Lactostasis occurs after birth almost every woman, but the degree of its severity may vary. Significant lactostasis brings a lot of suffering and a woman can go to the inflammatory process - mastitis. That is why the lactostasis require immediate action to eliminate it.
Why start lactostasis
Lactostasis - a stagnation of milk in the milk ducts. Lactostasis often develops after birth when the fourth or fifth day, the woman begins to arrive milk. But sometimes lactostasis there and just in the process of feeding a child
Feeding your baby - optimal breastfeeding
chest on the first year of life, which is much less likely to happen.
Human mammary gland consists of glandular and fatty tissue as well as from the ducts. Just breast has 15-20 small slices. Slice is a glandular tissue produces milk. In each lobe has a milk flow, which gets generated in the cells of the glandular tissue of human milk. Breast ducts merge with each other and opening in the nipple.
Immediately after birth in the mammary gland, a small amount of fatty colostrum, which contains many useful substances for the child. The real milk comes in a few days. Sometimes it comes so fast that it does not have time output from the milk ducts - a small child is not able to suck milk is quickly arriving. This leads to stagnation - lactostasis.
Sometimes lactostasis occurs immediately after the start of the active lactation, and after some time - in this case, it is most often associated with defects feeding. It can be cracked nipples and abrasions due to poor attachment to the breast - the baby grasps the nipple mouth without areola. As a result, he can not suck enough milk in the breast begins stagnation. At the same time the efforts of the baby to suck the milk give rise to very painful cracks and sores on the nipple. This is a dangerous situation, because through abrasions in the edematous congestive mammary gland may become infected and start an inflammatory process - mastitis.
Symptoms lactostasis
When stagnation of milk in one of the lobes appear lumpy painful tumor formation on the surface of cancer. As a rule, lactostasis not accompanied by a deterioration of general condition of the woman, but it is growing very fast. Starting in one lobe, lactostasis a few hours can spread to the entire breast. In this case, it becomes swollen, the skin over her tight, shiny, pale, nipple retracted to varying degrees, which prevents a child to grab him and suck the right amount of milk - is further exacerbating the situation.
How to fix
The fight against lactostasis better to start at the beginning, when there were signs in one - two lobules of the breast. If a woman has a lot of milk, it can be before the application of the child to her chest to try to express milk in the warm (but not hot) shower. This should not only express but simultaneously massaging the mammary gland of a circular motion in the direction from the periphery to the center. Particularly active stagnant areas should be massaged. But massage is not to be rude, it will lead to injury to the milk ducts and strengthening lactostasis.
After pumping his chest and he put the baby sucks the milk residues - no breast or fingers mother does not remove the cloves from the stagnant milk as it will make a child. If a woman has a lot of milk, you should not be afraid that the child will go hungry. On the contrary, the milk that remains after pumping is more useful because it contains a lot of protein and less fat. Procedures for pumping shower should be one to three times a day, and in the rest of the time to feed the baby on demand.
But it also happens that the mother a little milk and literally every drop counts. In this case, it helps frequent (sometimes hourly) attachment of the child to her breast. And to ensure that the milk is allocated freely, it is necessary to attach to the breast-feeding a warm (but not hot) or cloth diaper. In this case, after each feeding must express milk residues. And do not be afraid that the milk will not be - a woman's body is designed so that much milk is removed from the gland, and so next time will come. If milk is removed is small, the lactation is reduced.
Signs of lactation mastitis
A sign of the beginning of the infectious-inflammatory process in the breast it is redness, local temperature increase (breast becomes hot to the touch), increased pain and impaired general condition of the woman - the appearance of fever, malaise, fever.
When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention. Treatment of mastitis
Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?
in the initial stages can be conservative, if an abscess has formed, the operation can not be avoided.
Lactostasis occurs almost every woman. It is important to promptly detect signs lactostasis and take steps to eliminate it
Galina Romanenko
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