- Sage - useful properties do not count
- Using
- Contraindications
Using sage
Salvia widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also in the production of various cosmetic and hygiene products. For example, he is part of many tools for oral care, skin lotions, shampoos, and so on. This plant is used to improve the flavor of various products - from sauces, cheeses and sausages to the chewing gum.
Sage in Ayurveda
Sage in Ayurveda is considered to be an effective anti-depressant, anti-aging agent (in particular, it is used for the rejuvenation of the female reproductive system) and an aphrodisiac. Essential oil of sage recommend to apply to those parts of the body, where the chakras - the energy centers of the human - to improve their work, and encourage the current of vital energy - prana. There are many other ways to use the essential oil of sage. Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome symptoms such as swelling and pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to mix 10 ml (2 tablespoons) of grape seed oil with three drops of essential oil, and twice a day for 5-10 minutes, rub this mixture into the solar plexus and abdomen.
If you spend much time on their feet, in the evening, take a warm bath and then rub in the foot and ankle mixture of 10 ml of soybean oil and four drops of essential oil of sage. Then lie on your bed or on the floor, lift your feet and relax in this position for ten minutes.
Essential oil of sage can be used for hair care
Hair Care - Take care of nutrition
- It makes them shine, strengthens the roots and nourishes the scalp. Mix eight drops of essential oil of sage with 30 ml of grape seed oil and three drops of wheat germ oil. Store the finished mixture in a bottle of dark glass with a tight lid. Before you wash your hair, massage for a few minutes, rub a small amount of money into the scalp. Then wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. If you are cut hair, it is possible to apply the product to the hair ends.
To prepare another means for hair care
Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
with sage, take four tablespoons of the herb, and two cups of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar should be poured into a small saucepan, heat on the stove almost to a boil, remove from heat, and add the sage. When the vinegar has cooled, strain it and pour it into a clean, dry bottle. Mix a quarter cup of vinegar with two cups of warm water and rinse your hair with this mixture after washing. Sage and vinegar give the hair shine and softness, and help get rid of dandruff
How to get rid of dandruff - the most effective means
Rinse mouth infusion of sage helps with bleeding gums and excessive salivation.
People suffering from insomnia, it is recommended before going to bed to put on the back of the neck two or three drops of essential oil of sage.
Bath with sage
Bath with sage is useful to take people suffering from severe stress, emotional stress, sleep problems, chronic fatigue and anxiety. Type in the full tub of warm water, add a few drops of essential oil of sage, and climb into the water. Immediately after a bath go to bed or go do something soothing - for example, crafts, reading, or just listen to music.
When you cough, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat and other problems with the respiratory tract recommended inhalation with essential oil of sage.
Admission sage
For colds, as well as sore throat, pharyngitis and laryngitis good help sage tablets for sucking. They are quite safe and rarely cause any side effects, but they are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of five years.
Sage tea with honey and lemon drink is recommended for the prevention of winter colds. The healing properties of sage to help strengthen the immune system and survive the fall and winter without illness. Experts recommend drinking sage is not constant, and the cycles of 2-4 weeks. You can then take a break for a few weeks, and again tea sage in a couple of weeks.
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