctor.
Seek immediate medical attention is necessary and in case of bleeding from the genital tract, even if a small amount of these emissions. The reason for such discharges can be detachment of the ovum from the uterine wall. With a small detachment of the fetus does not receive the nutrients and oxygen, if the detachment is significant, it can lead to fetal death.
Another sign of threatened abortion - hypertonicity of the uterus - usually only found during the examination by a doctor. Significant hypertonicity of the uterus is regarded by doctors as the threat of termination of pregnancy, and in most cases require treatment in a hospital.
Threat of abortion
In the event of a threat of termination of pregnancy is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Waiting for the doctors should try to calm down and lie down. It is useful to be antispasmodics: a pair of tablets shpy or candle with papaverine introduced into the rectum. These simple measures will reduce the tone of the uterus and stop the detachment of the ovum, if it has already begun.
In the case of threatened abortion doctors often prescribe djufaston
Djufaston: Assistant desperate
: This drug to avoid abortion, even in difficult cases. At the same time it receives four tablets duphaston followed by drinking one tablet every eight hours until the complete disappearance of symptoms. This regimen can significantly weaken the tone of the uterus
The tone of the uterus - the most important indicator for pregnant women
and also has a stimulating effect on the immune system, allowing the pregnancy when time begun treatment safely preserved.
Maria Bykov
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