• Point G - erogenous zone of the prostate or the fetus?
  • Research

 point g study

Point g and research

Future studies of g can be devoted to the following issues:

  • Is the point of g consists of glands Skene - tiny glandular structures resembling embryonic prostate?
  • Whether the point g portion of the wall of the urethra, which comprises erectile tissue?
  • It is the point g part of the "roots" of the clitoris, which, as shown by recent studies, extend much further than previously thought?

How can all affect sexual life?

More research is needed to determine whether there is a point g in all women (and maybe once again deny its existence at all). Nevertheless, many people have more or less successfully experimenting with it, to make their sexual life more saturated. In this regard, we can give some advice.

Women: If your partner is able to stimulate point g, there is a high probability that it will bring you a new, more powerful sensation. To discover it, it may take time. Do it yourself is very difficult: it is difficult to get women to the place where supposedly there is a point g, if it is not very long fingers.

Men: the ability to stimulate point g will make a pleasant variety to your sex life, but learn it once, probably will not happen. You must experiment to find such a posture in which the penis presses on the front wall of the vagina. For these purposes can be used and special vibrators point g, but using them is not too easy - especially if you do not know very well the female anatomy. However, all this is not a reason to abandon the experiment - they are, in any case, help to diversify the relationship.

First stimulation point g can cause some discomfort and sensations similar to urination. However, after a few seconds many women experience the growing excitement that with continued stimulation can lead to orgasm. Some described the sensation during stimulation point g most women, but remember that your own feelings may differ from those described.

In addition, you should always keep in mind that each case is different. Many women believe that they have a point g, and its stimulation brings them a lot of fun. But there are also those who say that the impact on this area is extremely unpleasant for them. Finally, a substantial proportion of women who were interviewed in the course of numerous studies of the phenomenon of the point g, said that its stimulation gives them pleasure, but not so strong, what happens with clitoral stimulation. So try to find a point of g and relevant experience feeling is, but no one can guarantee that this will give you a heavenly pleasure.


The main recommendations of the "Search" point g

  • Both partners must be willing to try to find the point g. It is not necessary to do it as a surprise beloved - as already mentioned, may be feeling for her was not the most pleasant.
  • The woman should lie on your back in a comfortable position. It should be enough natural lubrication, or you can use an artificial lubricant.
  • The man to the end inserted into the vagina finger, he feels the front wall of the vagina, and starts not too hard to rub it. If done correctly, the woman quickly feel the urge to urinate; He will take a few seconds. If your partner is among the women who stimulation point g is fun, then feeling will be better and better. Then you can try to stimulate point g during normal vaginal sex.

If the stimulation point g does not live up to expectations, do not be upset - after all, there are many other ways to have fun.

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